Friday, April 1, 2016

College Point may get a jail

From DNA Info:

City Hall officials are quietly exploring a proposal to move inmates off Rikers Island and into renovated borough detention centers and two new jails in city neighborhoods, DNAinfo New York has learned.

The move runs counter to public statements made by Mayor Bill de Blasio last month where he called plans to shut down the city's controversial central jail a "noble concept" that was unworkable because it would "cost many billions" to do.

"In the end, you still are going to need facilities," he said. "Where are you going to put them?"

But city officials have identified possible locations on Staten Island, The Bronx, Brooklyn and Queens where two new jails — each housing as many as 2,000 inmates — could be built.

Space next to the NYPD’s newly opened police academy in College Point is one possible location, according to sources.


Anonymous said...

So that means they will all be closer to home with their fellow illegal family members! Got it! Thank you mayor dumblasio! I'm sure the illegals thank you too!

Anonymous said...

There ya go! The final descent into Garbage Point becoming the asshole of the area!
Uh...burglaries might increase in precious Malba, unless the Lucheses or Gambinos keep a watchful eye over their Mc Mansions there.

Anonymous said...

How surprising that the Manhattanites do not get to share the new facilities for the inmate criminals with the rest of the city. They get a renovated prison for females only. How about placing a new jail in Mark-Viverito's district?

Will our local city councilors kill this absurd idea that plays into the developers dirty hands? Probably not because our elected officials are way too corrupt to do anything for their constituents.

rikki said...

here is a radial idea.... if black people committed crimes at the same rate as white people no more new jails would be needed

And soon enough more will be released than entering and eventually we can actually close some. So how do we get black people to co-operate with us, should be he question.

Anonymous said...

That's the thanks we get for having him come to town hall.

Anonymous said...

“While DOT currently does not have a proposal to adjust traffic patterns on Austin Street in Forest Hills, we are aware of the community’s concerns related to congestion.”

Awareness is not a commitment to action. Agency speak means zero.

Anonymous said...

That area is a bit isolated. May not be such a bad idea as long as the number of inmates is small. Notice how it's all being kept as quiet as possible, absolutely NO TRANSPARENCY WHAT SO EVER!!

Warden Norton said...

Yale or Jail......

or College Point!

Anonymous said...

I have never so wished the United States union broke up. That is the only solution.

Anonymous said...

"College Point may get a jail"

It already IS a jail!!!

Anonymous said...

Why do we need to close Rikers? Serious question. I understand that it has a lot of problems, but why wouldn't these new prisons have the same problems? Why spend more money, use more land, for the exact same purpose? It seems like it would make more sense to actually address the problems Rikers has and work to fix them. Am I missing something?

Anonymous said...

At least they,the criminals can say they went to college and if they do the full sentence graduated from College Point
I have a degree in Criminology

Anonymous said...

Why move the prison off the island? It's practically the only place in the City immune from NIMBYism. Who would want a jail built in their neighborhood?

Anonymous said...

Put the jails in neighborhoods that represent the majority of the prison population. That's only fair. Leave the good neighborhoods alone!

Anonymous said...

@Richard Stefan are you stupid or just plain racist? Whites commit just as much crime if not more crime than blacks. Escpecially illegal drug use. Its just thr corrpupt goverment that targets blacks because they are easier to apprehend, charge, and convict. And then after that they are giving longer sentences then whites for lesser offense crimes. I.e a black man gets 15 years for a ounce of weeed, and white man gets 10 years for 100 grams of meth. You sir are one of the reasons this country sucks

Anonymous said...

“While DOT currently does not have a proposal to adjust traffic patterns on Austin Street in Forest Hills, we are aware of the community’s concerns related to congestion.”

What about College Point? They've already put 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag!!!

Anonymous said...

Watch out College Point, your community would be destined to become another Jamaica if this goes through. You can count on it.

Anonymous said...

And soon enough more will be released than entering and eventually we can actually close some. So how do we get black people to co-operate with us, should be he question.

Blacks aren't the only jailbirds....illegals are also highly responsible for our huge jail bird population. If we just deported them like we should be, then I bet you that 1/2 of jailbird population wouldn't exist! Atleast a lot of the black people in jail are our own citizens, but how do you account for keeping other country's jailbait in our jails?

Anonymous said...

Anyone else envisioning the Townhomes at Rikers? A luxury residence with amazing water views!

Anonymous said...

I was born in the Bronx,it fell
Grew up in college point,it fell
Bought a house in Bayside,it's falling
Moved out of ny just in time to watch the total collapse of ny on TV
Far Far Away.

Anonymous said...

What fell? Not property values, those haven't stopped rising since the 80s.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea! There's ample space in that community AND it's conveniently located next to a major police training facility. Kudos to Mayor Bill de Blasio for exploring this alternative option!

Anonymous said...

This Mayor and city council will not be content until they completely destroy every neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Corona King not everyone has and eye for the truth.
Jails are a big profitable business in the United States !

rikki said...

re corona king.....racist hardly.....

black politicians demanded long jail terms for crack use..look it up....

whites commit more crimes because we are 5 times the black population did you FAIL math?

plus the black guy who killed a white cop in Richmond had a long criminal record....we were very very lenient on him

Anonymous said...

@Corona King

Take your stupid propaganda and shove it.
Drug use is a disease. Like alcoholism. Slashing, murder, rape, robbery are crimes.
People need to understand we are human beings first. Americans second. Everything else comes after.
The race card, sexual preference card, religion card is only to conquer and divide, keep various groups at bay and in constant fighting while pockets are lined and trillions go missing.
Wake up people!

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea! There's ample space in that community AND it's conveniently located next to a major police training facility. Kudos to Mayor Bill de Blasio for exploring this alternative option!

I'm having a hard time understanding the comment. Does anyone else speak moron???

Anonymous said...

Right in the middle of the 109th precinct. Aren't they incorruptible???

Anonymous said...

"Luxury" housing, homeless shelters, and now this. What will they think of next?

Anonymous said...

Use of the term "fell" was more than likely NOT intended to describe real estate prices. Why even ask this? You know very well what the dude means!!! The quality of life has fallen here in New York, especially in Queens, hence the blog, Queens Crap!!

Anonymous said...

I think the any new jail should be built near the Airports, polluted waterways, noisy roads or on top of Rail Yards ! How about on the land fill on Staten Island ? Oh, wait that's where the Hipsters want to live.

Anonymous said...

This is where our money goes!!!! And the worst part is putting inmates close to home!! DiBlasio, if this is what you're planning on doing, instead of putting the inmates near families that are going to need to worry about going out or need to put a guard on their kids...put the jail next to your home and see if you like it!!!! You are pathetic and should NEVER have been a mayor.

Anonymous said...

This is not about creating real estate space on Riker's, much less affordable housing. It's a bout a new runway for LGA. Global Gateway, NY Times and Cuomo's aviation council have already endorsed this idea.

Additionally, the building in the photo looks better than any structure built in northeast Queens in 20 years. That's not a good thing, it's a sad thing.

Anonymous said...

Gitmo,CUBA will be available soon

Anonymous said...

Build a jail near city hall.
Keep it out of maspeth

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