Friday, February 10, 2012

New terminal for LaGuardia

From the Times Ledger:

U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-Jackson Heights) hailed news that the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey received proposals from 15 private firms interested in replacing the Central Terminal at LaGuardia Airport in East Elmhurst.

“I think it’s great,” the congressman said. “I think it’s healthy and I think it gives the Port Authority some options in terms of who to choose.”

The Port Authority is planning to redevelop the airport’s Central Terminal building. This terminal, which opened in 1964, currently hosts flights from 10 different airlines and encompasses half of the airport’s 72 gates. The authority said the current building is outdated — it was designed to handle 8 million passengers a year and now has served nearly 13 million a year since 2006 — and the agency is planning to create a new 1.3 million-square-foot terminal for $3.6 billion.

The terminal will cost $2.4 billion and the remaining $1.2 billion is for associated infrastructure.


Anonymous said...

Has that money pit ever NOT been under some sort of major construction within the last 20 years? How many millions have vanished into that black hole?

And the sad thing is its a dump, as is Newark, and all the cool old terminals at JFK are gone or no longer in use. That NYC doesn't have a decent airport is a disgrace - and I feel certain this new construction will not change that.

If they wanted to do something useful they'd connect subway lines (no boondoggle monorails) right to the terminals - but I won't hold my breath for NYC POLS to care about us 'rabble'.

Anonymous said...

"gives the Port Authority some options in terms of who to choose"

Seems like Joe is lining up his next job at the Port Authority after he loses the fall elections - he would be perfect dysfunctional fit for a dysfunctional Authority that has pour all it's resources into Liberty International Airport in Newark! Let's send Joe to NJ!!!!!

The prev poster has it right - do something useful - connect subway lines right to the terminals

Old soviet terminals work just fine if not creaky - billions to do what build the same??

FlushingRepresenter said...

COOL! This will make Joe's flight from Virginia to New York more convenient.

Anonymous said...

Cheap building material and shoddy workmanship will only call for another round of wasted construction a few years down the road. Why is it that anything that is built in NYC looks cheap and decrepit in such a short time?
Where have all the good designers and engineers gone?

Anonymous said...

Is this the terminal Mr. Crowley will use when he flies from his HOME in Virginia to visit his constituents here in New York every now and then?

Anonymous said...

why is crowley reperting this is he gonna get some federal funding for this project guess he may be using the terminal now to fly back and forth to virginia

Anonymous said...

New York's airports have been under reconstruction since the day they were "completed" in the 30s and 40s, and they always will be. That's a fact of air travel here-- it's requirements need upgrading every 3 to 5 years. We need to accept it; embrace it; and budget for it.

99%? said...

"We need to accept it; embrace it; and budget for it."

Yes, we hear the same bullshit when it comes to development.

Why doesn't Crowley budget for schools or hospitals that we need - instead of something that will mostly benefit Manhattan?

Afterall, that is why he moved out of Queens - better services for his family.

and I bet they don't live next to a polluting noisy airport.

Anyone want to ask him about these things?

A Better NYC said...


The final cost is $10 billion.

The project will never be 100% complete.

Anonymous said...

Forget the airports. We need hospitals to treat all the illegal aliens that "Virginia Joe" welcomes here with open arms.

Anonymous said...

Shut the airports down and rebuild the country's railroads. Look at what is flying into this city and country on a daily basis.

Steve P said...

Nice....a domestic only airport in the middle of the third world. Isn't it great how the rich bastards found a nearby place to go on their junkets that does not affect their enclaves?

I say fuck the airports. Very few real residents of Queens use them. Build hospitals, schools, rail systems, etc...

Let the rich bastards use their airports in Westchester and Long Island. Lets say a rich bastard lives in Sayville. He has several airports which are or can be commercial airports to go on his junket to Vegas or his business trip to Dallas. Let them use those airports. The Sayville rich bastard has McArthur, Spadaro, and Grumman (can be a very big airport). But they don't want the noise. Fuck them.

Anonymous said...

$3.6 Billion doesn't buy what it used to. And A Better NYC is right, cost will go north of $10 Billion.

Be interesting to see what building airports in other cities costs ? Particularly in right to work states !

Anonymous said...

Fast forward to 2145: Port Authority to replace old United Airlines buildings....

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