Friday, May 29, 2015

Steinway Mansion excavation work underway

Photos from George The Atheist, who has a complete photo package on his own blog.


Jerry Rotondi, former QHS board member said...

What a shame!

This is an an excellent depiction of how Queens treats its landmarks.
None of this would be possible without the strong non support of our elected officials.
Of course, you voters must share the blame for electing them.
They might get their campaign contributions from the real estate development industry,
but you voters cast your ballots that put these shady politicians in office!

Tsk, tsk, tsk.Then we have the so called anemic preservation community who refuse to make any waves.
As if they could, even in a bathtub.

Shame on you all!

Anonymous said...

Lets talk about a fantasy time line, shall we?

Lets see, derailing fund raising effort, check

Acting as 'de facto' agent for the developers while in office, check

filing building documents, (well most of them except the 'good' ones), check

despoiling native american artifacts and likely remains, check

Endangering the building with construction, check

Lopping off outling portions of the property, check

Making the mansion unusable for most purposes, check

announce this as an entertainment venue (big excitement and smiles), check

Removal of the interior appointments, (move to "storage") check

Keeping the building for transfer of air rights, check

Entertainment venue intended as temporary solution until above complete, check

Entertainment venue - everyone happy big smiles for Caleindo, Crowley, Gianaris, Costa, Van Bramer, Costa: "we hope the Friends can do a talk there no hard feelings we trust", check

Entertainment venue closes and building locked up, check

Vandals! more Vandals! Spray paint, fire, broken windows, check

Building boarded up, check

Roof leaking after another fie damaging interior, check

Trashed interior and walls (See nurses residence Roosevelt Island) check

'Hardship' to demo, check


A certain upstate museum that has been making discrete inquiries get stones for reconstruction, check


Anonymous said...

I think we have seen enough of Mr Calieado.

Pressure should be applied to Rufus King - if need be the Board of Regents should be contacted (we know from our library experience that Queens cannot police itself). The Queens Chapter of the AIA also needs to be notified ... well that is all we can say right now.

I think our friend might have finally crossed a bridge too far....

Here's the mic said...

Mary Anne Mrozinski, Executive Director of the King Manor Museum - of which architect Gerald Caliendo is the Board Chairman:

Have you no shame having this historical-minded ignoramus on your Board of Directors? Look at these photos published on Queens Crap today. Can you imagine this demolition/construction activity happening RIGHT NEXT TO the King Manor?

Will you speak up please? The preservation movement and Queens citizenry is awaiting your comment.

Anonymous said...

how about the Vallone family they have been getting paid off for years and years they are also in on this too -- and they are still causing problems - follow the money on all of them -- what a disgrace --

Missing Foundation said...

The future of the Steinway Mansion:

Why - in God's name doesn't Astoria have any self-respect?

Here's the mic said...

And you RICHARD WERBER, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of the King Manor - of which architect Gerald Caliendo is the Board Chairman:

Do you feel comfortable sitting next to Gerald Caliendo at your King Manor Board Meetings? Do you look down at your shoes shamefully when Caliendo "has the floor"? And have you no shame as well having this historically-minded ignoramus on your Board of Directors? Look at these photos published on Queens Crap today. Can you imagine this demolition/construction activity happening RIGHT NEXT TO the King Manor?

Will you and ard Anne Mrozinski, the Executive Director of King Manor, speak up please? The preservation movement and Queens citizenry are awaiting your comments. Please don't hide under the sofa. Your reputations are at stake.

Anonymous said...

Emails and calls to all the elected officials for Astoria along with Mayor, The chair of the Landmarks Preservation Committee, To Rufus King Manor and calls to community board 1!!!! Let's go get moving people. let's be heard and make a scene. Let's get Caliendo off the Community Board and Rufus King, people like him should be ashamed and hope he runs out of NY with his ugly buildings and designs. There is a third world country out there looking for an architect like him.

Anonymous said...

