Monday, September 1, 2014

Fresh Meadows hotel project is underway

From the Queens Courier:

Foundation work is progressing on a planned 12-story mixed-use hotel near the Fresh Meadows Shopping Center.

The hotel, which is designed by Tan Architect, will be divided into 14,672 square feet of residential space, 40,675 square feet of retail space and 2,239 square feet of community space, according to filings with the Department of Buildings.

The new structure will have 22 rooms and is expected to be completed in January 2016, according to the work poster at the site.

The permits say 29 rooms... Why does it look larger than that?


Mike Francesa said...

By hotel, they mean homeless shelter.

Anonymous said...

The city will intercede somewhere along the way and make it homeless shelter . Just wait and see.

Anonymous said...

A hotel smack in the middle of nowhere, that is Fresh Meadows.

Anonymous said...

Another 'Notell' motel.

Anonymous said...

What the heck is 'CLASS "A" APT. HOTEL UNIT'? If they are under residential use in terms of zoning, they cannot be used as hotel guestrooms, which are commercial use.

JQ said...

give us your tired your poor your huddled masses.

and we will stuff and cram them in our hastily built hotels in queens

these are the new leper colonies people.

We're Queens - We Can't Have Nice Things said...

Why would anyone stay in Fresh Meadows? To shop at Kohl's and dine at Qdoba?

Can't the city just pay developers to build what is truly needed - affordable housing for people making minimum wage (even 2 minimum wage salaries?

Why build homeless shelters w/o kitchen facilities - just build apartments. Then you don't have to hire more useless city employees to figure out how to get the exact same people into apartments at a later date!

Anonymous said...

How did this happen ?
Shame on the residents of Queens.
"You get the government you deserve" This hotel is just the start of the destruction of Fresh Meadows.

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to ask about that "community facility" square footage. What kind of community facility is in a hotel?

Anonymous said...

truly Queenscrap

Anonymous said...

Community facility is usually a daycare center or medical office.

Anonymous said...

This is bull crap. If I was a tourist, I wouldn't say "Hey let's stay in a hotel in fresh meadows even though it's not by any real form of transportation to the city".

Anonymous said...


Queens Crapper said...

61-27 186th Street

Anonymous said...

good news for homeless.

Anonymous said...


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