Friday, December 4, 2015

Because what Flushing needs is hordes more people

From the Times Ledger:

At a public scoping meeting hosted by the Department of City Planning on the Flushing West rezoning proposal last week, City Councilman Peter Koo (D-Flushing) expressed concerns about many aspects of the project.

The Flushing West plan would create opportunities for mixed-income housing, community facilities, economic development and new public access areas along the Flushing Creek waterfront within a roughly 11-block area in the western portion of downtown Flushing, according to the City Planning document outlining the rezoning proposal.

The 47-acre area is bounded by Northern Boulevard, Prince Street, Roosevelt Avenue, College Point Boulevard, 40th Road and Flushing Creek, the document states.

Koo said the de Blasio’s administra­tion’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing tool could help create more than 500 additional affordable housing units, but it is unclear how the policy would benefit the variety of income levels in downtown Flushing.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Flushing worked so hard to boot the garbage the past few decades and has had much success. Why revert the great changes with supportive housing? Are people there demanding that schools get destroyed while it's been on a constant uptrend the past few decades?

Anonymous said...

Why? So the rest of china can move in?

The Flushing Phantom said...

When council member Julia Harrison helped to set up the Coalition For a Planned Flushing Inc. , with the idea that a sensible master plan be adopted to keep balance with infrastructure, her opponents (mainly a Stavisky orchestrated hatchet job) branded her " anti Asian". Those opponents included Brian Mc Laughlin who later did a stretch in federal prison.
What did these opponents have in common? They were owned and paid for by the developers. In other words the local REBNYs.
Build a Great Wall of China theme park, and be done with it. Who else but human Sardines are used to living conditions of the overcrowded Orient? A nice replica Great Wall , which evokes picturesque visions , could be just the ticket to promote the tourism that Queens has been pushing for.

Anonymous said...

WTF does Peter Koo care? He lives in Nassau County. Is it Great Neck or Port Washington?
That is certainly far enough away from the great horde.

Anonymous said...

Peter Koo voted for Flushing Commons. That project , in itself, will be jamming up Flooshing's streets beyond capacity.
A community bloated with humanity , all trying to squeeze into the already overcrowded #7 train.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Julia Harrison. Wasn't she right, after all the tarring and feathering?
This is a colony created by a partnership of crooked politicians and laundered Chinese campaign contributions.

Anonymous said...

I like how they have the balls to show that water is being blue.

Also, good job on the rendering making the giant monster that is the 7 train look non existent. Those apartments are going to be like living like Elwood Blues.

(sarc) said...

Can't you people just embrace all of the wonderful benefits of "diversity"?

Look how well it has been working out.

Just think about the Boston marathon, friendly chats at the Army Recruiting Center, San Bernadino holiday party, lunchtime at Fort Hood, and who could forget brunch with the Bandidos and Cossacks at the Twin Peaks Diner in Waco Texas...

Anonymous said...

Why? So the rest of china can move in?


ya gotta luv crappy!

Anonymous said...

Western Queens doesn't need hordes more people either, but that's not stopping greedy real estate developers. Killing quality of life with their crap "density".

Anonymous said...

Electoral block busting started with Linden Mitchel, long tradition

Anonymous said...

I am so, so sick of hearing about "economic development" - local hire is not enforced, permanent jobs are retail (remember when those mostly went to high-school students?), at the same time these projects put a tremendous strain on the infrastructure (schools, transit, sewers, etc). Just drop the economic development line: get real.

Anonymous said...

Flushing just hasn't been the same since all the blacks were forced out.

Anonymous said...

Economic Development is code word for'Gentrification'. It just sounds more progressive and proper to refer to it as that. The massive Asian population that call flushing home simply wont be able to afford living there anymore. Kick out the ethnics and move in the more affluent euro-whites. That is the capitalist way !!!

Anonymous said...

So the number of people living in Flushing is 27000/square mile.
Any urban planers who can tell us how feasible is to have 50000/square mile?

Anonymous said...

That picture fails to show all the "massage parlors" and "kiss me" bars that are going to spring up.

Anonymous said...

Poster 15.....are you serious that the "whites" will push out the asians? Have you seen bayside recently? Who do you think has all the money these days? Got news for you, it ain't the European white people anymore!!

Anonymous said...

Most of the Asian money coming to the U.S. is from the economic bubble in China !

Anonymous said...

The picture also shows Flushing Creek with blue water.

The project will further overburden our sewage treatment plants and cause more raw sewage overflow into the bay and Long Island Sound. Raw sewage is human waste.

Blue water? Not likely.

JQ LLC said...

Yeah, that blue water is quite the embellishment.

What it needs are stink lines on top of it.

This week was the climate change summit in Paris. You would think with building towers near the waters is quite risky. Does our mayor and governor subscribe to global warming theories and consider rising sea levels. In fact was checking said levels even on studies for building dense mixed luxury and affordable towers by the waters even considered?

