Thursday, April 10, 2014

Illegal alien ID card to be voted on by City Council

From the Capital NY:

Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito touted the benefits of an impending municipal identification bill, during an immigration panel at the annual National Action Network convention in Midtown today.

"Creating a municipal ID program will be the largest municipal ID program in the United States," Mark-Viverito told the audience, to applause. "[It] will be available to all New York City residents regardless of their immigration status … it's just the beginning."

As first reported by Capital, the Council's immigration committee, chaired by Councilman Carlos Menchaca, drafted the bill, which would require the city to create an "identity card program." The cards would allow New Yorkers to access city services that require identification, and city agencies would be required to accept the card as a valid form of ID. The City Clerk's office would handle the process.

"It's not a driver's license," Mark-Viverito told reporters after the panel, adding that the benefits of the card would include "going into libraries, going into schools if parents want to go into schools and sign in and basically participate. It's a basic ID card that as we continue to implement it, it also can grow in terms of what level of access it can provide."

Lucia Gomez, executive director of La Fuente, told Capital today she was satisfied with the way the bill was drafted.

Gomez told Capital that certain technical parts of the legislation, such as the penalties for applicants who provide fraudulent information, are still being hammered out. Those details are set to be discussed during through the hearing process.

Mark-Viverito today would not elaborate on whether the New York Police Department would accept the ID as valid form of identification, but sounded confident that all city agencies would be given a chance to weigh in, and would be willing to comply.


georgetheatheist said...

Melissa Mark-Viverito . . .Anti-American Swine.

NRA tom said...

This could actually work out pretty well. Make sure to get fingerprints and iris scans. Once we get a REAL american running the city again we can round them up that much quicker and send them back to Mexico.

Anonymous said...

Get me outta here...

Anonymous said...

No No No. What a bunch of spineless weenies in City Council.

They broke the law, they snuck in. Our priority is to protect our own first then when we have to much extra government money we'll worry about the ILLEGAL aliens.

Deke DaSilva said...

Advocates have raised concerns in the past about the risk undocumented New Yorkers could face if their personal information is tracked or stored, and eventually shared with federal immigration agencies.

Yes, we wouldn't want the Government tracking the anointed and saintly "undocumented" New Yorkers.

But having the NSA, FBI, IRS, CIA, NYPD, Interpol, and God knows what other agency spying on American citizens is perfectly acceptable to our illustrious overlords in government - Melissa Mark-Viverito, Daniel Dromm, Carlos Menchaca, and Lucia Gomez.

Anonymous said...

Is NYC not part of NYS? Doesn't NYS already have a NON-DRIVERS LIC. PHOTO I.D. CARD?

So why does NYC have to spend money to put this in place.

Anonymous said...

Penalties for fraud? What about penalties for other kinds of law breaking. Like illegally crossing the border?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... Will the board of elections accept this card for voter registration purposes so all the illegals may register and then vote in municipal elections?

Me thinks that is what Mark-Vitterito and our socialist mayor are aiming at.

Anonymous said...

You said it. Send them back to whever. Rents start to come down and jobs will pay more!

Send the anchor babies back with them. No more school overcrowding. Fire the shitty teachers, keep the great ones.

This IS a great idea!

Anonymous said...

What happened to my rights as a citizen? Why should any illegal be given the same rights as a citizen? This mayor is such an ass! Diblasio should be deported along with the 1.5 million illegals living here in NYC!

Anonymous said...

A New York State non-drivers Id requires serious proof of identity and documentation that you are legally in the United States.

This is a major disaster since the proposed documentation requirement to get one of these is a joke. Expect hundreds to be issued under one much-copied Con Ed bill.

No one in the private or public sector will accept this as a real form of identification unless they are under a law or rule passed by the city to require them to accept it.

The mayor opposed fingerprinting of illegals arrested

I wonder if this id will be accepted to allow one to enter City Hall offices or One Police Plaza, apply for a city job, etc. or any circumstance where an actual proof of identity is required.

And here's the hypocrisy: if id cards are so important to these city pols that we have to duplicate the function of the state to issue them, why not require id in order to vote? Isn't that important?

Anonymous said...

Welcome to NY, Sanctuary City.

Anonymous said...

