The evening [at CB4] started off ominously when it was announced that the public would only be allowed one minute each to make public comments. However that provision apparently only applied to some.
CB 7 Chair Eugene Kelty and 1st Vice Chairperson Chuck Apelian showed up. For weeks they have been pressing for a cash-for-public-parkland-swap vote deal. Their Let's Make a Deal mantra did not fly however, and backfired on the two last night. (The night before CB 7 voted in favor)
CB 4 District Manager Christian Cassagnol violated the rules and invited Mr. Kelty up to speak after the public session was over. Mr. Kelty was eventually shouted down by the crowd.
Many people took great offense at him trying to influence the board.
"He had no right speaking during the board deliberations," said Ben Haber. "He never would have any of that at his own board."
Community Board 4 voted 36-0 against expansion.
What the hell were these 2 doing trying to influence a vote at CB4?
Look at that pair of lazy shady hoods from CB#7.
One looks like a recovering drunk (replete with a mussed up egg beater hairdo)...the other like a slick, slimy, grimacing, used carpet trader.
"Let's make a deal to dump all of the crap into FMCP and leave our own residential neighborhoods alone".
Gene lives in Whitestone. Chuck lives in a cul de sac across the road from John Liu...both prime locations.
You won't see this kind of shit being rammed into their nabes, but it's OK by them to crap all over Corona.
Dump these 2 crooks!
The Chuck & Gene show has been going on for too damn long at CB#7.
In fact, abolish all community boards.
We don't need them. They are all show with no power. Most of them are packed with self serving bores, whose votes don't even amount to diddly squat. Advisory voting is never taken seriously by NYC's government bullies.
CBs are eating up our tax dollars, while delivering us to the over-development devils!
Where the f--k has CB#7 ever represented the community? Charles Apelian would sell a rat's ass to a blind man for a golden wedding ring.
He's the worst one of them all amongst that pirate crew.
Are Kelty and Apelian Siamese twins?
They're not twins. You only see one of genes hands because the other one is up chucks ass side by side with vallones hand. Yes it a big asshole to fit those two hands but then again isn't he?
Vallone controls chuck and Gene just love to sodomize !
Whenever I see Apelian I get the feeling that he should be moaning that everybody loves Raymond.
Apelian was MIA at CB7 tonight.
Then fill up the enema bag, and flush some of the remaining crooks from CB7!
Why doesn't Apelian team up with Ohanian?
They were made for each other...two big mouths in a pea pod.
Hey Chucky
I can't wait to see what happens when the flushing developers finish rolling over.
You're gonna look so good sharing a cell with Paul and or Dan.
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