Monday, July 3, 2023

Department of Buildings warns public not to fall from buildings on Independence Day



Don’t risk life and limb just to get a better view of the fireworks display! Stay safe this July 4th holiday to avoid becoming a tragic headline the next day


New York, NY –The Department of Buildings today is sounding the alarm to all property owners and residents to be especially mindful of existing safety regulations for the proper use of rooftops, terraces, balconies, and fire escapes in New York City this Independence Day. Ignoring these safety regulations to get a better view of holiday fireworks displays can lead to a deadly accidental fall, providing yet another tragic story for the papers and the six o’clock news the next day. Regulations around these elevated structures apply all year long, but are particularly relevant this month as New Yorkers look for vantage points to view the Macy’s Fourth of July fireworks display, which is scheduled for this Tuesday evening. Unlawful gatherings on fire escapes and rooftops that are not specifically designed for regular occupancy have tragically led to multiple fatal falls in New York City in recent years.


“This Fourth of July holiday we are once again strongly urging patriotism-loving New Yorkers and firework enthusiasts alike to prioritize safety,” said Department of Buildings Commissioner Jimmy Oddo. “It simply isn’t safe to watch fireworks from an unsecured building roof or a fire escape, where one false step can have life-altering consequences. For those planning to enjoy the rockets’ red glare tomorrow, our message is to select an appropriate place to watch the show in order to avoid becoming a July 5th story.”


Property owners and tenants should closely follow the following safety rules to avoid becoming a headline in the news on July 5th:


·         Do not access building rooftops to watch the fireworks, unless the rooftop has an approved deck or other approved space for gatherings, equipped with code-compliant guardrails, multiple emergency exits, signage indicating the maximum legal occupancy, and other required safety features.

·         Do not gather to watch the fireworks on fire escapes, which are not designed nor meant to be used as a balcony. For the safety of everyone in the building, fire escapes must be kept free of obstructions at all times.

·         Do not overcrowd terraces, balconies, or legal rooftop spaces. Overcrowding these spaces can pose a serious hazard to occupants.

·         Do not prop open emergency doors or disable door alarms leading to rooftop areas of a building that are not meant to be legally occupied. Unsecured rooftop spaces can pose a serious danger to building occupants, especially children.

·         Do not lean out of a window, over an edge, a parapet wall or over a railing for a better view of the fireworks display.

·         Avoid approaching any building edge that is not protected by a wall or railing.


Property owners are legally obligated to maintain their properties in a safe condition. New Yorkers are encouraged to call 311 to report unsafe building conditions to the Department, and call 911 to report emergencies.


LowIQAnon said...

I’m not sure that the Fourth of July really happened. Maybe the English just packed their bags and left. All the other stuff about George Washington is just fake news.
It never happened.

Anonymous said...

The City Council should pass a resolution calling for Continued Rotation of the Earth.

Anonymous said...


Disgruntled Sis said...

If only our glorious comrades of the esteemed and wise City Council would pass a resolution to allow for Squirrel Hunting, culling their population, and to fine and imprison tourists and other deranged lunatics who feed them.
The signs should say "a peanut is crack to a squirrel".

Anonymous said...

Don’t feel sorry for them. They voted for FJB. Drown in your mistakes NYC.

Anonymous said...

The City Council should pass a resolution calling for more Chem Trails !

Anonymous said...

This is Hunter Biden’s fault.

Anonymous said...

What a great plan DOB !
Dems are also Pushing solar panels, while trying to block out the sun, seems, well, at best, counterproductive.

Anonymous said...

The state of Idiocracy today.

Anonymous said...

Vax me up, mask me down, and call me Shirley this world has gone crazy...

Anonymous said...

@"Dems are also Pushing solar panels, while trying to block out the sun..."

How are the Dems trying to block the sun? Is George Soros sending special sun blocking devices up into the atmosphere? Is it those Jewish Space lasers again?

Anonymous said...

@"How are the Dems trying to block the sun" Do a Google search troll...