Thursday, June 29, 2023

Pizza rat

NY Post

Don’t slice me up!

The lawmaker responsible for passing the 2015 law requiring pollutant-spewing coal-and-wood-fired pizzerias to dramatically curb emissions said Mayor Eric Adams should enforce the controversial edict. 

That would be Queens Borough President Donovan Richards, who was then a councilman who authored the bill.

“Tell the pizza lobby please don’t slice me up. I’m not trying to take their dough. I want them to be able to roll longer,” Richards quipped.

More seriously and lost in the furor, he said, is that pizzeria workers and owners — as well as pie-loving customers — are breathing unhealthy particulate matter every day.

“We’re talking about the wildfires and bad air from Canada? Workers with these coal-and wood-oven fired pizzerias are breathing in a wildfire every day,” Richards said.

He said the City Hall and the Department of Small Business Services should help impacted pizzerias comply with the rule, which requires the installation of air filtration devices to slash particulate emissions up to 75%.

“We’re not trying to take away a slice from the business. We’re not trying to put people out of business,” Richards said.


Anonymous said...

Comming for your gas stoves and boilers next !

Anonymous said...

We all can save the World by lowering our AC's one degree and not mow our lawns every May !

Anonymous said...

This is more ESG environmental social Climate BS from the left !

Anonymous said...

Greta said...
We must protect our Planet, No More Pizza !

Anonymous said...

Thanks dumbocrats. Who wants to eat pizza that they can just make at home? I guess the pizzeria industry will now die

Anonymous said...

People who are unhappy with this law should find their nearest coal-fired pizza house and suck all those fumes into their lung for 6 hours.

NPC_transportation said...

What a great idea! This will reduce "CO2 emissions" (which are harmless anyway) by perhaps 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002%, or the equivalent of five seconds of Biden's next NYC motorcade. Another genius plan by our Progressive betters!

Anonymous said...

"They" have gone too far....
​It’s always darkest before the dawn

Anonymous said...

Climate Zealots doing what they do best !

"Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe"
Theodore Roosevelt

Anonymous said...

Would someone please let the climate nuts know that wood is carbon neutral.

Anonymous said...

This wouldn't be happing if JOHN GOTTI was still around!

Anonymous said...

It is not about pizza it is about slowly taking your rights away.

Anonymous said...

Next they'll come after our-a spaghett!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Give me pizza or give me Florida.

Anonymous said...

Dirty elected gavones trying to shake us down !

Anonymous said...

@"Would someone please let the climate nuts know that wood is carbon neutral."

This has little to do with climate change, and more to do with allowing people to have clean air to breath. Something that right wing nuts like yourself and NPC_doofus don't seem to like.

I've got a car exhaust pipe that both of you should suck on for a few hours.

Joe said...

Comming for your gas stoves and boilers next !

YEP, they sure will be. Diesel trucks, locomotives and gas cars too
I love the bullshit story about how much more efficient the heat pumps you see popping out the side of building are.
That's bullshit, they are nothing more the electric air conditioners with valves that can make them run in reverse.
Tripling the efficiency on what is shit reciprocating sealed piston compressors & fans at 6% efficiency is still shit (or18%) But they are so pleased to brag the "tripled efficiency. Its all a sales gimmick, feed the 95% or so of the population technically challenged (including Bidon and AOC) shit wile calling it a meal.

Here is why:
A gallon of heating oil gets you 138,500 Btu of heat in the boiler and costs around $2.85 no tax red dye for home heating oil, (its not transportation Diesel at the gas station) pay the delivery man cash and DONE. It goes in the tank you conserve, save use it as you need, where you need it.

1 kilowatt of NYC electric cost you near .50 cents when you add the insane delivery fees Con Ed charges, a 100% efficient heat pump (that don't exists) will still only get you 3,412 BTUs out of that 1 kilowatt of electric
To get 138,500 BTUs (equal to one gallon oil) you need near 50 kilowatts at 50 cents each = cost you $25.00 not including half NYS@ +4% sales tax vig !!!

These heat pumps are bullshit, Con Ed and NY State is in bed with this scheme to ram more shit down out throats.
Heat pumps may be good in France, Germany, Sweden where electric is funded by socialism, buyer only pays the first 2 cents a kilowatt but NOT HERE.

