Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wacky ideas submitted for Pavilion revamp

The Wall Street Journal has some of the ideas submitted for the NYS Pavilion.


Anonymous said...

looks like a Geico commercial

Anonymous said...

11 million in graft and easy contracts for the well connected.

you could built a half dozen new structures for that money.

when are they going to start to clamp down on capital budget graft?

Anonymous said...

Pretty cheesy concept, even for Queens.

Can I get a plain burger, lettuce, onions, no pickle?

Anonymous said...

And, they called John Gotti the 'Teflon Don!' Even Gotti himself would be impressed at today's modern day graft, greed and corruption that is unprecedented to date!

Anonymous said...

How about a row of cages where all convicted Queens politicians have to serve their first 6 months open to public spectators?

Sergey Kadinsky said...

You had to pick them most outlandish proposals for your blog's readers. Couldn't help yourself.

Anonymous said...


Joe said...

Should be a catering rink that can be rented for private or corporate party's with a little stage and some electric outlets. Convert the pots to coal pits for cooking. Hate to say this but forget about the map. I been in the building all the Texaco stars, Queens & Manhattan have been completely hacked out and filled with cement. All the electrical conduits are shot, many rusted open.
Its more logical to recreate the map with a matrix of todays tri color LEDs & laser scanners. --Create any map or images you want with a laptop and USB cable at a fraction it cost to restore all that terrazzo. Perhaps restore Manhattan/Queens for the entry walkway


Joe said...

Just another idea: How about a diving horse and big tank like Atlantic city's Steel pier had. Yeah, Strap the politicians on the horse up on the observation decks and send them off for a good wash. Sell tickets, refreshments and hot dogs
We can also fabricate a fiberglass resin horse on a sling shot band & track so the animal rights people don't get upset.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
How about a row of cages where all convicted Queens politicians have to serve their first 6 months open to public spectators?... Great idea, an arena where the convicted politicians can fight each other gladiator style to get a reduced sentence. I'll buy a ticket. Bread and Circuses.

JQ LLC said...

The ecology center is the most outlandish and hysterical of them all. even funnier than the cheeseburger which I still can't shake from my mind.

If the city parks dept. gave a goddamn those structures would have been usable, instead of letting it rot for the past 40 years. It's hard to believe Led Zep played there. You mean to tell me after they had that living legend of a rock band they couldn't possibly maintained the site and kept it going as a concert arena?

I think it should be a concert arena but I prefer more green space. Like grass, In fact the rest of the park could use some new grass too. And new picnic tables. And repaved roads and sidewalks. And better plumbing because there are muddy rivers everywhere.

Mostly I think the pavillion should be demolished. Katz, who is more concerned with being a concert promoter and event planner than being the boro president, which has turned into a glorified elected host or hostess position (look at Eric Adams in Brooklyn), can take our tax dollars and hire a bunch of hipshits with their imacs and produce cute little light shows to cloak the rust and decay, but this preservation by neglect shit as got to stop. It's pretty clear that the Queens Steamer is obsessed with this pavillion it's almost mental, It's like in her loony mind, this will be her legacy.

This thing has to come down. They destroy everything else historic that they and their developer overlords and lobbyist overseers feel are in their way, so why not this. Really why should they give a shit all of a sudden.

Anonymous said...

These structures were made for a temporary event, and don't belong in the park. The World's Fair remnants do not have to sit permanently on what precious green space we have, either as decrepit eyesores or commercial enterprises. Dismantle them and move some mementos to the Queens Museum.

Anonymous said...

BIGGEST WASTE OF MONEY! If the " Friends of the Pavilion" wanted to paint the structure on their own, then let them pay for its rehab. Otherwise let's just drop this ridiculous idea to "reuse" it. Waste of time and waste of money!

Anonymous said...

The city should have dismantled this eyesore the day the Fair closed. Would have saved everyone a lot of grief.

Anonymous said...

The problem with Flushing Meadows is no transportation.

Get off the 7 train some night and walk to the tennis center to a meeting. Yea, its scary as shit to walk through the park after sunset.

