Friday, December 4, 2015

What it's really all about

From Gotham Gazette:

It seems the Mayor is intent upon staying on the good side of the real estate industry, and thus far he has succeeded. As has been widely reported, industry players have been his biggest financial backers, and generous to the "Campaign for One New York," the nonprofit fund which supports the Mayor's 'affordable housing' and other initiatives. The Mayor seems to be trying to make his plans as palatable to big real estate as possible, regardless of how it affects the outcomes.

A further example: right now we are pushing the Mayor to rezone a 12-block area of Greenwich Village that allows 300-foot-tall towers, and guarantees they will be 100 percent luxury housing, hotels, or dorms. We want reasonable height limits for new development while keeping the allowable square footage the same, elimination of incentives for dorms and hotels, and incentives (or requirements, if the City agreed) for including affordable housing.

The administration's response: an adamant no. De Blasio wants to keep the existing luxury tower-only zoning. ZQA and MIH as proposed may please the Mayor's real estate backers, but won't accomplish their purported goals of increasing affordability and quality. Community Boards and groups across the city appear to be getting that. It remains to be seen if the City Council and others that will decide these measures' fate will as well.


Anonymous said...

De Blasio won't see a second teR. Everybody has got his number.
Until then, bite your lip. Grin and bear it.

(sarc) said...

This will go through.

It is all part of the show...

Anonymous said...

He is the absolute worst mayor!

Anonymous said...

"Community Boards and groups across the city appear to be getting that"...Unfortunately too many New Yorkers are under the impression that the Community Boards have a say in stopping things like this. The CB is just an advisory board that exists to give the illusion of community input. They serve at the pleasure of the BP and when they get too rebellious they are replaced. The only way to stop the developer's whores from enacting these programs is in the election Booth. Stop electing these bought and paid for shitheads.

Anonymous said...

And yet after all the nonsense and damage diblasio causes everyone will run to the polls to re elect him.

Anonymous said...

Guaranteed a second term!

The unwashed masses think he is God's gift to the people, and the business interests and the unions won't back anyone against him.

I would worry when he starts making overtures towards a third term a la King Bloomberg the First!

Anonymous said...

Let this be a lesson to all New Yorkers to do their research and VOTE when election time comes. We should all be ashamed of ourselves to have let this buffoon be our mayor.

Anonymous said...



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