From the Times Ledger:
The Ridgewood Theater’s current owner is marketing the landmarked building as the possible site of a concert venue, according to a source.
A spokesman for CPEX, a Brooklyn-based real estate firm working closely with the current owner, said that since the building is already configured as a theater, it would be good to reach out to event space and theater operators.
But he said the real estate firm would listen to all proposals permitted by the zoning.
“We have been marking the property for a little over a month and since then have had a lot of interest,” said the spokesman for the building, at 55-27 Myrtle Ave. “We have walked a few parties through the space and we have a few more walkthroughs over the next few weeks and we are waiting on letters of intent from a few people.”
Proponents of the Ridgewood Theater, shuttered since 2008, achieved a milestone in 2010 when the facade of the building and the marquee received landmark status, but the battle rages on over the interior. In 2010, rumors swirled that the ground level would be transformed into a supermarket, but that never came to fruition.
The Chinese supermarket ("L&L") that occupied the former "Quartet Theater" on Northern B'lvd. in Flushing has been closed leaving that building vacant.
I guess that supermarkets aren't a very good alternative use for former theaters anymore.
The Ridgewood will remain unrented for years...
just like the Quartet was.
I'll bet that it eventually winds up
being carved up into a warren of 99 cent stores.
Maybe MP can perform his act there...LOL!
Guaranteed that some fly by night religious sect will take the space.
Like which religious group...some Iglesia?
This is Ridgewood...not Flushing...where every empty building gets a Korean church.
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