Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Graziano details allegations against Vallone

From the Queens Chronicle:

“Faced with arguing his absurd case in front of a Judge, Graziano instead chose to withdraw the complaint, tacitly admitting that this was nothing more than a cheap, meritless publicity stunt that wasted everyone’s time and our taxpayers’ hard earned money,” a Vallone campaign press release said.

Graziano has not quite admitted that the suit was “meritless,” though. Although the Democratic challenger dropped the litigation, he said he is still wholly convinced that the Vallone campaign committed forgery and fraud to collect the signatures needed to run.

And here we go...

If you have about 1/2 hour to sit and watch this, I assure you, it's quite interesting!

"Dear Friends:

As many of you know, due to financial issues I was unable to continue my court action against my opponent, Paul Vallone, which focused on massive fraud, forgery and illegal activities in the gathering of petition signatures in order to get on to the Democratic Party ballot line.

On Monday afternoon, I began to release my findings to the press and the public. Above is the full video of the press conference, which was well-attended by the local and city-wide press.

As stated at the press conference, I will be releasing new information twice a week for the foreseeable future; rather than overwhelm the press with an incredibly complex story all at once, each release will be a chapter in the larger story of what I uncovered.

Scans of the original petitions are here:

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at any time."

Paul Graziano

These videos show what appears to be an underage teenager (high school sophomore) procuring and witnessing signatures on petitions for Paul Vallone. In the background can be seen a number of other underage teenagers doing the same thing.


voter/homeowner said...

Waddaya expect? B.S. From the Vallone mob!
Vallone "muscle" as a developers's lobbyist and mob mouthpiece, slings crap about a real community minded opponent. between the baloney and vote for Graziano......OR prepared to get reamed by Don Paulo V for another term!
He hasn't done anything real to improve his district.....only his bank account!
No matter how you read it....VALLONE....takes money from the developers who are ruining your quality of life.
In a way...doesn't that amount to taking a bribe to vote yes on a developer's project?
Decide for yourselves, but, be careful who you vote for.
Many of my neighbor's have been on the receiving end of Vallone's knife in the back!

JQ LLC said...

Not only does he look like a sophomore, he looks like he skipped a grade.

You suck Vallone, you're gonna get primaried.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand: what sudden financial issues should have derailed this action? Surely his attorney would have informed him up front of the typical costs.

(sarc) said...

If there were honest journalism these stories of questionable violations of election law would be front page news!

And "We the People" would be better informed to make decisions.

Unfortunately all we have is "fake news"

Thank you Crapper for your attempts to be real...

Anonymous said...

I don't understand: what sudden financial issues should have derailed this action?

What exactly is a typical upfront cost for this type of case?
Let me explain to you, Mr. Graziano is up against such a corruption that would have drained him financially.
The jurnalists didn't seem to care if you ask me.
Teh machine is well oiled/greased and is moving along just fine.

Anonymous said...

The FBI anti corruption unit should be taking up this case.
Election fraud is a very serious issue because it undermines our democracy wholesale!
The issue of election reform has become a prime objective nationwide.
Bravo Graziano! This is what true patriotism is about.
Let's expose some of Queens' political bosses and their attempts to subvert the laws of our republic.
The Vallone political mob has been running rampant for decades.
This entitled wild bunch has been involved in this kind of foul play without being outed.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry. The FBI is most likely already on it.
Why exhaust campaign funds when the Feds are best equipped to uncover mob voter fraud.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily. Additional cost arise in many cases that an attorney cannot predict, like hiring expert handwriting analysts, travel costs, etc.

Anonymous said...

The suit wouldn't have gone anywhere. Even if Paul G prove his case, the judge would just toss out the contested signatures, leaving Vallone still with enough signatures to qualify.

Anonymous said...

This is exactly why on SEPTEMBER 12 we must vote in Paul GRAZIANO!! Graziano will tell the truth and has integrity. Stinky has done what he will do, not much, he has to go.

