Some time back shortly after the Triumph of Civic Virtue had been removed, the tarp left over the site was tagged with graffiti, as you posted on your site prior. Those who have walked by the site lately may mistakenly believe it was cleaned up, but a closer look proves that to the contrary, all DCAS has done is flip the tarp around.

Queries made to DCAS have been met with silence.
This site continues to offer emblematic examples of failure, neglect, and obfuscation from city government on issues in Queens.
Jon Torodash

This is unbelievable, right in douche bag Helen Marshall's own backyard.
Our Queens leaders seem to pretty much all be worth shit and many people in the communities are just becoming used to this bullshit instead of standing up and making noise like Jon.
Keep up the fight.
Another fine example of Queens political trickery. After all, that's how Queens is run . But just like the Wizard of Oz who ran his kingdom from behind a curtain, he eventually tripped up as the people finally got a good peek behind that curtain.. Let this be a wake up call to everyone in Queens. We have been played for fools long enough...and the time has come for it to stop, once and for all!
Keep up the good work Jon!
Reminds me of the NYS Pavilion in Flushing Meadows and Willets Point. Great job Helen, the borough looks fantastic and this area in the shadow of your office is a fitting testament to your tenure as BP.
This should be shocking news. But after a while, it's a shock when this doesn't happen.
Jon, do you really want the city to spend money on another expensive tarp?
Everytime I read Queens Crap, it makes me think that Queens is really becoming real shitty. I mean none of these councilmen are doing anything for us. All they do is allow foreigners, illegals and rich people to run us out of the city. My father was right, NYC has now become the land of the "haves" and "have nots"....there is no in between anymore.
I think we have already crossed that line of Queens becoming really shitty. Want comes after really shitty?
I'm surprised they flipped the covering now. The graffiti has been up for over 6 months now. Why now the energy for the flip-flop?
The flip has been there for at least 2-3 months now, after DNAInfo ran this story. Initially I thought it had been cleaned, having not scrutinized it closely. The faint white outline I could make out suddenly reminded me of the pattern when it was flipped, so I peeked through the crevice, and lo and behold.
Anon #3: I wanted the city to save $50K immediately by not moving the statue - obviating the need for a custom armature - and over 150K in the long term when the "loan" ends and they're on the hook for the statue's transport out of Green-Wood. But let's face it: if anyone in City Government REALLY cared about saving money, they'd be raising hell right now about $436 million giveaways like this. Not to mention the legalized theft of Willets Point, and virtually everywhere else the NYCEDC's tentacles reach.
Wizard of Oz or Lizard of Ours--our new borough president will make us all wish we had Helen Marshall back in the saddle again.
Face it folks--our borough government has been operating from behind a curtain for about a hundred years--and this ain't the Emerald City!
Check out our beeps' histories.
Most were corrupt. Some resigned in the face of mounting scandals. One "offed" himself.
Maybe I'll write myself in as a candidate in the next race. I might get 12 votes. Mickey Mouse already told me that he doesn't want the job.
You can't say what Katz will do based on what Manes did. That'd be like saying what Obama will do based on what Reagan did. Two different people.
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