Sunday, January 3, 2016

Where the hell is Bill?

From the Forum:

In the past year, the WRBA said it has had several interactions with city agencies that were challenging. For example, in October 2014, the civic asked the Sanitation Department to end what the WRBA characterized as its unfair practice of issuing tickets to property owners in the middle of the night for garbage dumped on their properties.

In a release, the organization said it had become a common nighttime occurrence for people to leave trash outside Jamaica Avenue storefronts, and for Sanitation enforcement agents to write Notices of Violation in the middle of the night, fining property owners for failing to dispose of trash they didn’t know was there.

The WRBA said this was costing struggling business owners hundreds of dollars.

And although Bill de Blasio wrote DSNY when he was Public Advocate, asking the agency to end the practice, nothing has been done on the issue since he became mayor, the Woodhaven civic noted.

In another report earlier this year, the WRBA called out the Department of Transportation for failure to correct inadequate and “dangerous” lighting in Forest Park, to “years’ long” delays in installing needed speed bumps in Woodhaven.

Asked about the mayor’s interaction with civic groups, some leaders said he needs to engage more with the borough organizations that are the voice of residents.

“Mayor de Blasio is not as active with community groups as previous mayors,” said Joann Ariola, president of the Howard Beach-Lindenwood Civic.

Bob Holden, president of the Juniper Park Civic Association, was blunt when asked about accessibility.

“We write letters and fill out online forms and we NEVER get a response,” Holden said, adding that when de Blasio was Public Advocate, his office reached out to the JPCA often.

“Since he’s been mayor, nothing,” Holden said, noting that while some city agencies are better than others when it comes to responsiveness, he noted that the Mayor’s Office is “totally unresponsive.”


(sarc) said...

What was that? What did you say?

Anonymous said...

He is taking stronger medications now and gets too tired to function for a full working day. Look at his worn face and listen to his speeches and he will sound short-winded occasionally.

Anonymous said...

He's probably not even in this country right now.

Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Alas, I could have told everyone about how this entire City Hall administration has never stopped behaving like unresponsive, passive aggressive tyrants of epic, humanitarian fail that is now unprecedented, from Day One!

I have contacted numerous, completely derelict, hand picked officials on a number of critical issues that were in need of urgent help and a timely response, since the second week of January, 2014!

Not only were my calls, letters and faxes completely ignored, but to these arrogant, mentally lazy, intensely incompetent henchmen, the public's business does not exist---as they continue to enforce a 'Delay, Deny And Hope That You Die' attitude, that only buttresses the systemic failure of Melinda Katz's extreme, totalitarian, dictatorship, monarchy rule at Queens Borough Hall---which now makes the bowels of hell look like a heavenly Utopia!

Taxation without representation, fellow languishing NYC residents, doesn't get any worse than this---and only getting worse by the hour!

Anonymous said...

DeBlaz has no interest in what NYC citizens have to say. He holds puppet press conferences to promote his bullshit "progressive" agenda. Somehow this poor excuse of a Mayor thinks he has something to say that is of interest on a National level. I hate to break it to him but the rest of the country is not as stupid as the NYC electorat.

Anonymous said...

Get out of the City now while you can.

Rick D said...

Not much different from Mr. Bloomberg's responses.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... "DeBlaz has no interest in what NYC citizens have to say." OK. So he said that. Fine, when he feels better he will have another apartment house built and line his pockets all over again and the developer will get grants and tax abatements that we the people will pay for. Do we like that? No, we don't. Do we make the laws? No, the electeds do that.

And, maybe next year we will have a vibrant candidate to vote for --- or not. It all depends on the Democratic party. Will they come up with someone who will promise us the moon? Or, will it be the same ole', same ole' decided in a back room at a Democratic meeting who they will foist upon us.

In case anybody didn't figure this out yet -- the powers that be in the Democratic Party are the ones who decide who will be financed and put out as the next candidate to vote for -- not us. Then we have a choice between bad and worse.

It's the same in the National elections. We don't have a populist vote we have an electoral vote. So when people say we get what we deserve for government and that we are all sheeple, I totally disagree. We don't decide who to vote for. The Democratic Party decides for us. We only put in office the ones they have decided to back. It takes boatloads of money to finance elections and we the sheeple are too busy trying to survive to accumulate that kind of money. Sad, but true.

Anonymous said...

It's the same in the National elections. We don't have a populist vote we have an electoral vote.

That's right! Diet or regular. These are the two choices.
The game is rigged folks.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The elections are rigged - watch this!

Anonymous said...

"He's probably not even in this country right now."

Probably not even on this planet. Out there in space somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Need to ban marajuana smoking -- both in Gracie Mansion and in City Hall.

JQ LLC said...

When Bill was Developer's Advocate, he was helping Forest city Ratner engulf the train yards by atlantic avenue in his beloved Brooklyn to feign concern for what he surely considered trifle concerns like lampposts and roads in middle class towns in southern and eastern queens neighborhoods.

Now as the Developer's Mayor he's still ignoring these towns, unless Woodhaven suddenly gets the hot town mantle. But the only thing that will get that label is if there's a spacious former landfill to plant a mixed-use pseudo affordable apt building project on or maybe when the idiotic queensway gets started.

Anonymous said...

"Where the hell is Bill?"

He's a real nowhere man!!!

Anonymous said...

Der Blasio is afraid to face his public. He hides whenever possible. The man suffers from a degree of mental illness.
It runs in his family.

Anonymous said...


Anonymously Grey Gardens said...

Alas, we all pay a price for Bill's apparent mental illness---and getting worse by the hour for both tragic circumstances---although the latter condition is organic, and the former is a 'Cause And Effect' of the latter!

Hence, impeachment is the only cure for all civic, mental illness---for which there is no cure---but, ironically, there are no shortages of failed, political subjects whom are currently afflicted with this branch of mental illness---and the public be eternally duped and damned!

Anonymous said...

Tar and feather, then run out of town on a rail! And I don't mean the subway or LIRR!

Anonymous said...

A phony,a fraud and completely incompetent. All that matters is his agena and whatever his wife tells him what to do.

Anonymous said...

His daughter suffers the same mental illness as her father and grandfather. Both daughter and father are heavily dependent on anti depression drugs.

Anonymous said...

Bill is up his own ass on the leash of his First Lady reformed lesbian wife.
Hmmmmmm...what does that make him?
Hmmmmmm....what does that make the voters who elected him?
Bring back Bloomberg. Damn....I never thought I'd be saying that.

Anonymous said...

Nicaragua, with Sandinistas

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