Saturday, March 1, 2014

Weprin wants hydrants marked

From the Queens Courier:

All New York City hydrants should be tagged with high-flying flags to be spotted more easily during snowstorms, a Queens lawmaker is proposing.

Councilmember Mark Weprin is reintroducing legislation this March that would require markers be placed at least three feet above hydrants.

The bill, first introduced in 2011, would help firefighters quickly pinpoint nearest hydrants that are buried in the snow, Weprin said.

It would also help homeowners locate and dig them out faster and keep motorists from accidentally parking too close.

“Hydrants get snow plowed in. There are some you can’t even see,” Weprin said. “It seems like just a common sense change.”


Anonymous said...

These markers wouldn't last a week once vandals get to them...

Anonymous said...

While they're at it why not paint the curbs yellow to indicate the 15' allowance required on either side of a hydrant?

Oh wait - it'll never happen - might cut down on city revenue.

Anonymous said...

The 3rd World immigrants are allowed to paint their sidewalks and curbs purple and green as a religious custom. WHY DOES THE CITY ALLOW THIS CRAP???!!

Anonymous said...

"The 3rd World immigrants are allowed to paint their sidewalks and curbs purple and green as a religious custom. WHY DOES THE CITY ALLOW THIS CRAP???!!"

Cultural Marxism.

Anonymous said...


It's called pandering !

Anonymous said...

They will be broken off in weeks and never replaced. It will just be a waste of money.

Anonymous said...

While they're at it why not paint the curbs yellow to indicate the 15' allowance required on either side of a hydrant?

Oh wait - it'll never happen - might cut down on city revenue.

On my block (Broadway-Flushing), people park too close to the fire hydrant all the time, and no one ever gets a ticket. Just like the people who don't cover their garbage cans, and who have their garbage out a day or two prior to pick-up, and don't get tickets. Selective enforcement. You would think that with the city's need for revenue, they would jump all over those violations with tickets...

Anonymous said...

Useless ! Wasteful ! Durimg the worest snow storms the fire hydrants are not covered. Also, it not the hydrant that gets
"plowed over", its the 30' area of the street that gets all the snow piled up.

Stop wasting time and money...

Anonymous said...

So... how does this help when the snow piles get 8' high during bad winters, like this one?

Anonymous said...

Most people who park at hydrants by me have a nice NYPD logo on their window, and thus no tickets.

Anonymous said...

The sanitation department should be responsible for digging it out after piling icy snow on the hydrants. The plows come by several times a day pushing everything from the street on to the hydrants and bus stops. The city placed a hydrant and bus stop in front of my elderly parents house after they replaced the water pipes on the streets and since then it's been hell for them.

Anonymous said...

We used to paint a yellow H in the street with yellow paint and a stencil. This is nyc, I always let people slide on a ticket if they were at least 5 feet from a pump. If you see anyone parked on a pump call 311, I don't care what kind of permit they have,it gets tagged. As far as snow if live near a hydrant and you don't shovel it ,you're a dolt.

Anonymous said...

Shows Weprin's common sense when this'll work for at most 3 months of the year.

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