Saturday, April 21, 2007

War over congestion pricing begins

Told how Bloomberg compared the $8 charge to the price of admission to the movies, Queens Borough President Helen Marshall replied, "A lot of people are not even going to movies because they're $12."

All pumped up

"This is an unfair tax on people who are paying the price of having a poor public transportation system," said Marshall, referring to residents of her borough. "Our mass transit system is already overloaded."

Yes, Helen, but after Queens is completely gentrified, everyone will be able to afford the $8 to go to work every day...

Here's more from the NY Post:


The NY Times:

Drivers’ Fee Would Face Uphill Battle

And Newsday:

Mayor in new drive for motorist fees

Photo from Daily News


Anonymous said...

Typical welfare state mentality. You can have it all. A whole host of goods and services promised, uncritically passed on by the press, and you get a glassy eyed 'God will provide' if you ask questions.

Look, grow up. You blow up the electric grid, rates WILL go up.

You overload the transit system, someone WILL have to pay.

georgetheatheist said...

Manhattan - the movie. The drive-in theater returns!

[Lemme get some popcorn and Jujubes.]

Anonymous said...

We'll all have to move to manhattan and live 8 families to a studio apt.

Anonymous said...

Are any of these comments about congestion pricing? I can't tell.

This is a great idea. Too many people drive into Manhattan from the other boroughs. As long as the money raised is used to maintain and improve the subway system, everyone should support this.

Anonymous said...

Manhattan has got a moat around it and the wealthy who live there don't want gasoline fumes from the outer boroughs choking them!

Let's (millions of us) do a"drive in" protest past His Honor's east side residence and give him a good dose of the asthma that the people who live in Long Island City have to deal with on a daily basis!

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg tells residents of outer boroughs: "We don't want to see you 'Little People'".

Bloomberg, we CHOOSE whether or not to go to the movies. So, many of us stay away; way too pricey.

Bloomberg, this TAX is compulsory. Even if we must go to Manhattan, you demand payment.

Bloomberg, promise all you want about the plans for the money extracted from this tax, we all know that you are already planning how to spend the tax money on anything else except serving the outer borough taxpayers. In short, you're lying again.

You really don't know anything but lying.

Anonymous said...

This is what you get when you elect a billionaire for mayor. Stop being stupid, don't elect by the commercials you see on TV, but whether or not the guy running is someone you can relate to even in the most remote way, and you won't get this kind of crap.

The cultural and music community is already leaving in droves. The service workers need to follow.

Anonymous said...

"Manhattan has got a moat around it and the wealthy who live there don't want gasoline fumes from the outer boroughs choking them!"

"Bloomberg, this TAX is compulsory. Even if we must go to Manhattan, you demand payment."

Have you people ever heard of the subway? There is a simple and easy way to avoid paying the $8 fee. Take the subway to Manhattan. You live in a city and have no absolute right to drive everywhere you want to drive. It would do both of you good to get out of your car and get some exercise.

Anonymous said...

FH Guy:

Ever try to get on the E train at Roosevelt, Queens Plaza or 23rd-Ely during rush hour? I have to let 4 or 5 of them pass by before I get on one. So I drive into Manhattan and park so I am not late for work. And there are many people who have to drive into the city for business purposes, like to make a delivery. Enough with the snark.

Anonymous said...

Hey FH guy, i've heard of the subway the closest one is about 2 miles away. Care to walk it with me during a snowstorm sometime? There's not even a park and ride near it. Oh there's a bus, but it doesn't run 24 hours and often times you have to wait 30 mins to get one. And then it's so crowded you have to wait for the next one.. Oh and the trip can take anywhere from 40 - 90 mins.

Of course manhattanites have to walk a whole 4 blks for the lex so they're building them a bazilion dollar subway so their expensive shoes don't get worn out.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg doesn't give a flip whether you "Little People's" trip to his precious Manhattan is your choice or not, he wants you elsewhere, but, if you insist, he wants your money.

How long do you think the $8 tax will last before it's raised to 12 because of frivolous spending on everything except transportation?

How's this for an idea?: We make no optional trips to Manhattan. No restaurants, shopping, movies, no nothing.

Let the restaurants, movies, stores, etc, open up in the other boroughs. Come to us. No money to any business in Manhattan!

Then, watch Bloomberg's precious friends and cocktail partners kick him back to Boston (who will probably reject his return).

Bloomberg is completely aware that if cars are kept from Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens will serve as parking lots for the blocked cars.

Boycott Manhattan!

Anonymous said...

"..everyone should support this."

It is not that easy.

There are always pros and cons. I do like the idea, but there are instances where driving is preferable to taking the subway or bus. I think the fee should apply to non-business vehicles with less than 3 occupants.

I take mass transit everywhere I can, and drive on weekends only if necessary. (I usually buy an unlimited Metrocard) For example, it would be better for me to drive into Manhattan with the family, instead of having us all take the subway. There are also times such as going for doctor's visits, picking someone up late at night, etc.

The above person also makes a good point about the already crowded subway and buses. Unless plans are in the works to increase service and capacity, it would be a problem to get around as it gets more crowded.

If it worked to ease congestion and improve air quality, I'm certainly for the idea. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer that suits everyone.

Anonymous said...

For the people who are driving into Manhattan to go to work, you must make a lot of money. How else do you afford to park in Manhattan during the day? If you can afford the parking then you can easily afford the extra $8 fee.

To the person who said they have to let 4 or 5 trains go by at Roosevelt Avenue or Queens Plaza, this is a total exaggeration. I take the E or F every day during rush hour from Forest Hills and it is very rare for the trains to be that crowded that people cannot get on at Roosevelt or Queens Plaza. This is the city and subways are crowded. People who are so uncomfortable with a crowded subway should not live in the city.

Anonymous said...

Hey FH Guy:

Just because you don't have a problem getting on a train doesn't mean that no one else has a problem. People take the same line you do at all hours and are reporting difficulty. I myself have had to allow 4-5 trains pass at Ely Avenue before I could squeeze my way onto one.

Many people have parking paid for by their companies, or there are free lots available to them. Not all of Manhattan workers work in Midtown, but most have to pass through to get uptown.

Anonymous said...

FH Guy sound like a lapdancer for Bloomberg.

No, FH, not all people who HAVE to work in Manhattan make a lot of money! Never heard of Teachers, police, Firefighters, nurses, clerks? Or are these Little People beneath your contempt?

FH, you're frighteningly toady. Learn to think. Learn a tiny amount of compassion.

Anonymous said...

Could you be more predictable? When someone doesn't agree with you, you call them names. Then you say that I should learn to think? You're the one who needs lessons in that department.

And who am I supposed to have compassion for? For people who live in the city and think that they live in the suburbs or the country and that they have the right to drive everywhere they want anytime they want? I have more compassion for people who live in the city and want to contribute to helping the environment and their fellow citizens by taking public transportation as much as possible.

Anonymous said...

"let the entertainment come to us"

Ouch, did you ever see the dreck that passes for 'culture' here in Queens - those sorry-assed examples of local entertainment 'events' that the local politicians pour our tax dollars into?

About as imaginative, spontanious, and joyful as Our Leader's Birthday in North Korea.

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