Many bosses reward hard-working employees with a pat on the back. Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg can build monuments to them.
The mayor, a billionaire, has quietly given at least $1 million to stamp the name of his most trusted deputy at City Hall on a new academic center at her alma mater, Franklin & Marshall College in Lancaster, Pa., according to two people familiar with the arrangement.
The unusual gift, in honor of Patricia E. Harris, the first deputy mayor, highlights what many say is the hidden glue that helps keep Mr. Bloomberg’s extraordinarily loyal, long-serving administration together: the mayor’s money, or at least the promise of it.
Mr. Bloomberg is famous for doling out eye-popping bonuses to staff members on his campaigns, referring sick workers to top doctors, even paying for the large funeral of a City Hall aide. In return, he expects absolute fealty.
In other words, since he has no talent for leadership, and no social skills, this boring, humorless dwarf has to buy loyalty from people who themselves have nothing to offer but $lavi$h loyalty and craven obedience.
Here is one in a long series on Bloomberg of me asking Is Democracy for Sale? Here I am in process of painting mike's portrait which would become my political poster lampooning him with that very question over his crown with red white and blue gems and stating No Third Term!!!
He bought sellout Wolfson his new pitbull. How does Wolfson look himself in the mirror when he shaves each morning?
Shouldn't it bother Bloombucks that the only reason his inner circle supports him is because he PAYS them to? Is that true loyalty? He's an intelligent man. I wonder if he knows the difference.
That's the first nice thing I heard about him. As far as renaming things while there is a fiscal crisis--no way no how. Save the money for hospitals, schools, transporation and repairs.
But a man who pays for staff funerals and refers them to good doctors has every right to expect loyalty. More bosses should copy his example.
Boy...does she ever look like the shopworn slut of Der Mayor.
Maybe Mayor Mike really has a teenie-weenie just like Bernie Madoff is supposed to have.
I guess his big bucks can compensate for that.
Patricia to Mike:
"Is it in yet"?
Meaning...has your check cleared?
"Maybe Mayor Mike really has a teenie-weenie just like Bernie Madoff is supposed to have."
You know what?? That's gotta be it! That's why he became so successful. He needed to make up for something. Maybe that's why he's divorced. His tiny weiner just wasn't worth it anymore.
Vote Bloombitty OUT OF OFFICE!!!!!!!!!
Hey Crappy,
I feel really helpless :(
Just about everything I hear about the democratic candidates for mayor, and everything I hear criticizing Bloomberg, comes from the internet.
I think a good chunk of working class, older adult NY'ers, don't frequent the internet, let alone these specific blogs. And I think those people are going to have a big hand in who wins the election.
I have no money do donate to Fed Up NY'ers, seriously. I want to donate time, but no one seems to be offering that option. Why isn't there a grassroots movement on the streets?
I'm looking into volunteering for Thompson's campaign but his volunteer form does not have a place for me it seems: http://www.thompson2009.com/page/s/volunteer
Why does my race and occupation/education matter?
Avella's form seems less agenda driven: http://www.tonyavellaformayor.com/get-involved
But if he doesn't win the primary, I would still volunteer my time to Thompson, but I don't know if that's ok?
I'm not even a model citizen (I'm young, white, and on disability) :/ I'm afraid if I speak out on my own I'll do more harm than good?
I'm at a loss. If you've got any suggestions as to how to get involved offline, I'd really appreciate it.
Anonymous said:
Just about everything I hear about the democratic candidates for mayor, and everything I hear criticizing Bloomberg, comes from the internet.
I have seen more than a few letters to the editor in the Daily News from New Yorkers who are apparently on the same page as those of us who follow this blog -- who knock Bloombucks for all the right reasons. So there is some hope for kicking him out in November.
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