Melinda: Love the wind-tousled 'do.
Tony: Classic and classy.
Helen #1: Darker colors may be more figure flattering.
Helen #2: Yes, this is about a memorial, but it's not a funeral.
John: What's with the boutonniere? And what happened to your tie?
Dennis: Did they have to drag you kicking and screaming out of O'Neill's for this?
Photos courtesy of Patrick H.
Eric: "What the... WHY AM I NOT IN THESE SHOTS????"
Can't Gallagher even crack a smile? Maybe these vets found out he lied to them.
Katz looks like she's ready to go coach high school girl's field hockey. The satin jacket over the undershirt really completes the look.
The only people who are well dressed in these photos are the vets themselves. They have done 10 times more for our country than any asshole politician ever could. God Bless real vets, screw the political assholes!
Katz looks hot.
[Ssshh!...I'm dumping Trixie.]
She's a classier courtesan.
It looks as if Pinky wore the same shirt and pants during the Sunday concert at Juniper. Either nothing else fits, Donna no longer does his laundry, or egads, this homely twerp thinks he looks good in this outfit. Anyone have a photo from Sunday to confirm?
Body Language never lies (Pinky never doesn't lie). Observe Pinky leaning away from Toro.
He knows that Toro knows all about the Juniper Park Memorial lie. But, neither is a man of enough integrity to undo the lie.
That pink dude needs to lay off the booze.
The lighter colors accentuate Pinky Galalgher’s bulges. Does that jerk have any fashion sense whatsoever? What a lump of shit!
George if you think Katz is hot then you need a one way ticket to skanksville.
Donna refuses to do Gallagher's laundry that's why you see him in the same pants in almost every shot. The guy's a low life pig. His wife got wise to him years ago and dumped him for a few flings on the side.
He cried and begged her not to leave him. She didn't but still carries on with a guy on the side. Can you blame her?
Oh my, a boutonniere on Johnny Liu. Just like his boar friend, Gary Ackerman!
"Pinky" is a pig....so he dresses like one!
(Not to insult "Porky Pig"....who is also pink and one of my favorite cartoon characters)!
Did you really mean "boy friend".....referring to Liu & Ackerman ?
I meant BOAR as in PIG. I don't know if Johnny and Gary are that close.
Yes, it can be confirmed that Pinky was in the same outfit for the entire weekend. Check out the Middle Village Maspeth Civic Association website under news events -- you will need to scroll down to the end of the blurb to view the photo. There is a picture of Pinky and the gang at the concert on Sunday.
One could only hope and pray that Pinky at least changed his underwear.
It's amazing what a lack of taste Gallagher has in clothes. First of all they don't fit him, second the colors are way too light, makes his head even more pink. Third, he should at least put on a tie out of respect for the event. Of course his ties look like rejects from the Salvation Army thrift store but that's another story.
Were both events held on the same day?
The veterans event was held on Saturday June 9th. The concert was Sunday June 10th.
I think it's just Pinkys way of covering his booze breath with the wonderful aroma of stale clothing.
I wouldn't be so quick to say that Gallagher wears the same clothes everyday. He may be like Superman when you look in his closet he has several of the same colored outfits.
No it was the same outfit, the beer and love stains were still on his pants. Kerri can get a little sloppy you know from popping all those pills and smoking those joints.
Hold the phone...is he using Grecian Formula or Just for Men on that pathetic moustache of his?
Someone needs to call Jenny Craig for the Pinkster.
Trixie has a better shot with Melinda than you do, George. A much better shot. [wink]
This is becoming stomach turning. A quick random look at the photos published on the mvmca.org website on Pumpkin Fall Festival. There is clearly a photo of Stinky Pinky wearing these offending white pants. Let's just put aside his horrible sense of Fall fashion by wearing white after Labor Day while sporting a pink head. I am truly praying this time those pants have been cleaned between the festival and the concert.
You will need to go to 2006 Archives to find the photo.
Can anyone out there in Crapland cull other photos such as Times News Weekly or other published events showing these pants that by now must be able to stand on their own.
Katz Sucks said...
"George if you think Katz is hot then you need a one way ticket to skanksville."
That one way ticket will bring you right up to 104-01 Metropolitan Ave.
Melinda-san the Geisha with the outie, rules as Queen Skank. She's found atop Pinky, doing something.
I'd love to get my "licorice stick" and play the Clarinet Polka for Melinda...Gabeesh, kiddies?...She's one hot fox!...I've got her Geisha-outie-little boobies photo taped to my monitor...[sigh]..Thanks Crapper for posting even more views of my Beloved Pin-up...I've taken my old Betty Grable down.
Looks like Pinky is using the MVMCA to sell porn, just like he did at CtK:
Here he is at the concert (see link above) Same outfit. His own buffoons were stupid enough to post this photo on their website.
Where are all the people? This wasn't taken during set up.
Say...what is Pinky Gallagher doing back there anyway? Looks mighty suspicious. Hey Crapper can you zoom in on Pinky to reveal the truth?
I wouldn't mind visiting Melinda and yes I agree that George The Atheist doesn't have a prayer if you get my drift.
And George if you want to see a real woman visit my ad in the Queens Tribune [even though Michael put it in a bad spot this month].
Christ Almighty, this daily wearing of the powder blue & white dockers now resembles the Bill Murray role in Groundhog Day. Every day Pinky wakes up to the sounds of Sonny & Cher warbling "I got you Babe" and dons his "uniform."
Hey Crapper the phony Dennis Gallagher civic's porno blog is down. Crapper strikes again!
where's jake "the cellar" lacrapa?
WTF, who's that guy with the belly, the dark moustache with his arm around the kid? Yikes!
Notice how ill at ease the kid looks. The only one who does. Smart young fella.
hey maybe margret can press his pants. someone should tell her that pinky is a loser who has taken her husband down.
Man, is that guy Gallagher pink or what? It's like he's from another galaxy. He belongs in the bar scene of Star Wars.
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