Saturday, March 1, 2014

Be careful what you lobby for; you just may get it!

This appeared in City and State yesterday morning:

"9:30 a.m. – New York City Councilman Daniel Dromm and state Sen. Jose Peralta call on Starbucks to clean up their garbage, in front of Starbucks, 37th Avenue and 79th Street, Queens."

Here is some of the press coverage:
Local Starbucks Dumps Trash Near Apartment Buildings, Residents Say

Pol, residents call on Jackson Heights Starbucks to clean up its garbage

(You'll notice Peralta didn't show up.)

I received this e-mail:
"This is a freaking joke. Of all the trash in Queens, this is where they start? I go to this Starbucks. I honestly don't see what the big deal is, and I'm not saying this to defend Starbucks. Meanwhile, Peralta lobbied for the Starbucks to come to Jackson Heights in the first place!"

Oh damn!


Anonymous said...

The ENTIRE CITY has been buried in snow and garbage for most of this wicked winter. I have never seen our sidewalks, streets and highways so filthy!! Dromm is a jerk for singling out Starbucks! He needs to walk around the block and see the disgraceful condition of the rest of his district.....

Anonymous said...

You have it hand it to Dromm and Van Bramer. They are always out there in their districts doing something. I constantly see them in the papers and on TV, practically everyday. Can't say that for the rest of our electeds in Queens....Think about it.

Anonymous said...

This is some of the neatest garbage I've ever seen.

Come to shithole downtown Flooshing for some real garbage!

Go after some of the disgusting ethnic restaurants that basically hire illegal slaves instead of an American corporation that provides health care for its employees.

Never happen - wouldn't be politically correct. Our pols are such assholes - always playing it safe, never tackling the real issues.

Anonymous said...

I guess their constituents don't have any issues and they have nothing better to do.

Anonymous said...

They are always out there in their districts doing something

Lots of heat, little light.

Anonymous said...

"You have it hand it to Dromm and Van Bramer. They are always out there in their districts doing something. I constantly see them in the papers and on TV, practically everyday. Can't say that for the rest of our electeds in Queens....Think about it."
This is a joke, Right?

Kumar Patel said...

Danny must not walk on 74th Street between Roosevelt and 37th Avenue (the Indian/Pakistani/Bangladeshi enclave) that much.

He doesn't notice the garbage there?

Oh, I forgot, you're not supposed to notice the bad habits of the "vibrants".

Plus, you can't shake down the "vibrants" the way you can shake down Starbucks. A page out of the Jackson/Sharpton playbook!

Anonymous said...

Dromm is the poster boy for Garbage.

Anonymous said...

Cultural Marxism.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't Dromm and Crowley go on 74th Street between Roosevelt & 37th Avenue - it has been a pig place for years and he is well aware of it -- those businesses never clean-up at all -- they have been given tickets and they do not give a damm -- a third-world country over there -- just horrible

Joe Moretti said...

Well, if you want to see fucking garbage, no better place to come than Jamaica.

Hell, I wish our garbage looked like that.

Anonymous said...

I saw a duh-doy Dunkin' Donuts employee dump a bucket of liquid to the ground in front of the entrance rather than onto the curb, making customers track the liquid back into store. Whether it's the piss-quality Dunkin' Donuts coffee or the toilet water remains a mystery.

Anonymous said...

A Danny Dromm Photo-op, nothing more...

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