Can someone explain what we see in the pictures-- dozers digging around the house? What is the context? What is being built? Is the house to come down next?

Here's the mic said...

That's you RICHARD WERBER, former staff member of the Greater Jamaica Development Corporation and now Principal with Foresight Consulting. How 'bout stepping up to the microphone right after Mary Anne Mrozinski has her say on this Caliendo/Steinway Mansion matter?

The folks at King Manor said...

Look, everyone lie low, keep yer traps shut, and maybe this will all blow over. Don't answer the phone. Don't open any door.

Anonymous said...

MOVE THAT HOUSE !!! theres a nice piece of property that's city owned crappy did a story on it parklands or something like that on 48st off the BQE how about moving the house there at least it wouldn't get destroyed and we could have something comparable to the flushing Bowne house

georgetheatheist said...

"MOVE THAT HOUSE !!! theres a nice piece of property that's city owned crappy did a story on it parklands or something like that on 48st off the BQE how about moving the house there at least it wouldn't get destroyed and we could have something comparable to the flushing Bowne house"

The Steinway Mansion cannot legally be destroyed OVERTLY. I's a landmark. COVERTLY yes, by neglect, inertia, stubborness, and stupidity. The historical grounds in the very immediate proximity of the building are what is being destroyed. Witness the pix seen here. As clear as the nose on your face.

The area councilman responsible for this fiasco: COSTA CONSTANTINIDES. Give him a buzz at his Newtown Avenue office: 718 274 4500

Anonymous said...

Do we even know what is happening? It's not like this was pristine ground, for years they have had warehouses and even a sewage plant close by in the back area? Do NOT MOVE ANYTHING, leave Steinway Mansion where it is today. Maybe, cleaning up the area is not a bad thing?

Anonymous said...

To "Do we know what is happening?" Do not believe anything until they put it into the Queens weeklies. What are you doing here in the first place? Get with the flow: this is not 1975. Its 2015.

For the rest of us:

A tiny section of ground was rich in 3-4,000 year old native artifacts of items associated with burials. But they just went ahead and removed the mound. I bet since Costa said 'they are working with the community' you probably don't understand what the big deal is.

In your credulous mind did you ever think to ask yourself on what will happen to a 150 year old house with its surroundings removed by thumping machinery?

Anonymous said...

Hahaha it's funny how shit gets done and approved in Astoria when people get Paid (our Polititions ) like Vallone and his little clone Constantinides !!! Welcome to Astoria !!!! LMFAO

Anonymous said...

To anyone who doesn't know what's happening here:

It's simple. The land around the house was divided into several plots, some mere inches from the house itself. These plots are being 'developed'. The trees are gone and the ground will be leveled so the new owner can build very cheap cinderblock warehouses. This will give them rent money they can then use to pay off our 'elected' officials and eventually have the plot re-zoned.

The house itself will be isolated and remain abandoned. With no security, copper theives will be the first in - then kids partying, maybe some 'jewish lightning' and the house will be completely destroyed. DOB will label what's left an 'unsafe building' - leading to bulldozing and replacement with either cheap warehouses or, if rezoning has gone down finally, a huge condo high rise of some sort.

I am not a prophet, but this is the future. Mark my words.

Here's the mic said...

MARY ANNE MROZINSKI, Executive Director of the Rufus King Manor Museum. Where are you? The community is anxiously awaiting your input.

Kemosabe said...

You mean all the dirt we see in the mounds in these photos may contain cultural artifacts of my ancestors? This is the obvious obscene violation of my cultural patrimony going on under the aegis of local elected officials? And this patrimony is being carted away in dump trucks?

georgetheatheist said...

You know, I gotta say, this is THE most beautiful building in Queens. Am I right or wrong?

Once again, Jerry Rotondi said...

Don't blame King Manor.
They need mega bucks to run it, just like Kingsland House, etc. does. it's a matter of Darwinian survival.
They cannot, and therefore will not buck the system. Kiss up to whoever you have to to ensure your funding.
Ignore anything else that's not in your backyard. That is the nature of historical societies.

