From the Daily News:
Mayor Bloomberg wants to build a new New Amsterdam in the East River to protect Lower Manhattan from future superstorms — so naturally, he’s going Dutch.
City Hall has just selected Arcadis, an Amsterdam-based engineering firm, to study whether Hizzoner’s so-called “Seaport City” is even doable.
In May, the mayor unveiled a plan to build a neighborhood on acres of levees stretching south from the Brooklyn Bridge to the Battery.
Now, Arcadis and other experts must determine if this unorthodox “Battery Park City East” is technically, financially and environmentally feasible.
Building the landfill alone, to say nothing of the residential towers of the gleaming Seaport City, is expected to cost billions — by far the largest of the mayor’s post-Sandy projects to reform the waterfront.
But a big vision is required for a big undertaking, the mayor’s “Sandy czar” said.
Dude, you're leaving in less than 3 months. Stick to tree planting and stop wasting money.
Der Gloomberg will be gone soon, and so will his "big" plans--UNLESS--he wants to personally pay for them.
The problem is most of lower Manhattan is landfill: Battery Park, WFC, WTC. Understand, Castle Clinton/Garden was once an Island Fort that housed immigrants before Ellis Island was built.
Don't forget all of Robert Moses landfill all over Flushing! Better to just put pre-1920 geological survey maps online so we know if we really are on land or landfill. Remember Kobe, Japan? Landfill liquefies!
Relax guys. Soon all our problems will be solved when we get Duh Blazio. I'm sure crime will stay down, and businesses will just flock here and gladly pay all the taxes he demands, and all will be great. I'm sure we're not going back to the bad old days of Beame-Koch-Dinkins, right? We're so lucky!!
Hey, as long as the place is vibrant and diverse.
And hey, anon 3, how could you leave out Lindsay?
No it's Koch-Giuliani-Bloomberg v Beame-Dinkins-diBlasio. Koch elected Giuliani and Bloomberg to avenge his own defeat.
If diblasio gets into office, we will be headed for a major impact! You will see even more illegals on the road, DMV lines will be even twice as long as what they are now and crime will go up in this city! As much as I hate Bloomdick....I hate diblasios policies too!!
This city will look even more crappy than it does now and you will see the illegals and foreigners throwing the "middle income" new yorkers out of this city! New york is becoming a huge pile of garbage and the only winners in this city are the poor and the rich and the people who rent their houses out through their so called "churches". I can't wait to leave new York shitty!
Having a benign Di Blasio at the helm is better than having a malignant Bloomberg or Quinn administration steering NYC onto the rocks.
Learn to be grateful for something, otherwise live out your life as a groaning malcontent.
Maybe you should consider a move to Toronto.
Yes, Di Blasio is blase...but we'll be able to breathe for awhile.
The Dutch engineers have been fighting back the sea forever - NO ONE is as knowledgeable as they in these matters. If we had used their technology in New Orleans years ago like we were supposed to (but did not want to finance) the disaster would not have been anywhere near what it was. This is a smart move . . .
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