However, he has reservations about it today. He said that eight years is not really long enough, considering the time it takes to gain experience, especially in dealing with the city budget process.
Term limits affect borough's elected officials
Read the last paragraph of his February letter. He's changed his mind about term limits quickly, hasn't he?
This lying, treacherous, pink panty-wearing elf-sized drunk is clear proof of the need for term-limits.
Cheesy creeps like Pinky would simply never go away if it weren't for the salvation of Term Limits - which the lying lapdancer pushed early in his miserable blight on the council district.
So, why the flip-flop little girly-boy? No lobbying jobs for chiselers who fleece local merchants?
Get sober; get off the drugs; get away from the ladies; get lost!
The Pink Panther is his name. Lying through his teeth is his game. He can't even keep track of his own lies.
Of course Pinky believes in term limits. Just not for himself.
I guess 5 1/2 years hasn't been long enough for Pinky to introduce his first bill.
Oh yes he's pink
He drinks
He's such a dirty rat bastard fink
But then he thinks...
Maybe if I see a shrink
They won't throw me in the clink!
Has he paid the damn hardware bill yet? I bet he's stiffed a LOT more people.
STIFFED is the word the girls use around the office for what he's done to them. As Mel Brooks says, "It's good to be the king."
I hate that pink bastard and anyone associated with him. Hear that Crapalaga?
So what? Are we not supposed to change our minds? This article is ridiculous. That’s probably why I am only the second comment.
(Of course if you post it I will be.)
"So what? Are we not supposed to change our minds? This article is ridiculous. That’s probably why I am only the second comment"
-'Flip-flopping' is is sign of incompetence and lack of leadership. Just ask that punk John Kerry.
-The letter and the article were written a few months apart, not years apart. How often is it ok for Gallagher to change his mind - whenever it benefits him, I suppose?
-You are the 9th comment.
-Tell your friend Dennis to pay his bills.
If we elected smarter people then it would not take a decade to understand the budget process.
whoops, brains is considered a liability in politics.
Anonymous said:
"If we elected smarter people then it would not take a decade to understand the budget process.
whoops, brains is considered a liability in politics."
The only "budget" process this deadbeat wants to know is this: "If a developer wants to violate a code, how many dollars can I extract from him to smooth things over with DOB and Bloomberg?"
As for "stiffing" from this cheap chiseling grifter, his pink panties are way too tight to allow for anything more than an elf-sized woody for him to get his hands on for a stranglehold.
Question is: who does he allow to get the stranglehold? His boys, or his girls? Or, is Pinky a self-starter?
I'll tell you what Pinky is in favor of:
He favors "open" marriage
He favors lobby envelopes stuffed with "cabbage"
He favors better public relations through libations
He favors unscrupulous lawyers
He favors employee exploration
He favors staff motivation through pharmaceuticals
He favors cannabis entrepreneurship
He favors overweight big mouth friends
He favors freedom of stripper expression
He favors GI Joe lying vet to do his bidding
He favors funds disguised as charitable organizations
He favors breasts over thighs
"He favors breasts over thighs"
Hey Max, doesn't he also prefer dark meat to white?
I think the councilman is right.It takes a really long time to get the hang of whatever duties he's trying to perform at city hall and our, I mean, his district office.
Let me give you know it all's an example. It took me a really long time to get the hang of the duty I have to perform. But practice makes perfect, and there are no complaints. I don't even get cuts from the zipper anymore.
Dennis Gallagher should be investigated by the FBI. We have all seen what he has done, but just need a confirmation from the higher-ups to make it official. He oughtta be locked up with the key thrown away. This is one of his many malicious acts.
Forget about term "Pinky's" case.......if I were his mother...... I'd support retroactive abortion !!!!
Gallagher is an ugly man both in and out.
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