Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hell Gate Bridge falling apart

From the Queens Gazette:

City Councilmember Peter F. Vallone Jr. is calling on Amtrak for immediate and permanent rehabilitation of the Hell Gate Bridge, recently rated the worst in Queens.

Since he first took office, Vallone has written numerous letters to Amtrak highlighting the need for structural updates, including a completely new paint job and cameras installed to prevent vandalism.

Most recently, a longtime Astoria resident called Vallone’s office for help after a five-foot piece of debris fell from the bridge into her backyard. “I heard a loud noise when it fell, it looks like a rubber hose. I’ve never seen anything like it,” the resident said. The resident said she often notices nuts, bolts and pieces of wood that have landed in her yard from the bridge and sets up a gazebo in the summer to protect against the falling objects.

The New York state Department of Transportation recently gave the Hell Gate Bridge the lowest rating in its scoring system after reviewing every bridge in Queens.

“Who knows what this thing is. Maybe it’s a necessary track safety device,” Vallone said. “Residents shouldn’t have to worry about whether these UFOs, Unidentified Falling Objects, came from aliens or Amtrak.”

8 comments: NOT! said...

Amber alert for Mr Vallone. Some of the comments, particularly from the asskissers makes it difficult to keep your lunch down.

Afterall, this is the crowd that claims they represent Astoria and cannot stand Xmas music on Steinway Street but think all the hookah places on that street are really neat.

Lino said...

that looks like a multiconductor (electrical) coupling between two rail cars.

It isn't likely part of the bridge.

BTW: When will the MTA deal with the worn 3rd rail just north of the Hoyt st. sta. Everytime a North bound train exits that station it showers molten metal from heavy arcing.

Hope Neptune Diner's roof is fire retardant.

KG2V said...

I was gonna say, that's an MU cable from between a pair of engines, not part of the bridge

Anonymous said...

Falling debris has been occurring for decades. I always wondered how homeowners next to it coped with this and previously kids throwing stuff down at the houses.

The homeowners and the City should team together to start a class action suit against Amtrack for failing to properly maintain this vital bridge.

Anonymous said...

The homeowners and the City should team together to start a class action suit against Amtrack for failing to properly maintain this vital bridge.

You have to be nuts to live under a major railroad viaduct - and consider yourself lucky cause in places like W Virginia several dozen train cars routinely fly off tracks mowing down anything in their path for 100s of yards.

Face up to the fact that its not a good move to live under a busy line and coupled with the pollution, and massive development, the Ditmars area is slipping badly as a disirable place to live.

Actually you sound a bit like the Tower People that move next to a trainyard in LIC and expect the Amtarck etc to turn off the engines so they can get their beauty sleep.

panzer65 said...

Seems that all rail infastructure in the city is being neglected...the el in Jamaica and Woodhaven is a rustbucket....the stone viaduct in Rockaway that carries the A train is crumbling...and the freight line of the Bay Ridge branch overpasses has some of the most disgusting properties under them..they dont even get snow cleared from them..let alone the bird calling cards!!!

Anonymous said...

Since we have devastating unemployment right now, how about putting people to work shoring up some of these decaying structures instead of just issuing free money? Work has dignity and usefulness to the community, it seems both industry and government have forgotten this.

ZeePeeGee said...

Seems that all rail infastructure in the city is being neglected...the el in Jamaica and Woodhaven is a rustbucket....the stone viaduct in Rockaway that carries the A train is crumbling...and the freight line of the Bay Ridge branch overpasses has some of the most disgusting properties under them..they dont even get snow cleared from them..let alone the bird calling cards!!!
