The Juniper Park Civic Association will host a news conference outside City Hall to show its opposition to a bill City Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley (D-Middle Village) recently co-sponsored that would protect certain illegal immigrants from being deported.
“I think it is an insult to have our councilwoman as a co-sponsor,” said Robert Holden, president of the civic. “How could she do this?”
The bill would spare deportation for illegal immigrants in Rikers Island who have no prior arrests and have not been charged with a crime.
“Crowley thinks we don’t have enough criminals in New York City and the state, that we should take some from other countries,” he said to cheers from the roughly 50 people gathered at the bimonthly meeting. “Does anybody feel we should protect criminals who are in this country illegally?”
No one said yes.
Actually, you would have to be charged with a crime in order to be held at Rikers. You could be held there awaiting trial if you don't have bail money or if bail was withheld. Fact is, once you enter the country without permission, you have committed a crime. Breaking of the law needs to have a consequence.
"who have no prior arrests"
Emm NO BULLSH*T-- not exactly.
Its "No prior arrests for violent felony 1, 2 or 3 rape or murder".
These dam news people are editing stuff again !!
All your illegal alien piss pants drunks, perverts, DWIs and misdemeanor cases (the ones causing most the problems) with "PRIOR ARRESTS" get free passes.
Immigration and ICE will not be notified when that garbage heads through the jail release gate. Those people go right back on your Queens streets
When Robert Holden asks "How could she do this?" do you really think he does not know?
Do you really think that he believes that "Crowley thinks we don’t have enough criminals in New York City and the state, that we should take some from other countries"?
What does Crowley say? Does she say one thing and then secretly sit, rubbing her hands, saying, "Heh, heh, heh! Lets flood the street with important criminals!"
Really? I was under the impression that Mr. Holden was a little better than the politicians he dislikes, but this smacks of something all-too typical of political-speak in vogue anymore.
She has her reasons and he has his, and on the merits his should be able to stand. Why behave like this? It's a drag to witness and brings us all down.
Remember when Carter let the Cuban perps in? Crowley=puppet.
Fact is, once you enter the country without permission, you have committed a crime. Breaking of the law needs to have a consequence.
Why is the concept and clarity of the statement above something that people don't get? Shame on Crowley we have quality of life issues in our very neighborhoods and hospitals because of these illegals - what doesn't she get about illegal=criminal?
"She has her reasons and he has his"
Her reasons are that Quinn told her to. I think she needs to have her constituents make her see the reality of what they want.
So, NYC council members (local government) are circumventing Federal Laws. What does the federal government have to say about this? What does Homeland Security have to say about this? What about ICE? Federal laws were broken when these illegals entered our country. Technically, these people are criminals. The ones on Rikers are worse criminals. Where are the Feds in all this? Is it legal to break Federal Law by creating a new local law?
This is another Crowley who has zero concern for her constituents. What does she care as long as she gets her paycheck , expense account and has a place to live?
Wake up Elizabeth, you are out of touch w/ the reality of many of the people who could possibly vote for you.
Has anyone on this board ever attempted to get assistance from the constituent's representatives at either her office or Uncle Joe's? You can't because not only are illegal immigrants pushed to the front of the line, while the actual American citizen/voter is kept dangling and jerked around, the majority of the people working in their offices are illegal immigrants, all Spanish speakers who do nothing for anyone who is not of their ethnicity. I did not vote for Joseph Crowley because of the nasty people who work for him. Or should I say pretend to work?
One fine day they will be on the unemployment line where the rest of us are today.
Am I angry about the invasion of illegal immigrants into Queens? Yes, they all have homes, cars, employment and every known government benefit and assistance that is denied to American citizens.
one wonders just how many Queens resident(illegal aliens )are in the number of 46,000,000. people getting Obama FOOD STAMPS in the U.S. ? it is reported that this number is the highest in our history.
