From the Daily News;
A previous state Senate GOP redistricting plan to merge six city Democrats into three districts will be dramatically scaled back.
Under a revised redistricting plan due soon, Queens Sens. Michael Gianaris and Jose Peralta are no longer expected to be put into a single district, insiders say. The plan should also “decouple” Brooklyn Sens. Eric Adams and Velmanette Montgomery.
But Queens Democratic Sens. Toby Ann Stavisky and Tony Avella would still merge into one district in order to create an Asian-majority district in Flushing, insiders said.
Meanwhile, talks on an overall redistricting deal — including redrawing congressional lines and a long-term plan to reform the once-a-decade process — are expected to go down to the wire.
Photo from Times Ledger
This whole senerio is a nightmare and a joke at the expense of the citizens.
Avella versus Stavisky?
The district winds up losing whichever candidate wins.
Ah Crap, Gianaris does shit for his district. We pay taxes so he can further his career on our dime.
Its so sad - a community that acts like its in a witness protection program when it comes to politics goes wild in support of him when they heard he may have to actually do some work running for office.
Or should we say that it was orchestrated to do so.
Outside of some flower gardens at PS 84 and playing softball against Con Ed weeks before the power grid fried he has done little for the district.
I'd rather die than "merge" with Toby Stavisky.
Sometimes I think the newspapers create their own version of stories.
Adam usually lives in his own head posting drivel....so why can't newspapers spin it their own way too?
Anyone can blog in an electronic soapbox universe.
Real ink and paper costs newspapers money.
And that's what separates the men from the boys.
thank you adam for informing the public about how the stavisky crew has hurt north queens
tony avella mr. indepedant will protest anything but the worst cancer in north queens the staviky network
maybe a primary will be his chance to go down in history
adam lomabrdi for state senator
Let's give Adam his space.
If he believes that he's a political pundit, that's between him and his therapist.
Be gentle with him and show some patience for his affliction.
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