Saturday, March 1, 2014

Rash of wheel thefts in Glen Oaks

From NBC:

It's a sight residents in a Queens community are waking up to frequently: cars on cinder blocks and crates, with all four wheels missing.

"It's insulting. You know, they come, they damage your property and then they drop the car on the pavement so there was more damage beside the wheels," said Allon Theilen, who paid $3,800 to replace his wheels when his were stolen a few weeks ago in Glen Oaks.

Glen Oaks Village President Bob Friedrich said, "They literally can get all four tires off in less than five minutes, and then they're gone,"

Friedrich met with police Wednesday and says there is a plan to stop the thieves.

"I've been working closely with the 105th Precinct. They have beefed up patrols here, a lot of unmarked patrols, and they're taking some other measures that I'm not at liberty to disclose right now to try to combat this," he said.

Residents in the Glen Oaks Village coop development pointed to nearly a dozen incidents they know about, and they suspect there have been more in the surrounding area in the last few months.


Anonymous said...

Sign of the times !

Anonymous said...

New York city has become a sanctuary city for criminals, expect more of this

Anonymous said...

What the police has to do besides harassing people with stupid fines and such is to assign a couple of nice cars with luxury tires and rims driven by cops and drive around to be spotted by these criminals, park the cars at a reasonable time during nighttime, wait and watch, just like fishing in a bucket.

Anonymous said...

Cops don't have the manpower for that kind of operation. How about leaving a light on in front of your home,or maki king sure your co op/ condo has good outdoor lighting? get off your ass and look out your window once in a while,you might see something !

Anonymous said...

The Bronx crimes are slowly making It's way into Queens.....

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said..."look out your window once in a while"

Like at 2am while I'm sleeping ?
I will lose my rem sleep and be cranky all day at work.

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