Monday, September 1, 2014

Candidates for Governor address Bay Terrace Community Alliance

Video of Candidates Forum held August 26, 2014 by Bay Terrace Community Alliance, moderated by Warren Schreiber and Phil Konigsberg. Copyright 2014 LoScalzo Media Design LLC. All rights reserved.

Andrew Cuomo did not attend...


Anonymous said...

Credico is a fringe candidate and a left-wing radical joke who hates public safety. Teachout s a long-shot, but because state election rules are hampering her campaign, her anti-corruption has gotten personal for her, and she may just be crazy enough as governor to cut off all of legislature's balls out of spite.

Teachout for Dem primary.
Astorino if she fails in the general.
Down with the Cuomo dynasty!

JQ said...

cuomo junior is a pussy

Anonymous said...

Perhaps Andy was worried about outstanding warrants at the 111 pct for domestic violence?

Anonymous said...

Credico's first statement in his video is to support John Liu. Jeezus...

Anonymous said...

Vote all the Bums out !

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 3:

You want to specify? And I thought that he lived in the 107.

Anonymous said...

Cuomo will win. I'll try to send a message to Andrew by voting for Tim Wu for Lieutenant Governor. As some may know, there are no "tickets" in the primary, so one can vote for Cuomo but not his "running mate" Kathy Hochul. Wu is a law professor who, among other things, came up with the concept of "net neutrality," to try to keep the internet open to all.

Anonymous said...

The planes are a real problem here in North Flushing. I counted 33 in one hour taking off over my home today. Teachout is a long shot but I liked how she addressed the issue on the FAA and the new flight patterns.

Anonymous said...

he lived in douglaston manor and was a frequent flyer at the 111, daddy covered things up for him

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 9: Specifics? And if the 111 has this on record, why haven't they (or the Republicans) done anything with it?

Anonymous said...

he lived in douglaston manor and was a frequent flyer at the 111, daddy covered things up for him

For some reason I thought Mario Cuomo and family lived in (or near) Jamaica Estates.

georgetheatheist said...

Cornudo Cuomo lived on Grosvenor Street in Douglas Manor with Kerry Kennedy while he screwed up the economy as Clinton Housing Secretary.

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