Sunday, August 28, 2022

New York Senate shadowban

Reclaim The Net 

 New Yorkers who criticize the state’s Senate on Twitter have been blocked from commenting and seeing tweets, according to FIRE who is representing a New Yorker who was blocked for criticizing the state’s new gun control legislation.

In June, the US Supreme Court struck down a New York State legislation that required people to have a license to carry a concealed firearm outside of their homes. The state’s legislature responded by expediting a new gun control legislation limiting who is allowed to carry firearms among other controls.

New Yorkers upset with the reform took to Twitter to express their frustration. According to FIRE, the state’s Senate Twitter account hid about 90 tweets and blocked multiple users.

Twitter allows accounts to hide replies and block people, which prevents them from commenting and seeing future tweets. The New York State Senate’s account takes advantage of these features to hide criticism of legislators and legislation.

Because the Senate is a government entity, it is going against the First Amendment by blocking users. Several courts have agreed that when a government entity invites public comment on social media, regulating comments and engagement violates the First Amendment. The most notable case was when a court ruled that then-President Donald Trump violated the First Amendment by blocking critics on Twitter.


Anonymous said...

This is right out of Puutin’s playbook.

Anonymous said...

They taught each other - shared "tricks" ??

NPC_translator said...

New York is run by snowflakes and cowards who are terrified of the truth.

Anonymous said...

Twitter is for twits and morons anyway. Who cares.

Joe said...

This is what journalists, news and film company's go though with the Mayors Office Of Media and Entertainment.
Not a registered Democrat, Say something mayors office don't like, Not enough people of color in your movies leading rolls?
Well then kiss your permits and access to events to operate in this city goodbye. They will red tape, blacklist your news or film company out of business until your fired and sent to work in Siberia. Ask the old governors daughters former boyfriend
The AP, people at FOX even kiss the NYC mayors office ass, no journalist dare call out the mayor, DAs, Shitty judge or city council member, call bullshit BULLSHIT without a sanctioned green light.

Always been that way in the Soviet Union, N Korea, even the mafia commission
This started here back with Bloomberg, now its 100 fold worse and nation wide, Democrats mutated/rewrote its intent (which was to get the massive tax breaks) into complete communism!!
I wrote about this commie shit coming (and how very real it was) over 10 years ago, Welcome to the F_ing Democrats "New America"!!
New Yorker's better vote red come November or this communism is here to stay


Anonymous said...

I don't have much faith in New York voters. Too many are part of the Democrat plantation. They love going back to pick the fields of broken promises time and again.

Anonymous said...

They couldnt care less what happens to America.
Those who choose to remain blind will follow others off a cliff. I don't know what else you can say to the Sheeple. The ends do not justify the means. We have due process for a reason.
The First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

TA Commie said...

@"This is right out of Puutin’s playbook."

So, this must be good if you are a fan of Tucker Putin, Shanty Hannity, TrumpTurd and the Putinist party?

Anonymous said...

So it's not ok for them to block comments they don't like, but it's ok for Queens Crap to block comments it doesn't like.
Anyway, the founding fathers didn't mention anything about Twitter. It's just an idiot website used by and for other idiots.

Anonymous said...

@@This is right out of Puutin’s playbook.@@

Not really, but this is:

The unelected, communist Governor.

NPC_translator said...

"This is right out of Puutin’s playbook."

The press is Russia is mostly hostile to Putin and far freer than the press in America. But live in your fantasy land.

Anonymous said...

The former president 's account was closed by Twitter

Anonymous said...

@So, this must be good if you are a fan of Tucker Putin, Shanty Hannity, TrumpTurd and the Putinist party?

Only for Hillary of Uranium One and the Biorobot with the crazed son - TA commie - oink suck again pig.

Anonymous said...

@but it's ok for Queens Crap to block comments it doesn't like.

You full of = Queens Crap. Is your mind is hijacked again by drugs?

Joe said...

"First Amendment provides that Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise. It protects freedom of speech, the press, assembly, and the right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

Not when you give up those rights by signing on to the terms of its charter.
"Yea click you accept the terms of service"
Democrats have been deregulating these company's so they can kill off all the small guys and form monopoly's.
Now a handful of corporations control everything you see, read, hear and can speak. The government then only needs to place controls on the mentioned such monopolized company's.
Your gagged and your rights and the US Constitution do not apply.

This was Bill Clintons work with the Telecommunications Act of 1995. Originally intended to help cell phone company's Old Bildo was too busy getting blowjobs to read the 110 pages of cleavents to make Monopoly legal.
All the socialists in government had to do was sit back all let these media company's do all the work, spend their own $$ buying everything then get controls on THEM and this is the commie shit and censorship you get.
I worked at NBC at the time, we would hid behind equipment air ducts at times when the top brass had secret meetings. (That RCA building is massive and quite amazing) Of course near everybody told me "Oh bullshit Joe, free speech is guaranteed by the constitution, they cant do that its never gonna happen"
It wasn't till NBCs new partner Universal started demanding all employees sign strict binding confeduntually of disclosure agreements is said F_UCK all you communists and walked out the building.

I promise you every journalist, employer of a media company who is still working signed one.
Real news no longer exists, its all under controls and I mean ALL:From the Associated Press, TV, Radio, Web (meaning online newspaper) print to some hack on Twitter.
Include every dam this else the choose to go after next



Anonymous said...

Dr. NPC Doofus has now moved from practicing medicine, to climatology to being an "expert" on Russian journalism, all while never leaving his barstool.
What an amazing doofus.

Anonymous said...

@This is right out of Puutin’s playbook.@

You better tone it down a bit punky, seems even your socialist friends know the truth

You support Nazis and that's because you are one.

A WEF, Schwab Nazi.

What a creep you are.

Anonymous said...

When the history books are opened this time will be known as the "First Era of MAGA".

Anonymous said...

@Dr. NPC Doofus has now moved from practicing medicine, to climatology to being an "expert" on Russian journalism, all while never leaving his barstool.
What an amazing doofus.

And he is doing much better than you TA commie.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you idiots really care. I've never used Twit - break the habit and let them dry up.

Anonymous said...

@I can't believe you idiots really care. I've never used Twit

Good for you. Now move on.

Anonymous said...

We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.

Anonymous said...

"but it's ok for Queens Crap to block comments it doesn't like. "

Terrible. Your shadow is also following you.

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