Thursday, November 19, 2009

Too little, too late

From the Sunnyside Post:

Two employees of the NYC Buildings Department were handing out fliers at the 46th Subway stop yesterday, trying to alert residents to the dangers of illegal apartments.

The flier warns residents that if the live in an attic or a cellar they might be living in an illegal apartment. It also warns against dwelling units that have just one way to get in and out.


Anonymous said...

Well if you bozos didn't squander our great country on flippin house to the next sucker people could have afforded a 2 family house and used the basement for themselves.

High home prices are killing America and until we get the guts to say NO to buying a 2 fam house for $700K...and being proud of saying: renting is far cheaper then buying and let the market crash we all will continue to suffer this Chinese torture .

Anonymous said...

where can you get a copy of the flyer from?

How about the fact that the landlord is not allowed to charge you rent when the C of O is defective?

but look at all the illegal immigrans who rent out their basements and attics.

Auntie Invasion said...

What crap!

talk about closing the barn door after the horse is gone.
the FDNY & DOB knew about the apartments that burned down. Everyone knows of at least five or six houses w/ gates on basement windows, meaning you can't get out in a fire.

Where are the decent apartments that normal people can afford? did the illegals take over all of those with their huge extended families?

Anonymous said...

The landlord is not allowed to charge you rent, but your @$$ will be thrown into the street and good luck getting back the rent you have already paid.

The only leverage a tenant has is if he finds another apartment and moves, the landlord cannot sue him for lack of 30 days notice.

This is not the 1970s, today's laws are very-landlord friendly, mostly toward crooked landlords, not the decent ones.

Anonymous said...

All I want to know is if they printed it in Spanish? If not then it was a waste of ink.....

Rick said...

According to Judge Milian of The People's Court, NYC doesn't have a 30-day notice rule. Anyone know if that's correct?

Lino said...

"This is not the 1970s, today's laws are very-landlord friendly, mostly toward crooked landlords, not the decent ones."

And you can thank the upstate republicans for this situation.

BTW: Where are all the "free market" types crying "property rights" and such.

After all if an immigrant family is willing to pack into a windowless room in somebody's basement...isn't that in keeping with "man's home his castle"...shit.

Anonymous said...

"The only leverage a tenant has is if he finds another apartment and moves, the landlord cannot sue him for lack of 30 days notice."

the above posts are crap
you don't know what you are taking about.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do know what I am talking about because my sister was involved innocently in an illegal basement apartment, a friend who lived in an apartment for years which she thought was legal, and I myself (legal apartment re-modeled into a dangerous one) all had first-hand experience with this.

Many of these crooks pass envelopes out to judges and other connected persons and the supposed "laws" don't mean beans.

As the man says, "It's good to know the law, better to know the judge."

Anonymous said...

If there is a defective c of o in what was supposed to be a 2 family house, not only can the landlord not demand rent from you, he can't even bring the case in landlord tenant court, where of course they are much more friendly to landlords. He has to take you to superior court and get what's called an order for removal. And even then he can't demand any of the rent that you didn't pay him.

Of course Superior court cases take months, perhaps 6 months to even begin, possibly longer, all the while you live rent free. If the landlord throws your stuff in the street without a proper eviction or removal warrant you can have him arrested and sue him for triple damages.

You can look up the real law (not made up bs as is posted on this board) at

Anonymous said...

These are the easiest landlords to sue...Judges hate LL who act like this.

.isn't that in keeping with "man's home his castle"...shit.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the information on Of course, in my case, the illegal stuff pertains to improper repairs on a tenement, not a two-family, but it is still good to know.

Anonymous said...

I unknowingly rented from Chinese Tenants a room in the basement that they were renting.

I am trying to get the money back. I might have got their numbers but they won't even say they are they are them. Is there any way to get the deposit back? I am considering going on the People's Court but I don't know if I can get a hold of my former live-ins.

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