Thank you, Bloomberg administration, with special props to the NYC Department of Buildings, for generally not giving a shit about the safety and quality-of-life of the people who live around this site, either. Not to mention our neighborhood history and landmarks.
Isn't it also great that Councilman Dennis Gallagher became close friends with the owners of this site? Look at what their neglect has brought to the community. Great job, Pinky! Keep up the great work.
This is fantastic. Thank you, Crappy for documenting this DOB indifference. The St. Saviour's story is so tragic, and I am glad someone is chronicling it so that the world can see how the Bloomberg administration treats Queens.
Absolutely disgusting.
somebody could've been walking along that sidewalk at the time.
I can't believe this what I see? What is going to take to stop these folks, a resident getting injured or killed?
Where are the ambulance chasers - they should be swarming this place or are they the owners?
Once again vandalism perpetrated by the animals in this neighborhood is blamed on the developers. The developers clean this site and try to upkeep the site multiple times a week. I see them there all the time. It's the "community" that needs to take some responsibility for what's happening around us. Grow up and stop blaming everybody else.
I couldn't help but notice that KD Holding Company came up in my statcounter around the time the last comment was submitted. Is the developer referring to the neighbors of St. Saviour's as "animals"? Hmmm...
Kushnik, Dafna, Gallagher, select employees of Maspeth Federal Savings, Tierney, Betts, LPC staff, Katz, & Gloomie & Co are selfish, greedy, and inhumane. They don't deserve to step a foot in this city after their crimes in their communities and public office, respectively.
Maybe we can take a vote and raise a big stink after its demolished.
I see how the property owner got the "grandfather" fence down to boot. I wonder who was the inspector on sail boat rigging.
Note anonymous's comment starting to seed "animals from this neighborhood"
I have no doubt Arson is now the next backup plan on this sight.
Sure, they can get the same clueless Polish guy from the Greenpoint blaze to take the fall.
Yeah, Julie, maybe he can strip some copper wire out of a 160 yr old redwood church.
So let me get this bullshit straight...
Greedy foreign developers buy a historic church, desecrate it, desecrate the neighborhood, get a corrupt local hack councilman to support their plan, and on top of that, they call the local working class people animals and vandals? Are you fucking kidding me?
Does anyone know how to contact the A-Team?
Hey, how's the Indian bones burial angle panning out? Any updates here?
Im most cases Israelis (like the property owners here)don’t give a dam about anything. They are very aggressive, forceful and not afraid of paying fines to get the job done.
They also use the cheapest labor they can get.
For an example see
Israeli chutzpah equals greed!
Same f-----g thing !
They shit all over us here with
the cheapest development projects
they can ram up our asses.
BUT in their OWN homeland they build fences
to keep out what they consider "riff raff".
What a load of goniff/hypocrites!
Hey, Crappie, any word on the progress that our fellow comrads in arms at HDC and the Conservency and what ever the hell else that have become 'energized' at this last minute?
It was my car that was damaged, I called the company they said they dont give a shit about it
stop complaining! the owners are not greedy foreigners... they're just business men! if you all loved you church so much, you should have never sold it to the koreans! if you love your church so much the community should have come together and bought the church instead of protesting, stopping demolishing and cleaning... this has been going on for how long now? over a year! and your "beloved" church is rotting away(because when the "greedy" owners went to board up the windows to stop rain from entering, protesters got all upset and took pictures and made phone calls) just shut up already!! its been denied to be a historic property! get over it and let them start working!!!
"your "beloved" church is rotting away(because when the "greedy" owners went to board up the windows to stop rain from entering, protesters got all upset and took pictures and made phone calls) just shut up already!!"
Since when do you have to remove windows to board them up?
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