Anonymous said...

When is this district going to finally be sick and tired of electing law breakers? Vote for Paul Graziano.

chico0100 said...

I was there...I saw the young people getting signatures....ran away when I attempted to video them. They obviously knew there was an issue.

Anonymous said...

Whether the kid knew what he was doing was shady or not, if the petitioner in the clips is underage, and he's the subject of the clip, and we don't have his parent's consent to post these videos, I am pretty sure it is against the law to do so.

Anonymous said...

This is not only about under-aged unqualified people collecting numerous petition signatures for Vallone. As Graziano points out, it also implicates a person who achieved national notoriety last year – Hannah Zimmerman, the youngest delegate to the 2016 Democratic convention – who was present with the underaged petitioners at Fort Totten, and who gave a false address on Vallone's petition. It also implicates several Vallone staffers, political professionals who nonetheless each signed multiple Vallone petitions (only one signature per person per candidate is valid). Vallone's petition gathering looks like an "anything goes" operation where what mattered above all else was maximizing the number of signatures – because who would look too closely?

Queens Crapper said...

"Whether the kid knew what he was doing was shady or not, if the petitioner in the clips is underage, and he's the subject of the clip, and we don't have his parent's consent to post these videos, I am pretty sure it is against the law to do so."

Um, no. You can film anyone of any age in a public place.

Anonymous said...

Where are the parents? I hope they show up at Vallone's door step and demand answers. Stinky put them in a position to break the law. If that was my kid I would be raising hell!

Anonymous said...

Good solid work on the part of Crappie. Always said the public exchanging info on this will eventually kill that Civil War era relic we call 'The Machine', but it will take time - perhaps as long as a generation. Those now vilified snowflakes will do the job. Have a feeling they have a low tolerance of bullshit.

In the meantime someone should show Paul G. the techniques of media. This should have condensed into 5 minutes of venom.

Also, Crappy, please get Paul's list of press was contacted and stayed away, and the list of press that showed up - and lets follow the Queens media treatment of this issue.

Lets see if they are a handmaiden to the Vallones and all their ilk.

Anonymous said...

Get them breaking the law early! Show them how it is done!

Future Democrat party pillars!

Anonymous said...

All of this just goes to show you how loyal and professional Vallone's staffers are. Clearly they don't care about breaking the law or making him look bad.

Time for a change people.

Vote for Paul Graziano.

chico0100 said...

"Whether the kid knew what he was doing was shady or not, if the petitioner in the clips is underage, and he's the subject of the clip, and we don't have his parent's consent to post these videos, I am pretty sure it is against the law to do so."

I guess you got your law degree from Columbia Law School as well eh?

Anonymous said...

The only purpose of a political club is to assess a soldier's fealty to the Family not to the Community. That is why the most vicious political thugs come out of these places.

In other words, what a Klavern is to the Klan, the Clubhouse is to the Machine.

Anonymous said...

In the meantime someone should show Paul G. the techniques of media. This should have condensed into 5 minutes of venom.

The press event looks like it was shot by a professional cameraman with multiple cameras. As for "condensing" the information: in my opinion, this was no rambling press conference. It was targeted, concise and as information-filled without getting into the weeds. Kudos to Graziano for uncovering this illegal mess!

Anonymous said...

I wonder if these teenagers witnessed the petitions or they had some one who is a registered Democrat witness them. Looks to me that they were farming out the labor for the crappy and very underpaid work that petitioning is. Either way, if anyone witnessed the ballot petitions who is not a registered and active Democrat, the signatures will be tossed . You can carry ballot petitions for political parties other than your own if you are a Notary Public or a Commissioner of Deeds.

Interfering with electioneering - getting primary ballot signatures - is a criminal act and one can be arrested for that. If I had been collecting signatures and you filmed me with out asking me first, I would definitely have called the police. And then who ever I was working for.