The Queens Museum is a second rate boondoggle in the middle of nowhere while other venues - from RKO Keiths to the Steinway Mansion are near public transportation but allowed to rot.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Normally, I am against capital punishment...but....!
How about using it as a "pushing platform" to execute some of our top crooked Queens officials?
LMAO! "Geronimo!"

Anonymous said...

It's funny seeing an obvious shill post three times in a row calling for the destruction of one of Queens' most famous landmarks, as if readers wouldn't figure it out.

JQ LLC said...

You didn't and you're wrong

in my opinion that landmark is not that famous. Sure it was used in Men In Black, but that's about it. It has been mostly used as a toilet and an climbing obstacle for adventurous taggers in the past 10 years.

the unisphere is the structure that's most famous.

Anonymous said...

Its been a navigation beacon and VOR waypoint for aircraft since 1963, I'm quite sure removing it (if that's even possible) would be a navigation hazard between private aircraft and commercial jets at LGA.

BTW Led Zepplin and The Who (according to the late John Entwistle) they played at a place called the Slinger Bowl and Forest Hills stadium. Not the "flying saucer thing"
It still should be used for affordable summer shows and comedy acts, all the smaller people locked out of Live Nation monopoly.

Anonymous said...

FYI Led Zeppelin did play at the NYS Pavilion in the summer of 69.Many of the popular rock and roll groups of the day played there as well as the Singer Bowl.For a few dollars you could get in but if you wanted you could hear everything and lay out in the grass. My girlfriend at the time hated loud music so this is what we did while our friends got to stand in front of the stage.I sure would have liked to have seen them play but on the other hand my girlfriend and I have been married for 45 years now ha ha.

Anonymous said...

I saw Led Zepplin play there (NY State Pavilion) and it was boring because their sound was thin compared to the records which had lots of overdubs and production. Robert Plant tried to make up for this by being in constant motion, gallivanting all over the stage or whatever was in the center of the pavillion.
Zep had one or two records out. Their first record was very fresh and unique. And rocked hard as can be.

Joe said...

Does anybody remember where Zeppelin set up what the layout was ?
Usually in 1964 was a small stage on the left as you walked in the main entrance ?
This was because mist the electric came from the theatre
(Between the main entrance and east gate)

Anonymous said...

Yes the stage was on the left.I remember after the Grateful Dead played there Jerry Garcia said it was one of his favorite places to play because of the stained glass roof. At a Stooges show it was the first time I saw someone dive off the stage and people were throwing things at Iggy Pop and he was rolling all over the stage.
The cost to get in was only a few dollars but there was always people climbing the walls to get in. Also the Unisphere became a hangout and people openly did and sold drugs there until the cops cracked down.There was always some stoned nut case that would climb up the Unisphere too.

Joe said...

"was always some stoned nut case that would climb up the Unisphere too"

Yes, His name was Bug from Stephen street in Ridgewood. He both sold and did way to many drugs, he like "angel dust" and did some time in a mental institution. I last seen Bug on the 7 train selling bibles, he was still crazy, didnt even recognize me offered me a blessing for $3 saying it was a good deal.
$3 is a good deal?

I remember the elderly Italian man on Dekalb who walked around with the holy water (he steal from St.Barbara's) charged $1 but that was to bless tomato plants and wine grapes

Anonymous said...

I climbed up the Unisphere once as a teenager, when they had scaffolding up inside for renovations. It was an incredible sight, I wish I could do it again without worrying about getting arrested.

Anonymous said...

Its easy to climb just dont go above 1/2 because coming down you will have to swing with the steps in front of you (very dangerous). I never see any cops in the park unless the tennis shit is going on.
Its a real sin they dont fix the lights for the city's and 3D effects of the mountains and such. It would be dirt cheap to re-do with LEDs and look better the original (ground the frame and a single tree of common +DC volt hot running up) . Those new floodlights look absolut lousy and should only be focused on the globe not people eyes on the ground

--F_ing stupid contractors at least put lenses & shades (or use narrow beams)
Why is shitty 18th century brown incandescent being used at all ?

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