Sunday, March 2, 2014

Flushing Commons renderings are full of white folk

Brownstoner Queens has renderings of Flushing Commons. Click to see what Downtown Flushing would look like without Asian people. Oh, and another interesting factoid: " Phase 1 should finish by April 2017 and Phase 2 will break ground in 2018. The whole shebang should wrap in the early 2020s and cost a grand total of $850,000,000."

Heh. Haven't we been talking about this project for more than a decade now?


Larry said...

this looks like(well all these renderings look like)the plans for the high line and astor place in the city.

and it's uncanny how correct they are.

Anonymous said...

It's the only way to drum up corporate sponsorship...

Anonymous said...

But where are all the decorative red bags filled with garbage? And where are the guys selling dogmeat out of their trunks? And the teenage Asian hookers? What - not good selling points? So Main St. will somehow metamorphose back into the nice area filled with Caucasians that it once was before the Asians invaded? Oh wait - it can never change back because all the small-town charm was ripped away and destroyed!!! Where do these developers think they are - Vancouver?

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of Hallets Cove, a minority community that has renderings of a 30,000 person waterfront development that depicts families out of Davenport Iowa the light grey ghostly bottom 3 floors of one of the eight 40 story buildings in some background corner.

Anonymous said...

Brownstoner Queens is a bad dream hangover from the Bloomberg era.

The time of breathless real estate pumping is thankfully drawing to a close.

The publisher should have their mother forced out of her community that is being invaded by hipster colonizers.

Anonymous said...

Eventually white people will recoup Flushing like they are doing with Harlem, Jackson Heights, LIC, Astoria, etc...

Whites are still the majority population in this country, just by traveling deeper in Long Island and upstate New York you can appreciate this fact not mentioning Arizona, Colorado, Iowa, Idaho, Ohio and many other states.

Anonymous said...

Eventually white people will recoup Flushing like they are doing with Harlem, Jackson Heights, LIC, Astoria, etc...


I dont think so. The problem is, Asians don't sell to non-Asians. They will keep it in the race. It will never fall back into white hands. Gone forever.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous said...

Eventually white people will recoup Flushing like they are doing with Harlem, Jackson Heights, LIC, Astoria, etc...


LIC and Astoria was always white to begin with.

Anonymous said...

"Oh wait - it can never change back because all the small-town charm was ripped away and destroyed!!!"

Jewish Politician Emmanuel Celler made sure it wouldn't with the Immigration Act of 1965.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 9:

And it matters what religion Emmanuel Celler was?

Anonymous said...

No racism needed.

Anonymous said...

I dont think so. The problem is, Asians don't sell to non-Asians. They will keep it in the race. It will never fall back into white hands. Gone forever.

Can't blame them.. If you are talking about property, that's because asian are the only one who can afford the buildings. They can pay 1 million in cash.

If you are talking about anything else, they like all other races are glad to sell it to anyone who makes a profit.

Anonymous said...

Eventually white people will recoup Flushing like they are doing with Harlem, Jackson Heights, LIC, Astoria, etc...

In queens, I would say it's more like eventually a mix breed will recoup flushing.. Asian with white hybrid kids.
Hispanic with Asian hybrid kids. White with Hispanic hybrid kids.. Some blacks mixes too but that's not as prevalent as the other 3 in Queens.

Anonymous said...

Sooo...this is a good thing right? Ship all those asians back to asia, and get some young white kids in there. What's the problem now?

Anonymous said...

I don't care if they are white, black, yellow or purple. Just so long as it isn't 3rd worlders. Oh wait, this is Flushing...

Anonymous said...

And the teenage Asian hookers?

Just for research purposes, what street/corner do they hang out on?

Anonymous said...

"And it matters what religion Emmanuel Celler was?"

Be aware of WHO enacted the immigration act of 1965 and be more aware of WHAT he is.

Anonymous said...

Ever notice when Hollywood shoots a movie in NYC, 90% of the New Yorkers are white (except the bad guys) The more things change in America the more they stay the same.

Anonymous said...

Wow! I rarely come to this side of Queens Crap, but it is an eye opener. Anonymous uses such racist terms as: Asian's eating dog meat, Asian Hookers, White People, mixed breeds, hybrids.
With respect to Vancouver, you may be surprised that after England ceeded control of Hong Kong to China, the very wealthy Hong Kong Chinese emigrated to Vancouver. They now are a strong and thriving part of the city. I would suggest that the screed Anonymous(s) uses would better be served in a rural, Deep South community that has no internet access and lives in the early part of the 20th C. I am sure Anonymous (he/she/they) would be very happy there among the hard scrabble White People.

Anonymous said...

Of course, all these toilet paper complexion white people (sorry did I offend you?) taking over the very little minorities have in this country...yet again. This isn't even a surprise. All the white supremacist in the comment section prove it too. Congrats guys! Everyone outside of America hates you :)

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