Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Community board kept from community workshops for Creedmoor housing conversion


As of the afternoon of July 11, nearly 1,000 people have signed a petition calling for the Creedmoor Property Development project to be halted in its current form.

According to organizer Carin Bail, the purpose of the petition to try and get Queens Borough President Donovan Richards to receive more input from the residents in the area to try and address some of their biggest concerns.

Bail, who is a member of the Hollis Hills Civic Association, brought up multiple concerns she and other community members share about the Creedmoor Property Development potentially being transformed into housing units. While Empire State Construction is still in the process of developing the master plan for the project, many residents in the area are worried that a large influx of people for the developed property will cause overcrowding, creating more traffic in the area and making parking significantly more difficult. Additionally, there is concern over the environmental effect such a project could have, like its impact on the sewage system.

Despite the fact that Richards and Empire State Development announced back in January that a series of community visioning workshops would be held on the matter, Bail questioned the amount of input that truly came from the community during those that have since occurred. She said many living near Creedmoor weren’t aware of these sessions for quite a while, and feels these people should have their voices heard since they will be greatly impacted by it. Still, these offices have been in constant contact with several local civic associations in eastern Queens to keep them updated.

“I’m a civic president in a neighboring community and I wasn’t even aware of this until someone in my community asked if I was going to the Zoom meeting, which was back in April,” Bail said. “I have almost 1,000 people who are not in favor of this because they didn’t even know that this was happening.”

Forget it Jake, this is the "City of Yes"



Anonymous said...

Where will all the QAnon creeps go now that this place is shut down.

Anonymous said...

If there's too many sheeple, provide free condoms to South Americans, Africans, south Asians and religious freaks, especially the ones in Brooklyn who wear birds nests on their heads on the Sabbath.

NPC_translator said...

Hey, I got an idea! Given how many crazy people are wandering around NYC these days, why don't we use this property to house them? It could be called something like, I dunno, maybe a "psychiatric hospital," where crazy people could be housed, fed, treated and kept from making trouble on the streets.

It's a wacky idea, I get it! But it's worth a shot, no?

Anonymous said...

Billions for Ukraine while our borders remain wide open

Anonymous said...

Now I know where NRA Ned lives. That's a big house, Ned. Does the NPC_Doofus have a whole floor to him/her self? How about Crazy Joe and angry Zoe?
One big happy family.

Anonymous said...

Well if New York leadership won’t admit the truth about the quality of everyday life at street level, then New Yorkers should know what to do when the key elections come around again. This means your governor, your state reps, your mayor need to be replaced with leaders who are willing to take care of the people. Remember how New York City was in 1993? And then it changed with good leadership. It brought 20 years of great quality of life in the City and the State. I guess things got too good and comfortable for politicians and the citizens alike because we elected clowns into office who have destroyed what was once one of the safest big cities in the world.

Anonymous said...

I wonder what our economy would look like if we had a real president

Anonymous said...

Jethro said...
My hillbilly senses are saying something is wrong with this.

Anonymous said...

"City of Yes" and Shape-Shifting Reptilians !

Anonymous said...

I think NYC needs Creedmoor to be a psychiatric hospital a lot more than it needs it for simple housing, considering all the murders and assaults by disturbed people on the streets lately.

Rob in Manhattan said...

"many residents in the area are worried that a large influx of people for the developed property will cause overcrowding, creating more traffic........"

More blah-blah bullshit.

You live in a borough of New York CITY! -not some crap suburb. Your property taxes are substantially lower due to the density of our tax base.

That building was once fully occupied and was there before the current residents arrived. There is NO good reason to leave it empty now.

Rob in Manhattan