Saturday, December 20, 2008

Daily News calls for Hiram's resignation

City Councilman and state Sen.-elect Hiram Monserrate forfeited his right to represent the people of New York when he hit his girlfriend in the face with a glass. Allegedly.

Any man who raises a hand to a companion, significant other, spouse, lover, neighbor or stranger - let alone who puts a woman in the hospital in need of stitches - is disqualified from public office.

For Monserrate to set foot in the Senate come next month, or to cast even one more vote at City Hall, would be a travesty.

He has to muster what's left of his honor and resign, or fellow lawmakers must expel him.

Mr. Monster Rat must go.

Hiram Monster Rat: Bottle-wielding, woman-beating City Council brute must go

True, but unless convicted, Monserrate can serve. Needless to say, the Senate GOP doesn't want him to be seated.


Anonymous said...

its about fucken time get out monster-rat

Anonymous said...

Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. Godspeed to the lady's full recovery--may the perpetrator rot in jail.

Anonymous said...

and may biggie smalls rot to

Anonymous said...

delete all the comments if you are going to delete mine Crapper..

Anonymous said...

all you wilets point wet backs are mad at Hiram cause he jilted you..

WEll you should know that is what all Latino men do to their women when they get out of line.

Just like Hiram did to his bitches in Willets Point -- smack them down.


Anonymous said...

Evan Stavisky does the same thing to Biggie Smalls up in South Salem.

Anonymous said...

Let him finish his great work on preventing and punishing perpetrators of domestic violence.

He can do that from a cell can't he?

This may be a good time for the manly man to start singing what he knows and who he knows regarding the fake "civic organizations".

He can likely sing operas about Commissar Death and Taxes.

Why are we wasting all our money on accommodations for statewide electeds in all those building in Albany, when they wind up on Rikers or Sing Sing anyway? Elect them, then send them straight to a cell. Include the Governors in that plan.

georgetheatheist said...

Can you dig this. The Senator-to-be smashes his girlfriend in the face and this influences the political process in Albany.

Ancient Rome here we come.

Anonymous said...

biggie biggie biggie of course you will be deleted because your a carlos biggie asshole face it hiram is done monster-rat is done thank god for this

and now on to save willets point

Anonymous said...

Who's Biggie Smalls? Who is this referring to? Sounds like an inside joke.

Anonymous said...

joe a rambles when he doesnt get his medication

Anonymous said...

They are all liars, phoneys, and cheats. Get rid of them all===NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

The Senate Democrats will try to ignore it, because it happened while he was still a Councilman. And the City Council will stall their investigation for another week, at which time he'll have left the Council to go to Albany.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
The Senate Democrats will try to ignore it, because it happened while he was still a Councilman. And the City Council will stall their investigation for another week, at which time he'll have left the Council to go to Albany.

sorry carlos to meny people dont like him he will get jail time he's done got to love it i know i wont let it rest

Anonymous said...

biggie smalls is carlos gonzalas

Anonymous said...

Who's Biggie Smalls? Who is this referring to? Sounds like an inside joke.

his name is carlos gonzalas he calls him self biggie smalls he's a biggiest ass hole the is on this blog that why he has to stay anonymus because most of the time crapper deleats his post
no he's at the iron triangel tracker bolg site bloging for the city of n.y.edc on willets point

Anonymous said...

Bearly a mention on the TV news.
Already efforts to collectively shrug shoulders.

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