The number seven is proving to be an unlucky number for Long Island City.
Once again, the No. 7 train will not run in the area for multiple weekends, starting next month.
For the October 12-13, October 19-20, October 26-27, November 9-10 and November 23-24 weekends, there will be no service on the subway line between the Times Square-42nd Street and Queensboro Plaza stations from 12:01 a.m. on Saturday to 5 a.m. on Monday, according to the MTA.
During these weekends, there will be a free shuttle running during between the Vernon-Jackson and Queensboro Plaza stops. The MTA is also increasing Astoria line service during the shutdowns.
But the alternative service isn’t enough for residents and business owners who say they’ve suffered through too many No. 7 train weekend shutdowns.
There will also be weekend suspensions in early 2014, but no dates have been set yet, said an MTA spokesperson.
LICers should all be avid Mets fans. If the Mets went deep into the playoffs each year, the MTA couldn't shut down the #7 in October.
I hate the seven train. Too crowded! Not to mention all those old ladies pushing people out of their way! Then you have those spanish men who do not sit in just one seat, they insist on taking up two seats on the train as if they paid 2 fares! The seven train sucks!
Thank God they defeated the soccer stadium. What would the tourists think!
Subways are blight
You meant to call it the severed train?
Anon No. 4: As opposed to streets choked with cars and other vehicles? And you'd have a lot more of them if there weren't any subways.
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