A convenient oversight by REBNY ya betcha.

Anonymous said...

Chicoms are encourageing the Chinese to invest in American properties,especially in Texas.have you noticed Chicom banks opening in N.Queens.Mainland Chinese can not profit from investing in CHINA<ANYMORE.


ron s said...

When did our elected officials stop realizing that new development requires services? How do you keep building housing w/o transportation, schools, parks, sewage treatment etc. etc.
It's stupidity or payoffs and probably both.

Anonymous said...

Where are the new private sector jobs for all these new residents going to come from?

Anonymous said...

Nobody subscribes to the global warming, sorry climate change (to cover 14" of snow in November in Chicago), only the limousine liberal elites, who actually created more global warming green house gases while getting together in Paris.
They want the money. Our money.
Carbon trading is big in Europe now, they want this worldwide.
With economies going down, no manufacturing, wars and scams are their only options.
Sorry state of affairs.

Anonymous said...

Where are the new private sector jobs for all these new residents going to come from?

Don't worry. They'll have the businesses, massage parlors, gambling houses in residential areas, bars, restaurants, 24x7 BBQ places...all is good.
Mostly financed by the government of China.
Crappie someone really should look into this angle, lots of people selling houses need to go to Chinatown to Chinese banks that are clearly financed by China's government.
The peasants that they send here don't have these kind of monies.
They don't speak the language and they don't have the business acumen to support any of the spending we are seeing here.
Something smells really bad.

PS. Nothing against any ethnic group in case you get the wrong idea, just stating facts.

Anonymous said...

Where are the new private sector jobs for all these new residents going to come from?

Don't worry. They'll have the businesses, massage parlors, gambling houses in residential areas, bars, restaurants, 24x7 BBQ places...all is good.
Mostly financed by the government of China.
Crappie someone really should look into this angle, lots of people selling houses need to go to Chinatown to Chinese banks that are clearly financed by China's government.
The peasants that they send here don't have these kind of monies.
They don't speak the language and they don't have the business acumen to support any of the spending we are seeing here.
Something smells really bad.

PS. Nothing against any ethnic group in case you get the wrong idea, just stating facts.

Anonymous said...

Flushing just hasn't been the same since all the blacks were forced out.
Flushing just hasn't been the same since all the hispanics/koreans/whites moved out. hahaha

Anonymous said...

So the number of people living in Flushing is 27000/square mile. Any urban planers who can tell us how feasible is to have 50000/square mile?

Well, if you develop, it can either increase the number of incoming people and can spaced them out so instead of 27k/sq mile, you have 25k/sq mile.

Anonymous said...

Poster 15 quoted: Economic Development is code word for'Gentrification'. It just sounds more progressive and proper to refer to it as that. The massive Asian population that call flushing home simply wont be able to afford living there anymore. Kick out the ethnics and move in the more affluent euro-whites. That is the capitalist way !!!
Poster respond to Poster 15 .....are you serious that the "whites" will push out the asians? Have you seen bayside recently? Who do you think has all the money these days? Got news for you, it ain't the European white people anymore!!

Ouch for the ignorance of Poster 15 after getting slapped by the respond. I even have to comment on this, lol. Poster 15 said "Asian population the call flushing home won't be able to afford it?

Ask ANY realtor in queens and they will tell you without asians, the real estate market in queens will NOT be that hot. Go to ANY open house in Queens.. you will ONLY see asians there. Price in bayside listed at 600k got bid up to 740k for an attached house NOW. I have seen a college point 2 family house listing for 850k received the full asking price 850K in CASH and plus let the seller find their places in Long Island before closing AND allow the existing tenants to live there after closing since they were good friends of the seller at reasonable price of 1500 for 2 bdrooms..even the realtor cannot believe it and the realtor is korean.

That skyview parc where everyone here in the past was saying it's going to be sht hole or no one will buy that crap..or not thinking it's worth it, even I thought so. Well, guess what. All the units there are sold out...PLUS NOW a long waiting list. What was 640k for 2 bedrooms over there with a $1000 monthly mainteance fee for the pool and gym and bunch of other stuff when it first came out... it's now 1 million dollars for that. Yes, you heard right OVER 1 MILLION DOLLARS (say it with austin powers voice or that balded guy commercial)..with a waiting list. Who bought and will to buy it...chinese.. not the ABC (American Born Chinese) but CBC (Chinese Born Chinese) or CBC who has been here for a long while and work their butt off and make lots of money will buy it. It's not something anyone you think can afford and you are wondering if those chinese can afford it? smh. Doesn't seem like you have no clue what's happening out there..or not even in the real estate market...and nothing agaisnt or for any race. Just explaining facts because some doesn't know what's going on..and this is NOT deep inside info either.

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