Thursday, March 31, 2016

Served up on a silver platter

Thank you to Patricia Dorfman


JQ LLC said...


Anonymous said...

I am finally glad the real problem is displayed here: it is city council and their arrogant attitude towards the citizens of our city.

Add to it the Queens press and Queens cultural institutions that abet our local talent and you got the perfect storm.

Anonymous said...

Havesting money from the community and giving nothing back:

Honest Joe Crowley doesn't have the time for you (like most of the boys) except to clutter our in-boxes with their hands out - for the real estate lobbies and special interest groups.

We are in the 21st century. Its time to leave the 19th behind us!

Jerry Rotondi said...

Perfect portrayal!
And my councilman Paul Vallone drops to his knees at REBNY's request faster than he does at St. Andrew's church.
Maybe REBNY is more powerful than The Great Creator.
It is as far as Don Chooch Vallone's pocketbook is concerned.
The Vallone family business is lobbying for developers.
From father to sons, the REBNY buck has been passed down.
And what does Paul Vallone do for his constituents and their need to preserve the quality of life in their neighborhoods?
As little as possible! Vote the SOB out!

Anonymous said...

No matter who gets elected, Mayor REBNY runs NYC!
You just get to vote fore their figurehead and local front men.

Anonymous said...

No matter who gets elected, Mayor REBNY runs NYC!
You just get to vote fore their figurehead and local front men.


Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Alas, there are no watchdogs (despite the completely, intensely incompetent, 'See No Evil, Hear No Evil and Speak No Evil, public, city and state watchdog agencies of epic, humanitarian fail), because the system itself is corrupt from the top on down---as the public henchmen are IN on all corruption.

But, how much longer can a city and state continue to ignore systemic corruption, graft and greed before the crushing weight at the top (and breeding point) of all greed itself finally collapses?

THIS 300% false, fake and failed mayor (and his equally corrupt council speaker pal, Melissa Mark-Viverito), are the reasons why lawlessness, vigilantism, societal collapse and anarchy are on the rise---when, THEY THEMSELVES are an integral part of all corruption that is now SO COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED, that they devalue all honesty itself---to pathologically treasonous, traitorous and ruinous effect---and, the public be eternally duped, bilked, scammed and damned!

It's time for a political revolution---and, it's coming much sooner than later...

Anonymous said...

Its amazing how corrupt the Mayor and City Council are, and how beholden they are to these special interest groups. It's just insane that not one media source holds any of these people accountable (Besides Queens Crap), instead they just bash the cops every day with stupid stories that are nothing compared to the blatant corruption and incompetence occurring at City Hall on a daily basis.

This city is in deep trouble when their priorities are pushing for free tampons, instead of fixing the infrastructure, improving city services, and the quality of life.

Anonymous said...

>It's time for a political revolution---and, it's coming much sooner than later...

With both party's anti-establishment candidates hailing from the City, how long will it take for some street level candidates to follow their lead?

JQ LLC said...

This should be a poster. Or made multiple copies of so they can be distributed to every shitty council that voted yes to De Faustio's dystopian utopian affordable luxury housing agenda.

Anonymous said...

This should be a poster. Or made multiple copies of so they can be distributed to every shitty council that voted yes to De Faustio's dystopian utopian affordable luxury housing agenda.
Can Crappy give us how the Queens delegation voted?

We will not get that in the press. The more you talk to people in preservation around the city the more attention is being focused on Queens - most of this legislation would not pass but for Queens being totally missing the message that more and more of the other boroughs understand - we are headed for a train wreck with development.

"Whats wrong with Queens they say, they can't all be stupid or transient."

What do you say in response to that being thrown in your face?

Anonymous said...

New York City, outer boroughs in particular, is getting to look more and more like Baltimore, Detroit and Ferguson. Do we all have something in common??? Could it be the
Democrats that we voters put in office? Shame on us!!!!!!

JQ LLC said...

New York City, outer boroughs in particular, is getting to look more and more like Baltimore

Remember The Wire...

Could it be the Democrats that we voters put in office? Shame on us!!!!!!

Republican,Democrat, they tell us want we want to hear. Hope is a hell of a feeling.

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