I know, having been a trustee of one.
I served two successive terms on the board of the Queens Historical Society back in the 1990s.

I began to feel like an old Model T Ford stuck in a mud bank, spinning its wheels trying to move forward. A third term was not an option for me. Too bad. I actually became a liability for QHS with my outspoken nature. Retiring, for the good of the service, was the wiser decision on my part. I always wish them well.

Unfortunately, historic houses are prisoners of the political system. If any particular politician, whose campaign was funded by real estate developers, does not like you, you are doomed. If that politician likes you, then you must accept his lackies on the board of directors, or at least his advisors.

Man With No Name said...

I wager that they have planned an entertainment-booze thing for this place - one of the reasons that landlord shill We Heart Astoria got excited about the sell (to 'those' people"?) and then fell silent when that Friends group reared its ugly head.

Note how APAC, which has laid dormant ever since Taryn was sent to keep the corpse of Queens Theater alive (a bit like Lenin, lifelike with a that money pumped through its veins.) Noted that self-styled cultural maven, Vam Bramer, whom only bestirs himself to get involved in culture if it helps a developer (or look the other way if it hurts a developer - 5 Piontz anyone?) Van Bramer was instrumental in getting one of the Chapin boys to come out to an APAC fundraiser. The Chapins are nephews of the Steinways. Getting our drift?

By re-purposing this as an entertainment venue we can proceed to the next step of our incremental process of removing the Steinway Mansion by starting the dismantling of architectural elements - the porches annd caretaker's house. But more importantly every one will cheer as APAC (and another pub in the basement, a brewery in one of the warehouses) gets started and unique features, as the stained glass windows and fireplaces gets removed for safekeeping - and quietly sold on the market.

I can just see the ga-la opening of the latest entertainment venue in Astoria - the Chapins (with their Steinway blood, Toony Bennett, Peter Vallone crooning a song or two - the evening will be precious.)

The issue of the mansion being in a remote place will not be an issue - as least initially.

But this is just a guise, a rouse, and other intermediate step.

Restaurants open and close with regularity. All this will stop when the dining facilities go out of business, another developer opens a building and APAC moves to a more 'convenient' location, and the brewery outgrows its co-op footprint.

The place will 'temporarily' be shuttered. They will make certain that this is widely known.

Then we have the first break in and damage, perhaps a fire. The developers (and their politician puppets) will vow to reopen. The by now irrelevant Friends will get a paragraph with 'we told you so.'

And of course, the developers drag their feet. Another mysterious fire. Ominous reports that the building might not be saved. Then the hardship 'clearance.'

Was Caliendo brought in to handle the tricky process of removing a landmarked building so the land can be developed - with full knowledge that the somewhat backward element and clueless self-absorbed kids in that neck of our fair city will not get it or care. Then it certainly makes sense that he is involved in the next great place - Jamaica. I just gaze at a map and look at the nice big park the Rufus King mansion sits, and muse at all the inventive ways this fine specimen of what Queens is really about can exercise his magic.

Anonymous said...

Man With No Name: APAC = Astoria Performing Arts Center. (I had to waste time and look that up.) Please don't be so cryptic in your commentary - as you have been want to do. The general reader here is not hip to all the ins and outs. Thanks.

Here's the mic said...

"Don't blame King Manor". . . Are you serious, Jerry? The Chairman of their Board of Directors is Gerald Caliendo who is destroying the Steinway site with warehouses he's designed. I can see the case being made - although I don't agree with it - for Kingsland House and Poppenhusen. But King Manor? Uh, uh. Mrozinski, the Executive Director, and the rest of the board can't kick Caliendo out on his ass? As an institution supposed to preserve historical legacy, they put up with his presence? They should have canned him days ago when all this came to light. If they had any self-respect. Werber, the VP could be named interim Board Chair.