Illegal immigrants get so many free services, i.e. food stamps, free health benefits at city hospitals, section 8 housing, free education == yet, our American soldiers who fight for our freedom have to struggle with mortgages, college loans and bills. Why can't the federal government help them? Why do politicians pander to the illegals when American citizens are denied benefits? Something is terribly wrong. Senior Citizens have to pay for their drug prescriptions, yet the illegals get theirs for free at city hospitals. Time for a MAJOR accounting to find out how much money they are costing the city. Are you listening John Liu?
"one wonders just how many Queens resident(illegal aliens )are in the number of 46,000,000. people getting Obama FOOD STAMPS in the U.S. ? it is reported that this number is the highest in our history."
There goes Uncle Slander again.
The current Food Stamp program began in the mid-sixties yet, in your twisted logic they are 'Obama'?
As for the 'record numbers, you might actually be right there...But it is the Bush recession brought on by the 1998 banking deregulation act that has caused your fellow Americans to swallow their pride to feed their families.
Perhaps starvation would be better as a conservative's choice.
Tred carefully here -this is the stuff of revolution.
How could it be "a Bush recession brought on by the 1998 banking deregulation act" when he wasn't president until 2001? Wouldn't that make it a Clinton recession?
If you did not pay into our system for social security and medicare you should not be entitled. And, first and foremost you must be a United States Citizen to get any help (i.e. food stamps, free education, housing etc etc etc etc.
And lets not forget the illegal aliens know our system. They milk it for everything they can.
It is wrong!
if you want to add your name with those Americans who are fed up with illegal immigration sanctuary cities ?
click: big gov.com and scroll to JUDICIAL WATCH. JW has set up an electronic petition to list Americans demanding that the governors of United States stop this unwanted illegal immigration now.
JD will start advertising this petition soon on FBC and the Military Channel soon. and in four border states.
"Dizzy" Lizzy on the take and spreading her legs again!
SHE needs to be deported.
Make sure she becomes an ex city council member next time you go to vote!
Fine....then let Crowley take these illegals into her own home at her expense...that phony ass slut!
one wonders just how many Queens resident(illegal aliens )are in the number of 46,000,000. people getting Obama FOOD STAMPS in the U.S. ? it is reported that this number is the highest in our history.
Its gotta be high. I cant remember the last time i went to the supermarket and the person in front of me WASN'T paying with food stamps, EBT, WIC, etc. I think i am the only sucker in queens paying for his own food with money he actually earned.
Queens Crapper said...
How could it be "a Bush recession brought on by the 1998 banking deregulation act" when he wasn't president until 2001? Wouldn't that make it a Clinton recession?"
-To be clear, the Act was put forth during a republican dominated Congress and with Clinton's (stupid) acquiescence.
The bulk of the malfeasance took place right under Bush's nose and nothing was done by him, or any members of his administration.
The Bush adm. could have called attention to what was going -but did not. The end results we are now living with...And yeah, I blame Clinton as enabler too.
Our grandparents enacted a law to prevent banks from becoming casinos. Repealing that to make a few people rich was a disgrace.
Waddy expect. she's just playing the same game all politicians have been playing:
Sell our country down the river to get a vote.
Do they really think these illegals will ever step into a polling place?...
Please go away Crowley---all of you.
So who is going to run against her?
This makes no sense to me, politically. Why did Crowley cosponsor (with 37 other Councilpersons) and vote for this (with 42 other Councilpersons) when she represents largely conservative, white ethnic neighborhoods who would oppose this legislation? Gentile and Vallone voted against it, as well they should have (Lew Fidler abstained.)
Quinn didn't need her vote with the Intro having overwhelming support in the Council; logrolling couldn't be the reason. Did Quinn want to hang her out to dry or is Crowley just politically obtuse?
As Rowdy Yates would say,
"Head 'em up...move 'em out"!
Deport 'em back to Mexico, Ecuador, San Salvador, Taiwan, Fujian (China), etc.
Illegal immigrants have no legal right being here...let alone voting!
And you can shove it Congressman "Virginia" Joe!
You're subverting the residency requirement and breaking the law yourself by living out of district.
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