"With the impending closing of Flushing's municipal lot # 1 in the near future...are the Koreans beginning to exit the downtown area?
Are they being pushed out by Chinese developer Michael Lee and the TDC Rockefeller Group's "Flushing Commons" project to be built on this site?
As it is, the "Siloam Church" currently uses some (illegal) sidewalk space next to the Flushing Armory to accommodate some needs for parking.
With the closing of Muni Lot #1...this Korean church's days appear to be numbered.

I'm still they will still be using their fleets of "church buses" to run various non-church related activities, just like always.
Nice tax scam, guys.
I believe there is a historic building attached to it - one of the 19th century Quaker meeting buildings.
"I guess it's better sell off their prime piece of real estate...gain a bundle of cash...then use it to move and build themselves a new church somewhere else with ample parking space."
They'll probably move somewhere down northern boulevard near murray street.
I'm my building and the one across the street from me there are FOUR, YES FOUR, seperate functioning korean churches.
I'm my building and the one across the street from me there are FOUR, YES FOUR, seperate functioning korean tax shelters.
There's another Korean church for sale across from this one...on the north side of Northern Blv'd.
The property is advertised on a banner as an R6 zone.
It certainly looks like the Koreans are giving up to their Chinese conquerers!
Why then were the Koreans protesting so vehemently on how the (Chinese) Flushing Commons project would be ruining their businesses at all those CB#7 meetings if they were going to move anyway?
To hike up the concessions they would be getting from NYC...like more moving money to leave the area...naturally
The Korean businesses will be next to exit after the churches (if they're smart).
They never intended to fight against the final phase of completion of a Chinese colony in downtown Flushing.
Taiwanese interests are far too powerful for the Koreans to win out against them.
It was just all a show of limited force....saber rattling...for buying some additional time so they might be better prepared to move.
You're partially right and partially wrong Annon #3.
A lot of the Koreans near Murray St. DON'T actually own the buildings their businesses are located in.
Yes, there already are at least 4 major Korean Churches on the edge of Auburndale (within 4 blocks on Northern Blv'd.)
Word has it they'll be buying the vacant "reception House" building (if not already done) for another "religious" purpose.
But that area is actually LOSING Korean residents.
The total percentage of Asian population in the Broadway/Auburndale area comprises only about 12% !
At Sunday services at a lot of Korean churches...you'll see a lot of cars with New Jersey license plates.
They're not local worshipers.
Note the Broadway LIRR station has celadon Korean vase fragment art all over it.
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