Thursday, November 19, 2009

Seeking the "Flushing Pimp"

Searching For Main Street's Flushing Pimp from Mapping Main Street on Vimeo.


Babs said...

great video!

I felt that I missed something by not knowing him or at least recognizing him.

This was a great tribute to one of Flushing's most colorful characters.

James said...

I work in Downtown Flushing and have noticed the Flushing Pimp missing for a while. Seeing him was a daily thing. Never would have thought i'd find out what happened. Great video and Great post. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

These young people did a wonderfully senseative video. We all should be proud of them.

M. Nussbaum said...

R.I.P. We loved it when he came around here to Multi Media. Farewell buddy.

georgetheatheist said...

Who bankrolled him for his expensive duds?

linda said...

Who bankrolled him for his expensive duds?

george you crack me up! we did..
hey maybe the sister will donate the clothes to ya..

like the part of the store worker when he stated he like seeing him because seeing the same thing everyday is boring? maybe because most are asian???
great work kids!

Anonymous said...

Great Video. It's nice to know that people still care.

Ching Chow said...

Ah so. Lound eyes. Velly funny.

Anonymous said...

How sad! I'm sure people in Flushing will miss him. He seemed like quite a character.

Anonymous said...

Crappy where did you find that video?
Just curious.

It was interesting and provided great info.. the fact that he was a schizophrenic explains ALOT. I wonder where he is buried?

Queens Crapper said...

Sorry it was on Urban Omnibus

Unknown said...

I just wanted to say thanks for posting the Rookies story on your blog. I worked with Andrea, Helen and Rayon and am incredibly proud of them for creating this sensitive tribute. Here is a link to the website.

Also, I just wanted to add that Emanuel's sister Carolyn is an amazing woman. We all were touched that she agreed to talk with the students and was so open.

Wendy said...

I am a Flushing native and often find mysef rushing through the crowded streets of main street, just trying to get to my destination. However, I do remember whenever I would encounter the "Flushing Pimp", his colorful outfits would always bring a smile to my face.

This was such a touching video. It just reminds us to appreciate those who are different from us and never to judge.
Embrace our differences, celebrate our similarities and love unconditionally.

Thank you for doing such a great interview Carolyn and putting togethar this video.

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