I may not agree with what they're doing, but I can vote against that candidate and go through appropriate channels. Sorry but the filming comes off like bullying to me. The kids are trying to make a few dollars. I wonder if you would have been so quick to film with out permission if it were an adult.

I'm not saying that I agree with your opponent. It would be interesting to find out those facts - were they paid and who was it that witnessed the ballot petitions?

georgetheatheist said...

Crapper is ENTIRELY right. One can LEGALLY film, tape, record anyone/thing in a public place. Check it out below:

Anonymous said...

Paul G should have filed specific objections with the Board of Elections as well as the court case...these petitions are a mess...and Vallone's merry band of children ( and I include his staff) are corrupt as they come. Hopefully this will all come out in the wash... 17 year old claiming she went to Columbia Law School jeez

Anonymous said...

The system is so damm corrupt, and political legacies like the vallones know how to screw the system, then they scream and yell when an outsider like Trump wins. Just look at the Crowley legacy he lives in Virginia drives a taxpayer funded car with Virginia but represents Queens. The dems scream and yell about everything from racism to crime but every city they represent is the most politically corrupt.

(sarc) said...

"The ends justify the means." – Niccolò Machiavelli

Anonymous said...

I believe there is a rule that says that as long as a registered Democrat is within a certain number of feet of the kids who are gathering signatures that it is A okay.

Anonymous said...

I may not agree with what they're doing, but I can vote against that candidate and go through appropriate channels. Sorry but the filming comes off like bullying to me. The kids are trying to make a few dollars. I wonder if you would have been so quick to film with out permission if it were an adult.

Listen Vallone soldier, you can spin this all day long, but is ILLEGAL.
Get that into ypur stupid head.

Anonymous said...

I believe there is a rule that says that as long as a registered Democrat is within a certain number of feet of the kids who are gathering signatures that it is A okay.

There is no rule. There is "protocol" that the Democratic Party has invented after they got into trouble too many times. And, it's not very effective.

Here's what happens when you use kids to get petition signatures:

Sounds almost exactly what Graziano was talking about in the video...clearly Vallone was using the same tactics. It's a shame that Graziano couldn't raise the funding to bring this lawsuit to completion, but at least he's letting everyone know - with FACTS and PROOF - that Vallone is a lying crook.

Anonymous said...

P.S. In New York State IT IS PERFECTLY LEGAL to audio record a person you are participating in a conversation WITHOUT INFORMING THEM you are doing it! This goes for phone conversations too. AND these are admissible in a court of law.
We have presented such evidence to federal investigators on another issue. HOWEVER you CANNOT plant ANY device to eavesdrop without you participating in any conversation.
I am sharing this info for all. It can be useful in keeping shady politicians in line.

Anonymous said...

The Vallones run ads for their lobbying firm in a lot of what people have called "connected" (mob) neighborhoods , like the Arthur Avenue section of the Bronx. Badda Bing....badda boom! Heh, goombah?

Anonymous said...

Why did Vallone side with Joey "d'or" Franco's much wanted expansion of the WhiteHouse Restaurant in Whitestone. Joey wanted to expand the place in a major catering facility against the wishes of neighbors. Franco was noted by the news media as being associated with the Gambino crime family.
Don Chooch Vallone voted for the expansion when he served on CB7. Knife in the back Vallone has also shafted the people of Bayside by wanting a high school built , against the wishes, of Baysiders, in a very congested area.
Be sure to vote for the right Paul, in my book it's Graziano!

Anonymous said...

Mamma Mia!
Paul Vallone is the dumbest of all the Vallone brothers.
P.P.P. Trio. Paul, Pete Jr. and Perry.
How do you spell mafioso?
Paul Vallone!
A political mobster....he certainly is very adept at mob thuggery tactics.
Fat Lionel is his useless front man.

Stu Catzzo said...

