Mayor Bloomberg toured an enormous set of high-tech windmills anchored miles offshore here - and said Monday he wants to build the same thing off the Rockaways.
"It's pretty hard to find any reason against it," Bloomberg said after donning a bright orange suit and safety gear to see the 91 turbines slowly spinning above the ocean, where they make up the world's largest wind farm, generating 209 megawatts of power.
"We keep talking about green jobs and green energy. Here's a chance to really do something about it," the mayor said. "We think there will be enough interest and developers willing to put money in and actually going and building it."
The city is working with state agencies and utilities on a 700-megawatt set of windmills - more than three times the size of the one he toured. They'd be located about 15 miles off the Rockaways, barely visible from shore. Bloomberg's environmental team believes the farm could be up and running by 2015.
"To see it actually in operation reminds you that this is not science fiction," said Rohit Aggarwala, head of Bloomberg's environmental office, who also took the tour. "It's quite likely we'll see something like that in New York."
Wind turbines kill birds. (We know how much you hate them, though.)
Reasons against???? Hmmmm. Its ridiculously expensive and inefficient. Make NYers pay for your folly while you fly around in ur private jet (one of the 2 you own). Lets see some windmills in the Hamptons. I tend to doubt that I leave the 'carbon footprint' of a 6 bedroom 5 bath house with a heated pool that the Mayor takes his personal helicopter to.
Crapper, you and your cronies here are so transparent. You don't want wind power because it kills birds??? That's the best you can do??? If Bloomberg found a cure for cancer and wanted to give it away, you would somehow criticize it just because you don't like him.
Why didn't Ted Kennedy want these near his home?
I never said I didn't want wind power. I simply pointed out that it kills birds, and I thought we were supposed to be taking care of the land and air as well as the things that live in it. If killing 300,000 birds per year and spending billions of dollars to start this thing up is what is required in order to harness 2-3% of our energy from wind power, then by all means, let's do it!
Why doesn't he build this in Bermuda, the haven of finanicial crooks and their molls?
Oh, I see, you don't shit where you live....
"Crapper, you and your cronies here are so transparent. You don't want wind power because it kills birds??? That's the best you can do??? If Bloomberg found a cure for cancer and wanted to give it away, you would somehow criticize it just because you don't like him."
Instead of making an intelligent argument, why not just make one up?
I'll be your first victim - booooooo to people who cure cancer, booooooooo. I hate Bloomberg and peoole who cure cancer, boooooo.
Crapper, I love you man, but what's with this bird fetish already?
Yeah, the bird thing is a little odd. Is it costly and inefficient? That's a good reason to oppose it. But why carp about birds? How many airplanes kill birds a year? Should we stop flying? And commenters, who cares about the Hamptons or Bermuda? The question is, does it work for New York? And listen, I'm no Bloomberg apologist.
Nice point on the 2%-3%, Crapper.
My neighbor is a foreman with ConEd, tells me that Indian Point is always on and kicking in 15% of the NYC grid.
But let's build a windfarm at massive taxpayer expense using tons of rare-earth magnets for the dynamos, manufactured for an even more massive human and environmental expense in that emerald-sparkling shangra-la of universal humanity called China.
Then, let's equate Bloomberg with a cancer-curer. A new sight-giving, leper-healer savior for the now-Obama-godless Left.
But let's build a windfarm at massive taxpayer expense using tons of rare-earth magnets for the dynamos, manufactured for an even more massive human and environmental expense in that emerald-sparkling shangra-la of universal humanity called China.
Uh oh! I think they're catching on!
Actually, have respect for all life, not just birds. I always post stories about animals, who often times are victims of our technology. I don't feel embarrassed about that.
St. Francis of Aqueensi
All you need to know if that there is ZERO private capital without a government subsidy going into wind power. The amortized construction costs, maintenance costs, the intermittent availability of wind make it a MONEY PIT not only now, but in perpetuity. Let Bloomberg invest his own money in it without any subsidy if he thinks it is such a good idea, keep my taxes out of it.
Yes this would be better on land in upstate or Long Island. And it would be much better if this phony opportunist wasnt attaching his name to it. Wind power works in Arizona and the midwest because it barely interferes with the environment for one.
Doesnt bloomberg have some wonderful bankrupting schemes for NYC he can shell out instead? NO thats just around the corner and no one can actually join together from all different political views to impeach this failure. Its not an impossible thing to put on the table for Albany.
How expensive will it be to repair a broken windmill that is located many miles off the coast?
Should work great, as per trial hot air provided herein.
oh yeah bloombturd is at it again you know he'll have special interest in this too.. wake up people!!
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