Southeast Queens civic leaders and parks advocates are slamming City Council candidate Jacques Leandre and state Assemblywoman Michelle Titus (D-Far Rockaway) for allegedly allowing a wild party to take place at Brookville Park during an outdoor family day event they sponsored two weeks ago.
A tent was set up in the park advertising an open bar for ladies, hard liquor was given away to dozens of participants and several empty bottles and trash were left behind the next morning, according to Kress.
“The debris field was one square block. I’ve never seen something like this in the park,” he said.
Among the garbage left at the park were sexually suggestive pamphlets with color photos of scantily clad women. It was not known who exactly set up the tent and sold the alcohol, according to the Parks Department.
“It’s so disturbing to see them not respect our community,” said Laurelton community activist Barbara Morris.
Look at who the "constituents" are...................
If that's how they show respect for their constituents, voters should now know how these candidates will treat them if elected.
Vote for the opponents.
Just imagine if the local community board is called the community bar as CB3 = East Village Lower East Side is because the chair David McWater owns so many bars in the E. Village.
There are bar crawls that resemble the 2nd season of True Blood. Some involve bar crawls dressing like Santa Claus and the drunk Santas end up in Tompkins Square Park behaving in ways that have traumatized children unfortunate to witness very drunk Santas.
Is your community board chair going to profit from Bar Crawls?
From Bloomberg to the Lower East side it is one big corrupt conflict of interest including NYU wheelings and dealings with Amanda socialite mega millionaire city planner acting like she is on the board of Cooper Union and NYU. Ditto for Columbia University where the entire neighborhood called Manhattanville is suppose to move in an eminent domain abuse case.
I imagine Burden will be pres. of one of this Universities after she is done destroying the city and displacing as many middle and poor New Yorkers as possible.
Mike Bloomberg pushes nightlife and the city is a scary mess in way too many ways unless you are a rich greedy developer despite what his phony ads say.
Now you know why Far Rockaway has the highest crime rate
It used to be a nice safe haven and low income housing for working (white) people many years ago
Looks like Dutch Kills Park after a Bangladeshi festival.
Naw, more like Vibrant! Diverse! Flushing Meadows after some Andean Independence Day event.
How about Athens Square pretty much all the time?
Why do illegal immigrants throw garbage in the streets, parks, et?
Well, not only illegal, but from other cultures.
1. Tropical areas have heavy rain and the stuff just sinks into the mud.
2. Tradtional cultures are fatalistic. I used to have a knot of Middle Eastern men who, on the way to a makeshift mosque, ask me why I was shoveling snow - it was going to melt anyway.
3. Queens is a waystation to something else. No one is an ignorant peasant anymore (well excepting the old Greek/Italians in Astoria) and they know that housing/schools etc is better elsewhere, or, they take their money back home and live like kings.
Id rather get free liquor and false promises than just false promises.
This same sort of thing had been going on in Highland Park for over 20 years when I lived in Ridgewood.
Back then it was only Sundays and rather harmless PR familys. You could even drink beer with them
Now FORGET IT. It’s common to see 2 police cars babysitting the "Fiestas" in the woods around the parking lot every weekend
About 3 Saturdays ago it was so unmanageable It took me 20 minutes to reach the interborough parkway east ramp.
Sirens, paramedics, Hammicks and flags tied to the trees, cungas banging, fights, drunks getting hit by cars.
It reminded me of getting lost near Los Angelos airport on a hot Friday night -first of the month.
All it needed was the gunshots and helecopters.
Vote for the opponents.
Do they have opponents?
They do not have opponents. Michele Titus keeps knocking them off the ballot so she can run unopposed.
And sadly, most black voters only vote Democrat.
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