Thursday, August 17, 2017

Liz Crowley looking kinda desperate

So Liz Crowley's gotta be pretty worried if she is sending mailers out like this.
1) She's had several opponents and never got this down and dirty with any of them.
2) She's using a 10-year old photo from a blog that attacks her and praises her disgraced predecessor, Dennis Gallagher.
3) Holden is running on other lines in the general election (and she has the WFP line although she was bounced from the Independence line) so it's guaranteed that they will meet in November, no matter what happens in the primary. And a good portion of her district is solidly Republican and non-affiliated voters.
4) The whole focus of this piece is that the guy accepted an award from the Queens GOP. Not for upholding Republican values, but for his civic work over the years. I'd like to thank Ms. Crowley for explaining that civic work is a Republican value and not a Democratic value. This whole time I thought political party didn't matter when it came to caring about one's community, but clearly I was wrong.

Sorry, but an incumbent sinking to this level reeks of desperation.

I'll let Holden have the last word:

“I don’t care if you’re a Democrat or a Republican, if you don’t do right by the neighborhood, we’re not going to get along.” - Robert Holden.

What an awful philosophy! All hail the Queens County Machine!

(The funny thing is that if the Queens Dems are so opposed to Trump, why did they endorse a guy who likes him?)


Anonymous said...

And what are those Democratic values, Ms Crowley? Please tell us.

JQ LLC said...

“I have no problem giving the president a chance as long as the president isn’t going to punish us in a political sense for something we shouldn’t be punished for,” Vallone said, referring to the idea of New York getting hurt by Trump because of some speaking out against him.

So you're gonna give a guy, an unrepentant, unapologetic, ignorant cowardly racist and career robber baron, a chance because you're worried that he's going to commit legislative blackmail on a state and city if said state and city criticizes or admonish him? Those are some leadership values.

Besides, the party of Donald Trump are throwing him under the bus for that shitshow press conference he threw at his flagship building aka "the scene of the treason". So Dizzie Lizzie should check herself and quit maligning her formidable opponent with cheap propaganda and relying on winning on the fact that at least you're not like Trump.

(sarc) said...

Can we perhaps look at the list of Ms. Crowley's donations?

Is it desperation, or is going down into the gutter and mud with propaganda like this just upholding Democrat values?

An old college acquaintance would always speak of the value of his life's motto, "go ugly early"....

Anonymous said...

I doubt that that Dizzy Lizzy can even spell Democrat!

Anonymous said...

Not having Democrat values seems like a plus to me.

Anonymous said...

Holden isn't the only Democrat in Queens who thinks that Crowley is useless. Myself and most of my Democratic neighbors have had to endure this poor excuse for a Councilwoman for the past 8 years and are looking forward to an opportunity to elect someone who has the neighborhoods best interest at heart instead of one that is looking to line her pockets.

Anonymous said...

So you're gonna give a guy, an unrepentant, unapologetic, ignorant cowardly racist and career robber baron, a chance because you're worried that he's going to commit legislative blackmail on a state and city if said state and city criticizes or admonish him? Those are some leadership values.

You must be really stupid to say this. Get a life. The globalists sponsored by George Soros are seething that they lost the presidency.
They doing the same thing in Europe if you haven't noticed. Trashing American history is the new vogue in thing now.
You get protestors on Craig's list for $25/hr to create problems?

Anonymous said...

Wonder how Liz feels about her Queens congressman cousin living FULL TIME with his family in Virginia ??
Is that a democratic value, pretending to represent an urban Queens Constituency while hiding in Arlington?

Anonymous said...

Dizzy Lizzy will flood stuff mailboxes in the 30th district with fake news hoping the voters will mindlessly believe her asinine charges.

It is evidence of the lack of respect she has for the intellectual capacity of the voting populous.

Anonymous said...

And what are those Democratic values?

Vote rigging, corruption, pandering to criminals, to various rent-a-mob hate groups under the disguise of fighting racism, gender confusion, Arkancide, selling uranium to the russians, taxing the middle class to death, various pay/tax schemes, paid leave act paid for by the working wage slaves - just to name a few.
The GOP values are the same and we get a nice perfectly corrupt system that fucked the people over for decades.
Was there a year in the past few decades that we were not at war with other countries?

