"While riding my bike today, low and behold, garbage all on the sidewalks of the abandoned playground at the corner of 171st St & 109th Ave. Garbage included a car baby seat with a bag of garbage in it. Very classy Jamaica.
But what amazed me more than the typical garbage on the sidewalks were about 20-30 abandoned vehicles without license plates all over 171st Street between Liberty Avenue and 109th Avenue and along Liberty Avenue between 171st & 170th St. This stretch is actually a residential area. I am sure if you look even further there would be more all around Jamaica. All of these vehicles have no license plates and many of them are covered with all the same grey tarp covering them. When I asked someone who lived on 171st Street about them, he said he had no idea what was the deal with these cars but said they had been there for months. For months and no one knew anything about this. There are several auto shops all along Liberty Avenue and Merrick Blvd, hint, hint.
Let's see Jamaica is not only a huge damn garbage dump, a high crime area, cheap low class apartments with violations galore, garbage strewn vacant lots, dirty city parks, some of the most low class, dirty, disgusting residents, but now it also a junkyard for cars. By the way, on the one corner of 171st, a huge car bumper just laying there.
Every time you think Jamaica can not get any more low class and shitty looking, it re-invents itself to look even more low class and shitty looking.
Speaks volumes of the leadership of Jamaica or the lack of!!"
Joe Moretti
Jamaica ,Queens N.Y. ,the clone of "NO MAN'S LAND" Detroit,Michigan.
I live in Jamaica and any cars that show up on my block with no plates are towed because I turn them in. I also take down all advertisements on the poles which shouldn't be there in the first place. (except lost pets, they get a pass). I don't like to admit it but sometimes on garbage day I pick up some of the crap that is not even in front of my own house. My point is that people can make a difference, even in Jamaica...
Spokane Washington would never allow this to happen to it's city
What is your mayor doing about it?
Looks like he needs to be taken for a tour of your city .
I'm telling ya, hipsters are the key, look what they are doing in Rockaway! Bring the hipsters in, the businesses come, and then the political money. Jamaica needs a Starbucks or twelve, some old book stores, and a beer garden.
I'm telling ya, hipsters are the key, look what they are doing in Rockaway! Bring the hipsters in, the businesses come, and then the political money. Jamaica needs a Starbucks or twelve, some old book stores, and a beer garden.
Followed by the community being hollowed out, ignored and displaced.
Is it legal to use one of those car covers while parked on the street, or only in one's driveway? I've started to see them around on the street more often. It covers the inspection sticker, the registration sticker, and the license plates (if there are any), and the brownies should be all over them.
To this day I have not gotten a straight answer on the car cover issue. This of course various from state to state, city to city. Many cities do not allow a car to be covered on public streets since it covers license plates and inspection stickers. In NYC all cars parked on public streets must have plates and inspection stickers visible even in driveways (Violation Code #74: Standing or parking a vehicle without properly showing its current plates on the outside of the vehicle, easily, useable, attached tightly not more than 48, or less than 12, inches from the ground, clean, not covered by glass or plastic, and nothing to stop clear reading.
Violation Code #70: Standing or parking a vehicle without showing a current registration sticker.)
The confusion lies elsewhere and I have heard various answers from police. You can only sell a car on public streets if you are the owner (not an auto body shop or dealer) and it must have an actual sign on the side stating for sale, it cannot have anything written on the back, side or front windows. It also has to have a license plate and inception sticker up to date (Violation Code #91: Parking in order to sell a vehicle by a person who regularly sells vehicles).
I would assume that since NYC is very strict with public street parking you would not be able to have your car covered when on public streets. Although I have not gotten a straight answer on that one or have seen any violation specifically for that one, but just the fact that a car cover would make the license and registration unreadable, then it would be in violation.
Amazing though that an answer to a simple question has resulted in a various array of answers by city officials.
In NYC, you may not cover the VIN on the dashboard either. Most of the covers do that.
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