Saturday, December 20, 2008

Less crap to be dumped in the water

To keep sewage and polluted stormwater from spewing into the waterways around the city, the Bloomberg Administration this week unveiled its Sustainable Stormwater Management Plan.

During storms, the city’s combined sewage and stormwater system becomes overwhelmed, and instead of passing through a treatment system, this filthy wastewater simply gets dumped into the harbor. But now, as part of PlaNYC 2030, the city has committed a plan to paper to keep stormwater out of the system in the first place.

One of the goals is to capture over a billion additional gallons of stormwater a year by the end of 2010. (That’s a baby step toward eliminating the more than 27 billion gallons of untreated wastewater currently dumped in New York Harbor every year.)

A Plan to Keep Waste Out of the Water

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is one reason why people shouldn't be tossing dog crap, or any other trash, into the storm sewers. See it all the time.

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