Anonymous said...

Just another example of why she's called "Dizzy Lizzy."

Anonymous said...

We all know what kind of "service" Liz is good at giving, usually on her knees. I'm sure her boyfriend's police union will be behind her, too.

Anonymous said...

"You must be really stupid to say this. Get a life. The globalists sponsored by George Soros are seething that they lost the presidency."

I love when Soros is mentioned. Please, pass me the tin-foil hat.

"And what are those Democratic values? Vote rigging, corruption, pandering to criminals, to various rent-a-mob hate groups under the disguise of fighting racism, gender confusion, Arkancide, selling uranium to the russians, taxing the middle class to death, various pay/tax schemes, paid leave act paid for by the working wage slaves - just to name a few."

Maybe that's the corrupt 'Queens Machine' but they don't represent us and everyone knows it (thus Holden vs. Dizzy).

But by all means, show me actual, verifiable evidence that dems rig votes, pander to crooks, and are more corrupt than republicans.

Gender Confusion? Seriously? Buddy you live in NYC. This isn't alabama. If my neighbor is confused about their sexuality I could give a fuck. Not my problem, and it's not yours either. If you think it is, you really truly are living in the wrong country. I hear Putin loves people like you.

"rent-a-mob hate groups under the disguise of fighting racism" - rent a mobs? I've never been paid to punch a nazi. I will happily continue punching nazis for free.

Again: if you don't like NYC, leave. Nazis are not welcome here.

Anonymous said...

Opposing Democratic clubhouse crooks, like Crowley, DOES NOT make him a Republican.
Dizzy Lizzy is a party girl player for some of the biggest machine pols.
Weren't she and convicted criminal Brian Mc Laughling toght?
Lizzy has used her "charms" to suck her way up the power ladder.

Anonymous said...

Desperate Times = Desperate Measures. She's definitely running scared and must resort to smear tactics. Holden has been a community activist for over 30 years. He is always there for the neighborhood. He lives in Maspeth, but is concerned about the surrounding neighborhoods. Dizzy Lizzy has had 8 years in office, yet our quality of life is rapidly deteriorating. She's bought an paid for, since our Mayor gave the entire City Council a raise. She supported an FALN terrorist to receive an honor at the Puerto Rican Parade. She's against Stop and Frisk. She knew about the Homeless Shelter at the Maspeth Holiday Inn, but failed to inform the community. She lied about it. To appease her constituents, she filed a bogus lawsuit against. She never showed up at the Protests at the Holiday Inn. She was instrumental in the building of the Maspeth High School and told the community our kids would have their own school. Maspeth students can't go to the Maspeth High School. They have to go through District 24 to try to get a seat. I'm tired of being lied to. If she loses, her cousin, "Virginia Joe," will find her another job in government. It's time for a change in Leadership.

Anonymous said...

PoorBob.Can't take the heat.

Anonymous said...

It was and still is Bob fighting the homeless shelters in our neighborhoods
Dizzy Lizzy is the one who was making backroom deals
she lied to us when she said she knew nothing about shelter plans
then it came out she was in secret meetings getting all the info
then claims she stopped the shelter when it was really BOB and the coalition.
A REAL LIAR, just like her idol - Hillary

Anonymous said...

Could Dizzy Lizzy even find Russia on a map?
I am sure Virginia Joe put this hit piece together.
I don't think she can put a full sentence together.
He has to keep her employed, otherwise he has to waste favors to get her a job.
How could she hold a real job?

Anonymous said...


Read this and weep. After that apologize for insulting the President.
This has been going on since he won the "they couldn't rig it" election.

Some democratic values!

The violence in Charlottesville was orchestrated and engineered by the Mayor of Charlottesville Michael Signer and Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe who want “liberals” to focus on a sideshow while the Oligarchs they work for continue to run off with the loot while devastating the middle class.

Michael Signer works for George Soros. He gets paid by the Soros funded “Center for American Progress” which, like all Soros funded groups, actually pushes for societal breakdown and anti democratic Global Corporatism by a small cabal of banking and Corporate elites.

Anonymous said...