Time to leave the USA, renounce citizenship, then return illegally to the USA. Only THEN will one have the rights that only citizens used to have.

This whole nation has gone insane.

Anonymous said...

As if this city needed an even bigger magnet for savages.

Anonymous said...

Call your Council Members, people. Begin with those in swing districts, then follow with those in safe districts. Pester them with phone calls and letters.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry. The NYC Republican Party under the leadership of the great Phil Ragusa is on the case.

georgetheatheist said...

Friends, Citizens, Countrymen!

Find your council member here and get on the phone today. Nip this crap in the bud.

Anonymous said...

Since the outcome of this vote impacts the citizens of New York with higher taxes, overcrowded schools, overcrowded neighborhoods, overcrowded hospitals, no parking spots, lower quality of life, etc, I think legal citizens should vote on this issue - not the City Council. They just want to make all the illegals legal so they can allow them to vote and insure the crooked politicians have job security for the next decade. Let us vote on the issue and let the chips fall where they may.

Trilby said...

Here's the email I just sent to Crowley:

I am writing to object to this proposed program of giving official city IDs to aliens in this country illegally. Yes, they face many hurdles living here—that’s because they are not supposed to be living here. Why is it anyone’s job to make it easier for lawbreakers to continue to break the law? I’m appalled that we are even considering this. I can imagine it will be rife with fraud, if allowed to go through. What sort of ID will they show to get the municipal ID? A Con Ed bill that can be photocopies or passed around? This makes a mockery of the whole concept of IDs. NYS does in fact have a non-driver’s ID already, but oops! you have to be a citizen to get one! That’s how it should be.

Anonymous said...

Idiots like Crowley should never be elected to public office. They should be social workers since they are more concerned with those who are here illegally and their problems than those who are citizens.

Our politicians are constantly trying to reach and please the illegal class of NYC. It seems that the illegals have more rights than citizens.

Pleasing the lawbreakers gives a bad example to all illegals; break the law and we will take care of you. Their children will grow thinking this is the way the justice system should work.

Crowley and her ilk are racing to reach the lowest common denominator of societal mores.

Anonymous said...

Patience....In a couple of years, we'll elect a law-and-order President, who'll make sure that the Justice Dept. enforce the law of the land and deport all the illegals.

Anonymous said...

George, It's a nice thought, that whole contacting your elected representative thing, but forget it. You know they're going to do this. They're Democrats. They're liberals. There are 48 of them in the 51-seat City Council. They have no interest in America, they have no interest in Western civilization. All we can hope for is that when we stumble into war with Russia, or China, or the whole Arabic world, they will suffer their fair share.

The people in charge of the New York City government hate the United States of America, and if you don't get that you're simply blind.

Anonymous said...

Our politicians -- the people that are supposed to representing us -- are aiding and abetting the illegals (non-citizens). The legal citizens can't do anything about it, but watch our once great city deteriorate. However, we get to pay for this fiasco. We are a nation of laws.
Too bad the politicians won't enforce the ones already on the books.
All illegals should be deported.

Ned said...

Krucshev was correct in predicted that "Americans will destroy themselves from within"
This proposal is no doubt a Trojan by design that will lead to driving and voting privileges!!

Anonymous said...

After they distribute the ID cards to the illegals, watch the law change to present ID at the voting booth. That's all the politicians want - votes to stay in power.

Anonymous said...

Why can't we sue the elected representatives or not enforcing the laws of the land.

By not enforcing the laws aren't they breaking the law?

I never knew that our elected's could pick and choose the laws they choose to enforce.

georgetheatheist said...

"Y'all head that-a-way. La Ciudad de Nueva York. When y'all gits there, ask for Melissa Mark-Viverito, Danny Dromm, and the whole enchilada Nueva York City Council. Y'all gits a free Nueva York ID card. Then y'all heads ovah to that dar place called Queens and gits yer free skoolin', grub, and medicine. Y'all be in heaven-on-earth pronto."

Check it out on the front page article of today's (4/11)New York Times: "Hoping for Asylum, Migrants Strain U.S. Border"

Joe said...

No shit George this news has and Obama's bullshit is already causing a gusher of not only workers but now whole family's with kids swimming the Rio grand.
Its all over Drudge report today.


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