People forget, most don't understand the electric and gas bill, I will put it simple

The dam delivery fee (Con Eds vig on each KW hour) is near 2X what each kilowatt costs, now add the NYS tax and surcharges, now add $15 or so a month just to be in the game to have the service and meter if you use it or not.

Here is another interesting thing I found:
1 Gallon of diesel in my generator can generate 10 kilowatts and provide near 200,000 BTUs of hot 200 degree water.
I was using it to not only run the house AC for an hour and cool everything down, but also clean, 1HP pump filter and heat the big in ground swimming pool up for party's in Mattituck.
It cost me only $2.85 to create and use all that heat and energy.


Anonymous said...

Joe making sense again using facts and logic, thanks...

Anonymous said...


As you love fumes so much, You should suck on the exhaust pipe of the next diesel truck you see.
Right after you and Angry Zoe come out from your weekly KKK meetup.

Joe said...

""Joe making sense again using facts and logic, thanks""

Thanks! Its a dam shame how many dumb ass sheeple live and vote in this city and how easly they are minipulated.

I spoke with one of the NYC FD pyro inspectors. They are breaking Disney and Macys balls and want to come for the traditional Jult 4th Macys East River Fireworks. --so enjoy them wile you still can.

They wanna replace pyro with Chinese drones that run off software, to haul and lift LED lights, LED curtains.
Yea, replace gunpowder, black powder and salts with 600 flying lithium ion battery drones.
That sure would get interesting when a hacker gets into the wireless frequencys, hijacks and turns them into missles.
Im sure the jackasses will say "Oh no that cant happen"
These progressives are total stupid lunatics.
Screw them, I have a box of stuff, I spent near $1000 this year to spite the bastards.
Happy 4th !


Anonymous said...

Pizza is for communists!
Prove me wrong…

Anonymous said...

NOW you New Yorker's get it! The Commies are coming after you food.

Anonymous said...


Speaking to "NYC FD pyro inspectors." after eating a load of magic mushrooms, is not really a real thing.

When you say "NYC FD", do you really mean FDNY ?

Just curious what country you are posting from, because you sure aren't a New Yorker.

Anonymous said...

The Climate Hoaxers generation!

Anonymous said...

The trolls love Joe like a uncle !

Joe said...

"you sure aren't a New Yorker"

I usually ignore the Woke & stupid but feel its too good to resist, it is also proof why people need to vote right.
You should dont want peopl like this running the city or educating your children grandchildren etc.

Anonymous Woke couldn’t be more wrong, is either young and stupid or the one not from New York.

My familys been here in NYC 3 generations, and near 4 on my mothers side. My relitives, master craftsmen were part of building this city including some of those brick pizza and bread ovens.
Both Great grandfather and Grandfather were NYC Firemen, so was Uncle Joe. Ladder 204 in Brooklyn, down by the bridge. In the 60s I was like a kid in a massive candy store around that firehouse, slide down the pole, and climb on the trucks and ring the bells act.
Grandpa Gus (mothers side) and Uncle Joe fought the famous USS Constellations fire. The ship was under sloppy Construction and had pipes of acetalyne and drums of Kerosine everyware.
Those two saved a lot of people. Trapped as the top deck went full blaze, so hot it warped the 4 inch steel flight deck, they got trapped and went DOWN into the ship and somehow got a hold of some torches, cut a hole in the hull, my mom and I saw them on TV swimming in the east river.
Anyway both got smoke pneumonia, in hospital for weeks and almost died.

In those days, evebody called "City Firemen" "City FD" "NYC-FD" They also used the term "Transit Authoriety" (not MTA) That's what real New Yorkers grew up on. Ask anbody born befor 1960 or so.
The term FDNY is a recent bullshit PC term made up by Dinkins or Bloomberg. As usuall, anything to erase America including NYC history and culture.
I refuse to recognise City Hall, Mayors Office of Media PC correct bullshit lingo, Renaming bridges ect.
No surrender !!!

You dont get more NYC then myself you a'O
Grandpa was 6'4 and would piss in you Cheerios, so would I.


Joe said...

Correction, Grampas helmut says 104 as in Engine 221 Hook & Ladder 104, South 2nd Street Brooklyn.