“I have no problem giving the president a chance as long as the president isn’t going to punish us in a political sense for something we shouldn’t be punished for,” Vallone said, referring to the idea of New York getting hurt by Trump because of some speaking out against him.

Um, dude - I think you got your quotes mixed up. That was Graziano saying that we shouldn't give him a chance. Vallone is at the top saying that we should "give the Prez a shot."

Here's Graziano's quote:

Paul Graziano, who is challenging Vallone in the nascent primary race for his seat, took issue with the councilman’s remarks.

“I have no problem giving the president a chance as long as the president isn’t going to punish us in a political sense for something we shouldn’t be punished for,” he said, referring to the idea of New York getting hurt by Trump because of some speaking out against him.

Anonymous said...

To the vallone thugs fuckos so they stop their stupidity in spinning shit:

2. Who is covered by COPPA?
The Rule applies to operators of commercial websites and online services (including mobile apps) directed to children under 13 that collect, use, or disclose personal information from children. It also applies to operators of general audience websites or online services with actual knowledge that they are collecting, using, or disclosing personal information from children under 13. The Rule also applies to websites or online services that have actual knowledge that they are collecting personal information directly from users of another website or online service directed to children.

so who the fuck was under 13?

Anonymous said...

Just say no to racism JQ LLC:

Anonymous said...

>"rent-a-mob hate groups under the disguise of fighting racism" - rent a mobs? I've never been paid to punch a nazi. I will happily continue punching nazis for free.

If you're going to assault people for thought crimes, you need to leave. Putin loves people like you.

Anonymous said...

He's got my vote! I bought my house I 1989 for $265k,and thought I got ripped. I really liked Middle village and could see it was solid . Bob is one big reason it it is a great place to live. Btw,with the improvements I've done over the years,the value of my home has tripled. Thanks Bob!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Friend,

Please join me at a reception for my cousin Elizabeth's re-election campaign at the fabulous Knockdown Center on August XX. Details are below. It will be a great night! Hope to see you there!


Suggested donations: Diamond $2750 Platinum $1000

JQ LLC said...

Anon who told me to get a life:

Thanks for the links. I was going to post this American travesty on my blog, but now I have to update it. I was wondering why didn't that corrupt dem tool McAuliffe didn't deploy the national guard or the mayor ramp up police forces for the turnout, well he did but told them to stay put. Especially when there was a clash following a gathering of torch carrying neo-nazis the night before. Now a woman, a resident of Virginia and a true believer is dead and so are 2 cops who perished in that chopper crash when they were deployed to late to cover the carnage on the street.

Let me clarify a bit though.

I am aware of the antics of the antifa and the bizarre inaction by the police depts of cities where these assemblies are taking place, most recently in Seattle and Portland, since when it comes to any protest involving police brutality or greedy banks they come out with the military armaments.

And now the cops are allowing citizens to tear down statues and the mayor in baltimore removed 2 statues in the dark of night. I know what those statues represent and I abhor them, but this is not the way to do this.

I am also aware of the reach of the dishonest George Soros, who certainly has been superaggressive with donating to preferred elected officials since the Citizens United decision. But I will never apologize to the President, because he never has apologized for anything and is in way over his head trying to use the presidency to further enrich himself and grow his "brand"

JQ LLC said...

I am also aware of Robert Byrd. It should be noted that even George Wallace mellowed out in his later years.

No Obama fan here by the way.

Anonymous said...

rent a mobs? I've never been paid to punch a nazi. I will happily continue punching nazis for free.

That's right jerky. Rent a mobs, pays $25/hr courtesy to Soros.
Check out Craig's list.

You would have a hard time to punch a nazi since they are all dead, maybe a neo-nazi, but you can go ahead and punch them for free, seems the globalist commies don't bother you at all. In which case you can start punching yourself.

Putin loves people like you.

Brainwashed by MSM huh? To much Mika or Don Lemon?

Anonymous said...

,the value of my home has tripled.

Oh yes. Is called inflation. Also part of NYC's tax scam. The more a house is worth, the more you pay in taxes, which go up every year.

In essence they are confiscating your money.

Anonymous said...

For the unemployed or underemployed.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your home price! But at the end of the day you still live in Queens. Sell and move to a red state.