Mary Anne [Mrozinski], Richard [Werber]. You comfortable down there hiding under the sofa?

Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter is the historical society gave Costa his big start, they began Long Island City Alliance, perhaps the first real civic in that part of Queens, and the principles had many long discussions with him on what is this and what is that.

Then they hosted his political club for 2 years while his clubhouse was being restored. When he needed an event (like a beep debate) to show his juice to the organization, they graciously hosted if for him.

When Vallone refused to meet with them on the mansion, Costa reached out to Markey to get the wheels started, and avidly participated in the early meetings.

Once he got the nod, he threw them under the bus and never looked back.

They said nothing when the Astoria politicians pulled the rug from under their fund raising effort.

When Costa was elected they went over to show him their battle plan. The mansion was under contract two weeks later. Since then he has acted as little more than agent for the developers, in the opinion of many in the community.

This behavior is pretty typical for the politicians in Queens, and is a big factor why the borough is lagging further and further behind the rest of the city. The arrogance from the politicians has reached the point that people are fed up and going to blogs like Queens crap.

Costa should apologize for his behavior to many people. The Vallones got away with it (but people were starting to feel they were getting at the end their rope) but this guy just cannot pull off a Vallone. He is just not savvy enough, especially with his unctuous comments he has made about these 'neighborhood boys.' No real neighborhood boy would ever do anything that would even hint at despoiling graves or treat that Mansion with such an off hand cavalier attitude.

The politicians and developers both bring shame on the community, the borough, and the city. They are right, only 2 or 3 politicians stood between this painful slowly unfolding disaster and a dream.

Anonymous said...

Man With No Name: APAC = Astoria Performing Arts Center. (I had to waste time and look that up.) Please don't be so cryptic in your commentary - as you have been want to do. The general reader here is not hip to all the ins and outs. Thanks.

ah, so if that is all you got from his words you just wasted your time looking up APAC. But then, again, since so much of your taxes are going there, maybe it was useful afterall.

Anonymous said...

Mary Anne [Mrozinski], Richard [Werber]. You comfortable down there hiding under the sofa?

They will be there a long time - i heard that this is being investigated.


We All Want to Know said...

Costa Constantinides. When you look in the mirror in the morning, starting your day, do you gag?

Anonymous said...

Entertainment booze thing?
Mike Halberian put in a bunch of vintage restaurant booths in them basement. There's a good head start there for you.
I wonder if the Grecian dipping pool is still there. Halberian used to be a restaurant owner himself..."Knickerbockers" 2nd Ave. Manhattan.

Jerry Rotondi said...

I did not say I like what is happening at Steinway.
Yes, I am a sarcastic soul, and you might have missed a portion of my jesting.
I am certainly aware of Caliendo's bad rep.

Reality bites!
And the reality is that almost ALL historical, or hysterical societies as I call them, are prisoners of the suck up to funding system.

If yours is getting major political funding , than you must be under the thumb of a shady politician somewhere.

By the way, when I first began volunteering at QHS, Mary Anne Mrozinski was it's executive director. She was good at her job then.
As for now, 30 years have passed since I first met her. Who knows what has changed since.

I hope that clears things up,for you, "Mic".

Anonymous said...

Look at what happened to Hammerstein House in Beechurst. It's landmarked, but that did not stop Kiska Development Corp. from surrounding it with condos and punch a few extra windows into the landmarked house itself. So much for the care and feeding of Queens' landmark sites.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of historical societies, what has the Greater Astoria Historical Society done to prevent this tragedy?
They are paying a hefty rent for their headquarters. Which politician do they owe their allegiance to?
Where does their funding come from? Lectures, books and tours don't provide enough to keep them in their digs.

Anonymous said...

