Monday, January 4, 2016

Cuomo's infamous order to shelter doesn't actually do anything new

From the Daily News:

Cuomo inked the order on Sunday to remove homeless people from the streets and move them to shelters when the temperature is 32 degrees or lower. The mandate goes into effect Tuesday, when temperatures are expected to fall into the low 30s.

As homeless New Yorkers rebelled against the order and others questioned the legality of yanking people off the streets, Cuomo administration officials elaborated on the process, saying people would not be forced to leave the sidewalks.

“The executive order directs localities to conduct an assessment when necessary,” said the governor’s counsel, Alphonso David. The process involves outreach to let people know shelter beds are available and competency assessments in certain cases.


Anonymous said...

In the end the cops are going to be stuck doing the dirty work of removing the homeless for Cuomo. Then when the homeless (many of whom are crazy) fight back or resist going, the cops will have to use force, which will all be videotaped. Then the video will go viral, and cries of the "the cops are harassing and beating up the homeless" will echo across the city (and if any are black it will become a racial/ civil rights issue). Then the usual idiots will call out for more "police reform" on the steps of City Hall, say how homelessness is not a crime and sue the city for millions of dollars and a "policy change" and the city will settle a multi million lawsuit paying these idiots and their lawyers. Cuomo will not say anything about how he came up with this idea, and no one will say anything to him about it. It will just be another lets bash the cops free for all in the media and city, and a lawsuit payday for the usual complainers and shyster lawyers. So lets not and just say we did, it would save some aggravation and taxpayer dollars.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't he the one in charge of HUD that blew up and caused the bank and real estate debacle of 2008... .?

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea - many of the homeless are mentally ill. They are not competent enough to know how to provide shelter and care for themselves.

JQ LLC said...

Everyone, this is Mario's son's last stand before the indictments from Preet comes down.

Does our governor think there are places, safe and secure places to put these people. And what makes him think that people want to be laying on the ground or a bench when it's 40 degrees out.

If anything our big dumb mayor gets to crow how our governor is screwing him over and forcing his hand to implement this draconian bullshit order, although he did ask for it.( although it looks more like the Blaz is passing the buck)

And it's going to waste the time of the NYPD trying to herd all the homeless people into decrepit cluster homes, unprotected shelters and converted hotels and motels. Especially one run by a shady nonprofit run by andy's sister

Anonymous said...

will they be put onto trains and sent to the work camps?

(sarc) said...

“Their problem is not me and the Democrats. Their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are they these extreme conservatives who are right-to-life, pro-assault weapon, anti-gay? Is that who they are? Because if that’s who they are and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of New York, because that’s not who New Yorkers are.” - Gov. Andrew Cuomo

So the homeless are welcome as long as they follow orders, embrace gay sex, and like killing babies.

What happened to freedom and liberty?

Sounds like a "benevolent" a Dictator...

Anonymous said...

Walk into just about any NY State office building and you'll think the homeless are already in residence.

My problem is I can't tell if they are the employees or the visitors.

Anonymous said...

just need to move them to where they are not seen, bad for business

ron s said...

Cuomo is using homeless people as pawns in his stupid ego contest with DeBlasio. This has nothing to do with caring for people in need. Cuomo doesn't care about that.

Anonymous said...

This does nothing, has no teeth, and is nothing new. It is a typical bombastic Cuomo pronouncement that we would likely hear from both he and his father. But it gets him tons of press and makes him look like some type of liberal hero.

Anonymous said...

Ask him why his father closed all the mental hospitals back in the 70s, letting the lunatics loose, and started the entire homeless problem.

Anonymous said...

You don't have to move them in the cold, just get them off private property. Get them off public property. Make them move on. They will see the light. Bringing them to a shelter will only result in them winding up in the emergency department.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a "benevolent" a Dictator...


Anonymous said...

can we put them on trains to washington DC?
i'll help pay
good investment

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Expect nothing from a do nothing guv...except when it comes to closing an investigation into corruption when it comes too close to some of his corrupt friends. Is da guv , himself, corrupt? As my pappy once said, "Show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are!

Anonymous said...

No one seems to be listening to the homeless. you ask them and they all say that the shelters are UNSAFE, DIRTY. They are infected with bed bugs so why doesn't the city do a better job at cleaning them up and ensuring safety for all that rely on these shelters. Here's a solution, hire other homeless and pay them minimum wage to clean up and maintain some of these shelters. You'll be killing two birds with one stone.

Anonymous said...

i honestly dont know who is worse. I don't care anymore. I am selling out and moving to jersey. Bye Bye !!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea - many of the homeless are mentally ill. They are not competent enough to know how to provide shelter and care for themselves.