Anonymous said...

Anon said
"Btw, with the improvements I've done over the years,the value of my home has tripled. Thanks Bob!!"

Ironically, I'm sure most of the people on this blog wouldn't approve of any of your improvements, unless you made the house smaller!

Anonymous said...

Wtf does that mean,make it smaller? And why would I give a fuck of anyone approving? I will be leaving nys,with my 1 full and one partial pension. I don't mind the increase in taxes as it's a 2 family and I get a decent,but fair rent. I'm not hurting.

Anonymous said...

Holden has said that he never wanted to be a politician and really doesn't even like politicians but feels that the likes of Crowley have been bad for the community and the city.
Holden has lived in this community all his life and has been an activist for the community for over 30 years.Now that he has retired after 40 years of teaching he's looking for the "good fight".We know his chances of upsetting Crowley are slim but if an unknown like Brian Barnwell can topple Marge Markey he just might win the "good fight"

Anonymous said...


So how is this allowed? Please explain it to us!

Anonymous said...

I love when Soros is mentioned. Please, pass me the tin-foil hat.

Listen lightweight is this the best you can come up with?
Is well documented what Soros and his cabal is doing in this world, so instead of a tin-foil-hat, you'll need some honest reality check.

Anonymous said...

But by all means, show me actual, verifiable evidence that dems rig votes, pander to crooks, and are more corrupt than republicans.

No problem, lazy, ignorant fool:

I hear Putin loves people like you.

Yeah, MSM educated lazy ignorant fool, the globalist commies will turn you into a snitch or a pleasure tool - load up on vaseline, you'll need it.

Anonymous said...

JQ - they wanted the confrontation. How does an Occupy Wall Street thug become a nazi?
Was all well orchestrated like most of the high profile events.
With the MSM ready to go. Nazi - bad, Commies - OK. WTF? They are all bad!!!!!
We fought the nazis and we fought the commies for God's sake.
Undermining the President has been going on since he unexpectedly won the election.
With his money at his age playing golf is a positively attractive option, he does not need this garbage. We can all recognize that.
I feel sorry for the people that don't realize what kind of damages were inflicted on this country since Clinton took power in 1992.
Even with President Trump the undermining is going on, thanks to Soros, the Clinton Crime family and the deep state operatives still entrenched in the system.
Please explain how could $6.5 Trillion (with a T) disappear from the Pentagon and various agencies? Where did this money go?
Every year we are at war with some country under various lies.
Who is benefiting from all these wars?

Anonymous said...

Truth be told Holden wasn't my favorite guy in the neighborhood but compared to Crowley he looks so good that I ponied up some $ at one of his fundraisers. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Anonymous said...

Holden has turned off a lot of people with his tough stance on certain issues.I liken him to a pitbull,once he latches on he don't let go.He's been the President of Juniper Civic for a long time and he's also on the planning board so he knows the issues that affect the community.

Anonymous said...

Well wouldn't we be better off with a fighter than a dynasty machine do-nothing?

Anonymous said...

I wanna be sitting in Connolly's Corner to watch the scowls when this stupid twit gets tossed on her hiney . She may have a few friends in those apartment buildings (we all know which ones) however, ALL the Irish I know are pissed off sick and tired of Crowley not showing up at events, not answering peoples calls. ALL now voting Holden.

Sadly the political system and Queens is so full of garbage ignoring laws that have been in existence for years its beyond repair. And who started this lawlessness? You guessed it. Our old bastard Obama with his forged birth certificate and executive notes and orders.

--Yes we need a fighter apposed to embody who puts on knee pads and sells us down the river (then hides)every-time the imbecile mayor comes calling

Anonymous said...

I saw one of these today and after reading the 3 X's I am no question voting for Holden. You dont even need Queens Crap info board (or any other blog) because this Crowley is a real idiot. --Just unbelievable !!

Who the hell (aside illegals, slobs & freeloaders) wants democratic values after year's of her, Obama and and that nutcase DiBlasio ?
How many democrats are in jail, went to jail or faked petitions recently.
We need more democratic values ?

Anonymous said...

Soros has gone nuts in his old age, but he is obsessed with preventing the nazism of his youth

suzanne tecza said...
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