Who knows what the earth moving machines will do to the mansion. Vibrations, vibrations, vibrations!
Oops, the back hoe just scraped the east wall of the foundation! If Halberian had inserted a deed restriction forbidding the carving up of the property, this would not be happening. End of story! May he rest in peace, but Mike was a real operator. He wanted his cake and eat it too.
How many times was the house...ahem...been "put up for sale", when he never really wanted to let go of it? Now Life has let go of him.
Rest in peace, Mike and the family mansion. Damn the LPC for allowing this without a whimper.

Anonymous said...

Alas, like so much of Queens' history, another fond memory to be cherished!
Pictures and books will , no doubt, preserve them. A sad consolation for the loss.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of historical societies, what has the Greater Astoria Historical Society done to prevent this tragedy?

Um, who is spearheading the Friends of Steinway Mansion? We Heart Astoria? UCCA? Greek-American Homeowners? The Community Board? Astoria Civic? ok, now we are getting silly.

They are paying a hefty rent for their headquarters. Which politician do they owe their allegiance to?

The own no one 'allegiance' but are ready to work with anyone who accepts that it is the right, duty, and obligation for a citizen to express an opinion. In other words, they receive no political support after the Dutch Kills Millstones (Van Bramer) and Steinway Mansion (Vallone). Costa covered two weeks rent this year.

Where does their funding come from? Lectures, books and tours don't provide enough to keep them in their digs.

Without revealing their business model, they turned a slight profit in 2014 while growing 30+ %. Earned income, membership (people respect groups that keep it real), consulting,and an exceptional committed board.

Anonymous said...

We think the problem with Halberian is someone gave him bad legal advice. I swear that man thought the entire parcel was going to be kept together. We had a conversation with him and caught it on tape that he believed this.

He was very clear that he was in touch with the Vallones, so we must think that they had a large part in shaping his thinking - just like those people in Old Astoria Village. So the bulk of this rests at their feet. I believe sordid tale unfolding is mostly their doing, too.

A generation ago, we placed their trust in their elected officials, who, in turn, at least went through the motions of doing good, but even more frequently, actually DID good. I think that as late as the 70s they would have supported something like the Friends of Steinway Mansion as a matter of course.

Something changed about the time Mannes got in office. One of the biggest problems is Queens is widely regarded with the same distaste in the rest of the city as North Korea is within the UN.

If things change, we cannot hope of a white knight. If we did the heavy lifting of getting the yoke of the machine off our backs, help would rush into this borough. Its up to us to take the first step. And its a-commin' folks, its a-commin.'

PS We knew this would be a problem, and begged Costa to do something - 2 years ago. He refused with some lame excuse. Forget about Vallone, who was an asswipe refusing to talk to a lot of people about the mansion (5 times we tried to talk to him). All he seemed to be doing is plugging Daddy's client St Micheals cemetery - and they made him a judge. Sort of like giving Caliendo an award, and Stamatiades removed from the library board now running CB1.

The leadership of Queens has no self respect and from their actions, fancy all of us stupid.

I know what's what said...

"Entertainment booze thing?
Mike Halberian put in a bunch of vintage restaurant booths in them basement. There's a good head start there for you.
I wonder if the Grecian dipping pool is still there. Halberian used to be a restaurant owner himself..."Knickerbockers" 2nd Ave. Manhattan.


So what? Halberian did a yeoman job of preserving the mansion BEFORE preservation became "the" in thing started by Jackie Onassis at Grand Central terminal. Thank you Mike, booths and pool.

Anonymous said...

Alas, like so much of Queens' history, another fond memory to be cherished!
Pictures and books will , no doubt, preserve them. A sad consolation for the loss.

No one is writing an obit.

Anonymous said...

GAHS's headquarters are in Quinn's funeral home building. Stamianedes isn't letting them stay there for peanuts.
So they owe their allegiance to nobody and are willing to work with anyone? That sound like they're covering their ass to me.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that sounds like an overly defensive comment by the defender of Greater Astoria Historical Society.
We don't recall seeing GAHS being upfront and spearheading saving Steinway. Somebod's dreaming.

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