From the NY Post:
The House yesterday cast a symbolic vote to reaffirm “In God We Trust” as the US motto and encourage its placement in all public buildings and public schools.
Members voted 396-8 in favor of the bill. Those opposed included New York Congressmen Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan) and Gary Ackerman (D-Queens.)
What the hell are we becoming..a theocracy?
This is one of the reasons why I personally can't stand religion and have a skeptical view of "patriots" -it's used as a bludgeon.
There are over 2000 'religions' in the world. None of them make any sense.
The biggest flag wavers are often using it to hide their skulduggery.
This is the twenty-first century, grow up America.
The real motto of the United States is "E Pluribus Unum" ("out of many, one."), was first proposed and selected by the U.S. Continental Congress in 1782, for use on the Great Seal of the United States. The motto "In god we trust" was only added as an additional motto in 1956 at the height of the cold war & just reaffirmed in 2011. Unfortunately the only motto of the United States today is, "credimus in auro", (in the Gold we Trust).
It figures!!!!!!!
The problem is that Ackerman thinks HE'S God!!!!
Terrific. I was lukewarm about Ackerman before, but I may send him a couple of donations, and will strongly urge my friends, family and neighbors to do the same. Praise be those who would vote no on such a silly measure.
The phrase has appeared on U.S. coins since 1864 and on paper currency since 1957.
Just to clarify a small, but I think important point... The resolution was to reaffirm that "in God we trust" is our national motto, which it is, so these representative were disagreeing that it is our motto, not disagreeing about religion.
Ackerman's Jewish; He doesn't trust God?
Good thing that since everything has been fixed, all the troops are home, everyone has a job, we figured out the energy crisis, and heavily invested in our schools and infrastructure now the House has time for things like this.
I don't believe in any religion but feel the strength of the God force that connects us all. Just sayin'...
I like don't tread on me better
I like tune in, turn and drop out. More consistent with the Amurricun way
"Credimus in auro"
You say "unfortunately"? I say "fortunately" - money (and its love) is the root of all GOOD. The Great Entrepreneur Columbus stepped foot in the New World thereby unleashing creative business enterprise.
"Most people lump together into the same category all men who become rich, refusing to consider the essential question: the source of the riches, the means by which the wealth was acquired.
Money is a tool of exchange; it represents wealth only so long as it can be traded for material goods and services. Wealth does not grow in nature; it has to be produced by men. Nature gives us only the raw materials, but it is man’s mind that has to discover the knowledge of how to use them. It is man’s thinking and labor that transform the materials into food, clothing, shelter or television sets—into all the goods that men require for their survival, comfort and pleasure.
Behind every step of humanity’s long climb from the cave to New York City, there is the man who took that step for the first time—the man who discovered how to make a fire or a wheel or an airplane or an electric light.
When people refuse to consider the source of wealth, what they refuse to recognize is the fact that wealth is the product of man’s intellect, of his creative ability, fully as much as is art, science, philosophy or any other human." -Ayn Rand, For the New Intellectual
Anonymous #1 said: "What the hell are we becoming..a theocracy?
The problem is the very English word "God". Is it theistic or deistic?
I maintain that the phrase "In God We Trust" is not THEOcratic it is DEISTIC. There is a world of difference between theocratic religion and deism.
You can even argue that an atheist could be a deist. Consider the derivation of the very word theism: theos = Greek origin. Whereas, deus = Latin origin. Birds of different semantic feathering. The word "god" is of Germanic derivation.
"In God We Trust" is simply an expression of, as Eugene Rostow said, non-denominational ceremonial deism. Essentially it's blah,blah,blah meaning absolutely nothing. No one bows to Mecca, davens, chants aum, or makes the sign of the cross.
In God we trust to do what?
Congress is like Nero... fiddling while Rome burns.
we are supposed to be a country separated by church and state. Of course that's not in effect.
If there is a god , he's doing a lousy job anyway.
Ackerman doesn't trust in God because he knows he's going to burn in hell for all the dishonest, underhanded things he's done in his life.
With 9 percent unemployment, don't these lawmakers have other issues to prioritize? Good work Nadler and Ackerman!
G-d has nothing to do with the running of a government. Our "democracy" has become nothing but an agency for corporate interests. This is one of the few votes where Ackerman is standing up for democratic values. In this case, it's simply separation of church and state. Being Jewish is besides the point. Since when does a phrase instituted after the McCarthy witch hunt to "prove" we are not an evil communist country have anything to do with belief in one's country? I agree with Anonymous #1.
