Friday, April 11, 2014

Sunnyside theater marquee falls

Photos by George Burles

From Sunnyside Post:

The iconic Sunnyside Center Cinemas sign was damaged this morning and is likely to be demolished.

The building manager Michael Christopher said that a truck hit the sign while it was traveling along Queens Blvd. However, there was no sign of a truck on the scene and a police officer who was there was doubtful of this account.

Workers from the Department of Buildings were on their way to the theater to determine whether the sign should be destroyed.

A firefighter who evaluated the condition of the sign said it was rotten inside and would most likely have to come down.

It did.


J said...

sunnyside,lic, & queensbridge:the ground zero of reckless driving.

the nypd can bring tons of revenue with the amount of speeding,illegal turns,and red light running over there.there are you're broken windows,bratton.

call it operation broken marquee.

Anonymous said...

"Iconic"? You've got to be kidding. There's nothing iconic about Sunnyside.

Anonymous said...

That sign is rather high. What kind of tractor trailer could hit it and no one saw it? I call BS on this. I suspect the rotting marquee fell on its own due to negligence. I like the place but I haven't seen much investment to make it look better.
Sounds harsh because the tickets are cheaper than other places.

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