Saturday, December 20, 2008

Hiram the headcase

Troubled pol Hiram Monserrate has a history of mental problems - he said so himself.

"I suffer with adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder," Monserrate wrote in 1999.

Monserrate - who just racked up his second arrest after an alleged violent outburst - claimed to be struggling with psychological issues when he quit the NYPD after 11 years.

His May 19, 1999, application for a disability pension was troubling enough that cops immediately seized his guns, public court filings show.

He cited reports from a psychiatrist and a psychologist to back up his claim of a mental condition. Court documents do not detail the condition or the cause.

The next day, the NYPD's psychological services unit took Monserrate's guns from him "based on their evaluation," according to a lawsuit Monserrate filed against the NYPD to force a decision on his application.

Queens City Councilman Hiram Monserrate has self-professed history of mental problems

Reports about the incident now say that the weapon was not a beer bottle, but a drinking glass that Hiram broke in his hand and that he assaulted his girlfriend after finding an unidentified item in her purse. Which would mean that not only is he a violent pig but also a snoop. Our great public servant is facing 7 years in prison if convicted on 2 felony charges.

Photo from the NY Post


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud that he's a Mets fan!

Anonymous said...

Our Party leaders must have mental problems also or are totally ignorant regarding mental health.

Remember they also backed Senator Ida Smith.

Anonymous said...

see ya hiram its time to leave .the people of willets point wish you good luck in jail ,remember to put grease on you ass like you did to ours .

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud that he's a Mets fan!

he sucks like the mets ,hiram even cant make the play offs like the mets at the end they blow it

Anonymous said...

Hiram's senate career is like the Mets' 2009 season...over before it begins.

Anonymous said...

How does this lowlife ever get elected to public office?

Anonymous said...

Knowing Hiram there will be no resignation. And the victim is refusing to cooperate with the DA. Short of a felony CONVICTION, Monserrate legally keeps the seat. Only intense public pressure (such as this site) put to leaders in Albany can help. If they twisted his arm, he'd be forced to resign. Don't hold you're breath.

Queens Crapper said...

The Daily News editorial was a good start.

Anonymous said...

all you wilets point wet backs are mad at Hiram cause he jilted you..

WEll you should know that is what all Latino men do to their women when they get out of line.

Just like Hiram did to his bitches in Willets Point -- smack them down.


Anonymous said...

Just like Evan Stavisky does to Biggie Smalls up in South Salem.

Anonymous said...

Evan Savisky is not a public office holder and therefore should not be subject to these personal attacks on his name.

Should all defamatory posts not be removed immediately the owner of this blog will hear from legal counsel.

Anonymous said...

Evan Stavisky is a democratic district leader so he is an elected leader. Fuck him.

Anonymous said...

People have a a right to their opinions and as Americans we do have freedom of speech (for now, until the politicians take that away from us). All politicians are fair game here. Especially the corrupt ones, which leaves about 2 or 3 honest ones. The Crapper gives the average joe a voice in his community. The politicians don't listen to their constituents, so the Crapper serves as a forum for our voices.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Evan Savisky is not a public office holder and therefore should not be subject to these personal attacks on his name.

Should all defamatory posts not be removed immediately the owner of this blog will hear from legal counsel.
pinky savisky he a fucken faget biggie get over it

Anonymous said...

pinky savisky he's a fucken faget biggie get over and you are to .and are you trying to tell me savisky does'nt suck dick even his name is gay he's a douche bag just like your boy hiram and you know it

Anonymous said...

"Evan Savisky is not a public office holder and therefore should not be subject to these personal attacks on his name.

Should all defamatory posts not be removed immediately the owner of this blog will hear from legal counsel."

Spoken like a typical, modern, leftist, Stalinist Democrat party loyalist. Allow no opinion except the one first cleared by the Stalinist "communication" officer.

Go for the throat if any disloyal opinion creeps into the public arena. Don't try to disprove anything, just crush whoever dares to opinionate without permission and clearance.

But, we're here; we're clear, so go shit in your hat!

Anonymous said...

How the ell did Corona voters elect him without checking his background? Why didn't the local press investigate his life when he first ran for office?

Anonymous said...

Hey taxpayer -- whether you know it or not your blog host deletes post he doesnt approve of..

so call him a "Stalinist "communication" officer." as well

Anonymous said...

ya biggie you herd the tax payer go shit in your hat cry baby

Anonymous said...

you willets pointers are the ones crying because your girlfriend Hiram left you for someone with more money..

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Hey taxpayer -- whether you know it or not your blog host deletes post he doesnt approve of..

so call him a "Stalinist "communication" officer." as well"

Hey Anonymous, read this V E R Y slowly: This Blog and all its folks are part of what we simple people call: PRIVATE ENTERPRISE. No body controlling this Blog collects taxes, writes laws, prosecutes violations, or puts people into jail.

The First Amendment limits the power of government at all its levels from local to federal.

PRIVATE ENTERPRISE benefits from the First Amendment. It can do any censoring it wants, from prayers, to swears. If you have been censored by this PRIVATE ENTERPRISE Blog, and feel victimized, then go shit in your hat!

Otherwise, wait until you have an adult understanding of the ways things work, and stay away until then. I suggest to this Blog owner that any and all comments you make for the next twenty years be censored by the owners of this Blog. And, that assumes that you can grow up within that time. Until then, write letters to the editors of newspapers and use the US Mail - the USPS cannot censor you, the newspapers can.

Queens Crapper said...

Tweeders like Biggie Smalls don't understand the difference, Taxpayer. For example, they think that privately owned land is also theirs for the taking.

Anonymous said...

Queens Crapper said:
"Tweeders like Biggie Smalls don't understand the difference, Taxpayer. For example, they think that privately owned land is also theirs for the taking."

Tweeders are dullards. They have extremely limited knowledge of anything except the things they want RIGHT NOW! And, goddamnit, don't stand in their way.

Well, dullard Tweeders: Go shit in your hat (and the hats of any other Tweeders).

Anonymous said...

Hiram was a zero as a cop, and he is still a zero today!

Anonymous said...

what a low life... he was probably all wired up on coke... its a shame how this guy is in office... be a man Hiram and step down! your no role model for our kids.

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