State Sen. Hiram Monserrate has refused to cop a plea to charges of slashing his girlfriend with a broken glass - and will take his chances in court Monday.
Sources close to the case say Monserrate rejected an offer from Queens prosecutors to plead guilty to a misdemeanor count of reckless assault.
Had he accepted that offer, Monserrate would be able to keep his Senate seat and avoid serious jail time.
If a jury finds him guilty on any of three counts of felony assault, the freshman senator and former cop faces seven years in prison and would automatically lose his seat.
UPDATE: He's opted for a bench trial!
I can't wait to see the tape.
Good. He's going to jail I hope
Why couldn't he stick to grafting like a normal politician and leave the sharp objects alone?
DA Brown will likely attempt another fake, last minute "Gallagher" plea in order to let this misogynist off and keep the senate in the hands of the Democrats.
What will you do if Brown pulls it off?
Nothing will happen to this creep. He is above the law. This criminal will walk away. So Sad!
Rat in a Box:
He better go to jail. I am sick of politicians getting away with breaking the law. Our justice system at work.
Gonna get nothin...and ther ewont be any video.
The court put the Sliwa/Agnello, Victoria & momma Gotta, Jimmy Cheese mafia case acroos the hall.
No doubt it was done this way take all the attention away.
The media is well paid for this time of year to boot
DA Brown will likely attempt another fake, last minute "Gallagher" plea in order to let this misogynist off and keep the senate in the hands of the Democrats.
I don't see how he can get a sweeter deal after the trial starts and all the testimony and evidence goes into the public record. The time to take a plea has passed. Does he really think he can get a "Not Guilty on all counts" verdict in a non-jury trial?
bench trial - smart move - it'll be all about the law and facts and not spin. trial should be over in a week.
I'm sure he has the judge all picked out and ready to cut him loose. No wonder he didn't want a trial by jury. The fix is in -- he'll be a free man.
I can see "da rat" getting gang buggered in the shower room.
A new fish always goes through such an initiation in prison.
Let's hope justice is served.
I hope that this judge was not appointed by the Democratic machine because we all know how that works.....Hiram will be back in time for the next Holiday party.
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