Tipster Kara in Astoria sent us the above picture, with this note about the state of the snow removal in her neighborhood: "7 days after the storm, they keep sending trucks to scrape the bare street. Trying to overcompensate?"
The Gothamist link also contains a video showing DOS workers handshoveling out parked cars in Brooklyn (7 days after the storm) while a good number of them stand around and watch.
NYC authorities stupidity at its best. Why not pick up the mounds of trash instead?
I do hope there's no overtime for the scraping. More importantly, has anyone been to that bar? I've biked past a thousand times and keep meaning to pop in. I wouldn't go alone because I don't drink -- I'd rather be the one soda drinker among six boozers. :)
in the late 1950's,this bar sponsored an excellent senior basketball team in the newspaper"Star -Journal "league,in Queens.
i think the name was "killeen's"
i played for the Whitestone bar near the White House on 150street. our team won second place honors ,after being beat by the N.Y. Nationals at the L.I.C., "Y"
it was a close championship game.....
That's because Don Pietro "junior" Vallone wants to run for mayor some day...and shoveling bare streets is a good move to keep his district happy...and him in the limelight.
That's because Don Pietro "junior" Vallone wants to run for mayor some day...and shoveling bare streets is a good move to keep his district happy...and him in the limelight.
You got that right. That small enclave north of Astoria Blvd gets delux service - grafitti on your mailbox - gone in days after a call to ol Peta.
The rest of Astoria might be rotting but what the hell, he takes care of his 40 or so blocks.
But don't worry people, no one, but no one from that part of Queens ever gets anywhere. Like a fish out of water, they don't survive long in the big world.
Its happening in many neighborhoods- its not an "astoria" thing.
I've seen it in east elmhurst and in jackson heights. This morning two trucks were still scrapping asphalt. Yesterday, a sanitation truck parked at a corner to clean up four corners free of snow even though a path wide enough for two people has been open since last Saturday thanks to the warm weather.
My crazy theory into this is that the sanitation dept has to send plows -even through clear streets- in order to report that it did actually send trucks to clean the streets rather than admitting that the snow situation resolved itself due to the weather or other factors. If this was a massive storm, sanitation trucks would be scrapping asphalt until late june just to say they went through the forgotten corners of Queens in order to clean up.
Stop whining you fucking clueless yuppies and get out there and shovel out your fucking cars yourselves, you losers.
What are you waiting for? You whine about everything and you don't have ANY constructive interest in our neighborhoods after you squirm into them.
Losers, all of you. Go back to mommy and daddy in the suburbs.
My shop in Maspeth, Queens is in a common building with some 12 units running the full block.
The NYC Dept. of Health occupies 2 units.
Take a guess which 2 units didn't shovel their sidewalk whatsoever?
Parks did not shovel. DOT did not shovel. MTA did not shovel.
It's not so much as overcompensating as it is about overcompensation. These wonderful union members have been reported in many areas of the city scraping concrete and plowing asphalt especially last Sunday where you guessed - overtime pay is way up there.
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