So it should be left up to the cops to determine mental competence and get them into a shelter? No.

Anonymous said...

I am selling out and moving to jersey

Now that's a great move. Krispy Kreme and his crew is waiting for you with open arms.

Anonymous said...

you think that NY politics is bad?
NJ is even worse
jersey stinks like crap

JQ LLC said...

The executive order directs localities to conduct an assessment when necessary,” said the governor’s counsel, Alphonso David. The process involves outreach to let people know shelter beds are available and competency assessments in certain cases.

“I’m not going to argue an individual’s right to freeze to death,” Cuomo said. “I want to argue an individual’s human right to housing and services and shelter. The days when we’re going to argue civil rights for people to sleep on the street, we learned that lesson the hard way, and let’s not go backward. Let’s go forward.”

Citing the risk of hypothermia and possible death, Cuomo said the state’s “New Year’s resolution” is in keeping with the holiday spirit.

“It’s about love, compassion. It’s about helping one another and basic human decency,” he said on NY1. “We’re saying everybody deserves a decent place to stay, especially when it’s freezing. ... And we’re going to help people get back on their feet.”

Ok Andrew, now that you made your self-righteous stand and have took it upon yourself to condescend to the needs of desperate people and civil workers here in the boroughs, particularly Manhattan. How about mustering up this new found courage to demand localities being wasted with pied-e-tierre's and re-enfranchising the right to remain warm for the homeless in there. How about going to all your hyper-development, hedge fund, and real estate pals to be a little bit more altruistic and start devoting land, brick, steel, glass and concrete to build homes and apartment complexes for all the families living in squalor in cluster homes and hotel rooms. How about conjuring an executive decision to abolish the 421a provision, which is clearly too abused to be revised that will benefit anyone living check to check or the majority of the middle class suffering from wage stagnation, high property taxes and utility bills.

Maybe let's put all the homeless on a bus to Albany with enough supplies and tents to build a shantytown in front of your federal buildings and let's see how you feign empathy and concern for the well-being and health for the unfortunate


Anonymous said...

Agreed, Anon...Jersey, though adjacent to NYC, is medieval.
It's as crooked as one of those Mayberry type southern hick towns.
Boss Hog and all! Christy is its prime example.
And what a crooked asshole at that...without the smarts enough to go unoticed.

Anonymous said...

Pizza & Bagels from jersey aren't the same as the ones you'd get in NYC. The street cart vendor across the street from my building sells better bagels than any deli in NJ

Anonymous said...

People who have stayed at NYC shelters say it's like spending the night at Riker's. The city shells out a lot of tax payer money to private companies to run these places and they do jack shit to maintain them. Someone needs to be held responsible. if the conditions weren't so bad maybe we wouldn't have so many homeless in the streets.

Anonymous said...

We’re saying everybody deserves a decent place to stay, especially when it’s freezing.

Yeah right. With the median apartment prices approaching $1.15 million in Manhattan soon we all be homeless, because of the ripple effect to other boroughs.
The city is pricing people out of places to live around here.

Anonymous said...

According to Cuomo, the state should step in to assist people who have made a conscious decision to remain on the streets in the cold, when there are shelters available to them. However, when it comes to late term abortions, the state has absolutely no interest in saving unborn innocent children from ignominious slaughter. What a hypocrite! Everything he does seems to be calculated to solidify his ignorant liberal base and advance his political career. Obama, Cuomo, and DeBlasio seem to have banded together to ruin our country and eradicate our dedication to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, an ideal that has made the United States unique in the history of mankind.

Anonymous said...

According to Cuomo, the state should step in to assist people who have made a conscious decision to remain on the streets in the cold, when there are shelters available to them. However, when it comes to late term abortions, the state has absolutely no interest in saving unborn innocent children from ignominious slaughter. What a hypocrite! Everything he does seems to be calculated to solidify his ignorant liberal base and advance his political career. Obama, Cuomo, and DeBlasio seem to have banded together to ruin our country and eradicate our dedication to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, an ideal that has made the United States unique in the history of mankind.

Anonymous said...

we all know what the problem is with the shelters: threats of violence, actual violence from the mentally ill, drug addicts, open drug use, open sex activity, bedbugs and secondary untreated scabies. Who in their right mind would go into one?

When I see any homeless person I think there goes another victim of the Human Resources Administration - HRA/welfare and their unions, including DC 37.

The homeless are entitled to back rent grants to prevent eviction, monthly storage payments, first months rent, furniture allowance, security deposit and brokers fee. The HRA employees are scamming the money left and right for themselves and the HRA employees just don't do any work, don't process cases at all.

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