Sunday, August 28, 2022

Why New York sucks in 2022


Anonymous said...

Kinda sad!

Anonymous said...

That's funny because my boyfriend Said the same thing to me yesterday that he doesn't give a shit about what happens in nyc anymore. We happily moved out to the boondocks in suffolk county and despise going back into the city to visit family. Nyc sucks and is so awful. And I still don't understand why those outdoor dining sheds are still standing. How hard is it for someone to just either take a drill and take it down or take a sludge hammer to them to just knock them down? Why is it so impossible for them to do that? Nyc sucks ass and im glad I left. I didn't go too far but atleast I'm not in the 5 boroughs anymore.

georgetheatheist said...

Is he sitting in one of those recliner chairs? I'm always tempted to buy one.

JQ LLC said...

That chair is phenomenal. It looks like it was made for a giant.

Anonymous said...

The invasion is working out well too.

Anonymous said...

@"That's funny because my boyfriend Said the same thing to me yesterday that he doesn't give a shit about what happens in nyc anymore"

Sure, and you're still on this site every day. How exciting the boondocks must be for you.

Anonymous said...

He has a lot of very valid points. The bad news for him is that it will be much the same in any city or country that he moves to. Unchecked corporate power is above the law and is corrupting the whole system worldwide. From property to media to the private prison business. You Q-Anon creeps can keep on blaming democrats and Biden all you want. TrumpTurd, DeSantis and the Republicans are owned by the same corporations. The only difference is that some corporations give to one side more than others. And TrumpTurd is willing to sell this country to the highest bidder. The difference between Democrats and Republicans is that we aren't looking for a God to solve our problems. Republicans worship their leaders like they are gods. Maybe because the latter are still gullible enough to believe in their Bronze Age gods and Santa Claus.
Sad ...

Anonymous said...

The definition of :
TRAVESTY - NEWYORK(mockery, distortion, sham, farce, corruption, parody, charade).

Little Black Sambo said...

Where can I get a sludge hammer?

Anonymous said...

If we're talking about Louis Rossmann, I strongly recommend everyone watch his recent video on the dangers of mega-corporations like Apple and Google locking you out of your entire life:

@georgetheatheist: I also highly recommend a comfy recliner chair for everyone who can afford it and fit it in their house.

Anonymous said...

Here’s to you Louis and 1000 years of Ultra MAGA !

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