Saturday, October 22, 2022

Giving the restoring of the Riis Park Bathhouse another expensive shot



 Jacob Riis Park, known as “The People’s Beach,” is undergoing an Art Deco comeback as developers plan to restore the historic bathhouse and open the historic site next year.

Over $50 million will be injected into the project, which will include restaurants, a bar, a pool, event spaces, and 28 hotel rooms in the Rockaway site with two octagonal red brick towers. The hub’ phased opening is set to start in 2023.

“This project to revitalize and rejuvenate the Jacob Riis Bathhouse represents a giant step forward for the Rockaway Peninsula as it continues to recover from the battering it received from Hurricane Sandy a decade ago,” said Queens Borough President Donovan Richards Jr. in a statement.

The project is led by CBSK Developers and the architecture firm Beyer Blinder Belle.

The restoration of the bathhouse, built in 1932, will add eateries, a beachfront bar, and retailers stocked with beach supplies. The courtyard will include a pool and lounge areas.

 The New York State Historic Preservation Office reviewed the project.

Didn't they try to make Riis Park a tourist destination before with that glamping bullshit?

Ok, now who's going to tell nature to stop devouring the shore right next to the bathhouse? 


Anonymous said...

The peoples beach? I knew it! Full of commies!

Anonymous said...

Actually, "The Peoples beach" is the Ft. Tilden beach just to the West of Riis Park. It became known as the "Peoples" beach when the Adaptive Aquatics section of Ft. Tilden beach was appropriated by hipster shitheads for their bathing experiences. In doing so, the adaptive aquatics program was shut down by the feds so the hipsters could have their day in the sun. Adaptive Aquatics purpose was to help wounded veterans get accustomed to life with their new prosthetic limbs. It eventually was expanded to include children with autism and other developmental disabilities.

Hipster shitheads have always been selfishly tone deaf.

Anonymous said...

New name is Obongo's Hangout.

Anonymous said...

Nature isn’t devouring the shore. That’s Bill Gates and George Soros heating the planet with those lasers.

Anonymous said...

This is all Joe Biden’s fault. Here in the great state of Florida the only Art Deco we have is a few fake buildings in Disney and Ron de Santis pink boots.

Anonymous said...

Woke Math ?

Liman said...

My family used to go to Riis Park many decades ago. It was an impressive facility, although even then looking a bit tired. I visited it a few times in recent years. Yuck. A depressing pile of dirty bricks. Unmaintained pavement. Uncollected garbage. Few people, suspicious characters. Totally uninviting. I read about its rehab, but it never seemed to get any better. The glamping thing seemed ridiculous on its face.

There's no point in dumping more money into the place (public or private) unless the erosion is addressed. "Climate change" is not the villain. It's the misguided placement of groins (jetties) intended to stop the inexorable east to west flow of sand drifting down the beach. It's an issue from Montauk to Sea Gate, and it's been going on since the glaciers created Long Island. The groins were intended to prevent the westward flow of sand. But you can't stop the ocean. The groins at Riis were mostly wood (what were they thinking?) and have withered away. On the park's east, at Beach 149th Street, there's a robust stone jetty. Everything to the west is getting scoured away, not being replaced with new flows of sand. Just take a look at Google Earth, it's obvious.

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't this money be used for the Ukaine war ?

Anonymous said...

@“ Shouldn't this money be used for the Ukaine war ?”
Good idea 👍

Anonymous said...

@Shouldn't this money be used for the Ukaine war ?

Absolutely. Plus TA Commies' budget. To get Zelensky an e-bike.

Anonymous said...

"Shouldn't this money be used for the Ukaine war ?"

American Teachers Union Abandons American Teachers

#DefundPublicEducation #defundtheUFT

Anonymous said...

Shouldn’t this money be used for the illegal aliens being bused here? If they can walk from Venezuela to Mexico, then it shouldn’t be any problem for them to walk back to Tijuana.

Anonymous said...

Oh and don't forget, Let's go Brandon!

Anonymous said...

remember climate change is not real, Until it takes your home.

Anonymous said...

Ia It or is it not A FLOOD ZONE?