I like their tv show "Two useless fat bastards"
I've always wondered why laissez faire atheist types are always so hostile towards any breath of a miniscule acknowledgment of this country's religious tradition. We are becoming a 'theocracy'? What friggin world are you living in?
I wave a flag. I am a Christian. Screw you if "In God we trust" hurts you so much. Get a Doctor.
if you check the congressional record it will note that at the time this bill was voted in to the record,so did other job creation bills. sadly the obama democrat senate stalled these bills.
in the meantime your community organizer continues to tour the U.S. campaigning for the 2012 presidency ,while pretending that he is correcting his failed economic policies, that he initiated for three years. he owns the $4 TRILLION debt in the past three years,of our total $14 TRILLION from the past.he is the 45 million citizens on food stamp executive.
the House of Reps.(CONS./G.O.P.) are not the culprits ,Obama and the Dem/Libs are.
what does revalidating our motto "IN GOD WE TRUST" have to do with PATRIOTISM ? when the s--t really hits the fan, the NATION'S PATRIOTS will show up. Will you ????
Ayn Rand was a nut. She had a group of groupies which included Alan Greenspan. Later in life, her devotees and her had a falling out. For a person who asserted individualism, she was petty and craved groupies and a cult to protect her. When her book, Atlas Shrugged, was criticized, she relied on her small group. Columbus was a selfish fool who landed where? Island in the Caribbeans and enslaved the native population. Steve Jobs? He's an entrepreneur and created wealth and jobs.
First time I've ever agreed with Acky.
One thing for sure...
Or his pals "the 2 Mikes"
(Q. Trib's whore ad kings Nussbaum & Schenkler)!
Massagee, massagee, massage...
aye, there's the rub!
What's cousin John Liu and cousin Tommy Huang up to these days...funneling more Taiwanese campaign contributions into Ackerman'a war chest?
These days it ought to be,
RE:#19...."since when does a phrase instituted after the mccarthy witch hunt to prove we are not an evil COMMUNIST country etc. "
Mc Carthy "s anti-american communist congressional investigation was supported by the recent release of the U.S.S.R's archives named "THE VENONA TRANSCRIPTS".
see kleinonline for modern day maoists and communists in federal government.
Why is this bloated crook still holding office?
Anon No. 28:
You mean Klein's opinion of who a Maoist or Communist is, correct? And he's certainly an unbiased, impartial and accurate observer of the political scene?
How can we trust people to make intelligent decisions when most of them believe in fairy tales?
This a ridiculous issue altogether...Nero fiddles while Rome is burning. Obviously any "communist conspiracy" was a huge failure, and the communist dictatorships failed. China is a just a dictatorship, which it always was except for the few years under Sun Yat Sen. Please enlighten us,final Sunday anonymous, as to how saying "In God we Trust" has helped this country. As Anon #1 asks, "What the hell are we becoming..a theocracy?" No, we are becoming a fascist dictatorship. The state religion is GREED. Religion is used as a bludgeon against the rights of, for instance, women. If we "trust" God, where is the humanity? We have become a very militaristic mean spirited country.
"redistribution of wealth" is a marxist,communist agenda.
when joe the plumber challenged candidate obama in 2008, obama slipped and said "we have to share the wealth of U.S.citizens"
obama's appointees include :Van Jones (green czar),self admitted COMMUNIST ,Anita Dunn self admitted follower of MAO, at a university commencement ceremony .
marxist/ communist governments include :Venezuela,Cuba, Russia,China & N.KOREA (MAOIST).
the libyan rebels had the communist logo (hammer & sickle) on the red flags as they marched in the square. the armored vehicles had N.Korean (communist/maoist) tags on them.
the OWS "socialist tools" have been infiltrated by the CP USA, and reportedly led by students of, Saul Alinsky economic chaos(RULES FOR REVOLUTION).
It is time for, as Frank of Queens (the Greatest Caller to Talk Radio) has said, A Museum to the Victims of Collectivist Oppression on the Mall in Washington, DC.
Keep up with his latest riveting commentary here.
"He may look like an idiot and talk like an idiot but don't let that fool you. He really is an idiot."
- Marx (Groucho)
We are not becoming a theocracy you idiot, It's just we have an affirmation that we believe in God. You are really confuse between religion and the divine.
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