La Famiglia Di Vallone?
E tutti Mafiosi!
So Don Paulo shoots his wad on a dog and pony fireworks show at Fort Totten.
Then his soldieri developers fuck up your neighborhood while he claims he's community minded.
MERDE! That's Italian for BULLSHIT!

Anonymous said...

He's gotta use kids. The adults are wise to his crap.
Choice one: Graziano.....protects neighborhoods.
Choice two: Vallone.....destroys quality of life.
The choice is yours. Most people have the most money they have invested in their homes!
Choose wisely.

Anonymous said...

Is really a shame that a well spoken, intelligent person like Mr. Graziano who actually cares about the community has to go through this type of chickenshit non-sense instead of focusing on the issues which I'm more than sure the Vallone thug does not want to discuss or focus on them.
Telling all my friends and neighbors that enough from voting for these imbeciles that take pages out of the Clinton Crime Family playbook.
Mr. Graziano you have got my vote!

Anonymous said...

George, the issue is posting it online. If the kid is a sophomore in HS it might be okay, but better be careful if younger than 13:

Anonymous said...

George, the issue is posting it online If the kid is a sophomore in HS it might be okay, but better be careful if younger than 13

You people just never give up on stupidity.
keep trying and justify illegal activities by blaming it on photos/videos and ages of kids.
If stupidity would hurt, you'd be screaming!

Anonymous said...

The real shame is the Queens press - not covering it, eh?

Name names and people you spoke to, Paul, at the Queens media.

Anonymous said...

The real shame is the Queens press - not covering it, eh?

Isn't it? They seemed disinterested, only 2 questions asked, so here is our election process bought by crooks and shilled by an equally corrupt press.

Queens Crapper said...

Actually it's believe it's in at least 3 local papers this week.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Vallone's paid staff signed the petitions 2 and 3 times can only mean:
a) they are really stupid
b) they are as lawless as their boss
c) they don't care about their boss
d) their boss was a OK with them breaking the law

Either way... we must vote for Paul Graziano on September 12

Anonymous said...

The fact that Vallone's paid staff signed the petitions 2 and 3 times can only mean:
a) they are really stupid -Yup, they are, dumb as a box of rocks the whole lot of them
b) they are as lawless as their boss - nah, they're too stupid
c) they don't care about their boss - they care, he's their meal ticket
d) their boss was a OK with them breaking the law - yup, he was

Anonymous said...

>George, the issue is posting it online. If the kid is a sophomore in HS it might be okay, but better be careful if younger than 13:

"COPPA only covers information collected online from children. It does not cover information collected from adults that may pertain to children. Thus, COPPA is not triggered by an adult uploading photos of children on a general audience site or in the non-child directed portion of a mixed-audience website. "

Anonymous said...

COPPA only covers information collected online

You can try, but the bozos will not listen or understand any of this.
They lie, cheat, spin and lie some more.
Degenerates - that's what they are.

Anonymous said...

Next time Graziano does a long video, use makeup. Never let them see you sweat under the hot lights. Otherwise...,GREAT!

Anonymous said...

Next time Graziano does a long video, use makeup. Never let them see you sweat under the hot lights.

Ah so that's what Paulie does! Uses makeup.
Plus other select hidding techniques, like the truth for example.
Thanks vallone soldier for letting us know how things work in Vallonia.

Anonymous said...

Gee I saw Paul Graziano today, Saturday, dressed up in a dark suit,shirt,tie the whole nine.
Was about 86F, very humid.

He looked pretty good to me.

I think you boss Paulie is sweating profusely just thinking about the election.
So are you soldier, what you gonna do when they come for you?

Anonymous said...

I don't live there ,but I'll send $$.

Anonymous said...

Which pizzeria decided to endorse Paulie with a sign that makes one hurl?

Champion for the families of NorthEast Queens!

Yeah right, he is a champion allright.

Needless to say, Alfredo I'll take my business elsewhere.

This goes for any other business that decides to get political.

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